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Operation Barrio Sweep


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Let us term this "Dregs of Mexamity" in this dumping of Latino children into the United States border now being contested for Mexican Empire rule with the assistance of the Obama regime. The first installment was the arming of the Mexican mafia to the be the enforcer arm as al Qaeda is for the regime in the dope, whore and terror traffic on the Rio Grande, and the second phase was the completion of tunnels in an expressway Chunnel under the Wolf River for contraband between Mexico and America, and the third phase is this bizarre bambino dump into America.

Readers might recall that there was in the works a sort of mass gang rape and slaughter of latins to pull the harp strings to get this invasion legalized, but after appearing here the operation was haulted, and this operation has now been engaged.

Rush Limbaugh is factually incorrect again in his stating "these parents will have to join these children" as he in his naive scripted condition has no inkling what this child traffic is about, as he uses pedophile terms as PENETRATING to describe them.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, these children are the confiscated wards of the state, the culls of Operation Barrio Sweep. These are the dregs of humanity.

What these children are, are a sort of Romanian psychotic child dump on women buying children like Laura Ingraham. No one is asking why any parents would send their children to be preyed upon, but in that, is what naive thought is missing, in like Castro Mario Boat Lift, these "children" are the orphans, retarded, sick, products of prostitution, feral street creatures, followers of prison inmates and any other psychotic manifestation which Mexico seeks to be rid of.
These are the future prison costs of Mexico and they are in coordination dumping them into these United States as part of this amnesty push by the US Chamber of Commerce for slave workers and pedophile rape.

This is coming out of the highest levels  of the Mexican regime and is being coordinated directly out of the White House. None  of this is happening by chance, but exactly like Gun Runner it is by nefarious and netorious design.

The regime has been stung enough by it's agencies and cabinet appointees like Eric Holder, BATF, Sebelius, IRS etc... and in Operations Barrio Sweep they are playing this close to the vest. This is the image of Birther Hussein, and this is OCREEP with one member in Val-erie Jarrett is running this.
This revisits 2008 in the first installment of Obama crimes, in there is a group like ACORN which is the conduit for this with the Mexican regime.

Inquiry points to the coordination point which Val-erie Jarrett is utilizing is Obama Chin's Indonesian roots as no one is golng to think to look in Asia for Mexican barrio sweep of children. This is where it hits it in this is being run under the cover of UNICEF, yes the United Nations children's relief organization.
Book states in inquiry that the Asian participant in this was given 5 million dollars for bribes and to run this operation, and that he is being promised to head the group as his  payment for services rendered.

The regime is not going to have any more of this Congressional investigations, as this is no checks and balances Jarrett, dealing with an Asian who is a product of Stan Ann Dunham's Ford Foundation work in grooming this stooge, and in bribes and charity toward the Mexican regime, these feral kids are ending up America.

If you do not remember the disaster of the Romania and Cuban dregs of humanity dumps, this is one which is going to fill American prisons with rapists, dope dealers, murderers and psychotics preying on Americans in tens of thousands of shattered American homes due to these arrested development children.

These are future criminals and have no........"parents" to reclaim them other than being anchor babies for released inmates so Mexico can rid itself of more of it's criminal class.

I will inform you of something which will still shock you. In these discussions, there has been in the protocols the inciting of enough violence and human care problems IN WHICH THE REGIME WILL CALL IN THE UNITED NATIONS AND BLUE HELMET PEACE KEEPERS WILL BE UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE UN, IN CALIFORNIA, ARIZONA, NEW MEXICO AND TEXAS.

Entire cities and regions are going to be taken over as "refugee" centers, with the entire guise of this being Squatter Mexico in Mexican state sovereign areas for these dual citizens, much like Obama's making Indians separate autonomous areas.

You are thinking too small in this, in the old scandals of the regime using treacherous cabinet and agency groups. This is all offshore. The only trace of this is off book in the money is from the regime, but is being laundered through the United Nations Ambassador's office.

So you can twiddle your testicles and fondle your ovaries, but this Operation Barrio Sweep makes Holder's Gun Runner look as small as it is, for Gun Runner was only an attack on the the 2nd Amendment. Barrio Sweep is being instigated to turn parts of America over to the United Nation's Peacekeepers. The states will be promised to rid these invaders from their books, and all of this, the choice will be UN occupation or "amnesty".

Now you know again more than anyone else. I would think it would scare the rich people to donate to keep informed as if you have not noticed in my being off internet, you have absolutely no idea what has been taking place as you sit like boobers watching Drudge and other media.

OK nuff said.

Time to go read a book.


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