As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.........
I need money.
Apparently my stating at almost every post that people are required to pay their debt for reading this blog is somehow lost on the no information voter as most have not paid and others find rich people ways to conclude that "they are poor".
If you eat fast food, if you have high speed internet, if you have digital tv. you are not poor, so stop lying to God.
What this witness is about though is a subject which must be addressed as I am seeing a trend again from 1929 and 1976, which will be explained in this way, as rural America is connected to Wall Street America.
President Richard Nixon and Sec. of Agriculture Earl Butz, opened up in the early 1970's fence row to fence row farming, because to help with detente and the balance of trade, American farmers were promised Soviet exports and money. Richard Nixon came through, and with cheap interest rates and a bubble cycle, farmers started expanding, going into debt and driving up land prices, based on the dollar for oil trade.
By the Jimmy Carter era of the late 1970's, the bubble burst across the board from steel in Ohio to the American farm. Everything constricted on design as in 1929, and the second great exodus off the land was engineered in America to manage people in the cities.
When George W. Bush, dumped 1 trillion dollars into the US economy, the cartel led by George Soros sought a way to get that money. It was the derivatives scheme, in buying debt, which bankrupted Americans buying homes, which banks still own.
In this, idiot shills like Mark Levin for big oil with Rush Limbaugh blamed grain prices rising on bio fuels and farmers were scourged for it, when as I explained it was the Chicago traders under Soros, Archer Daniels and Cargill who were soaking up that 1 trillion dollars of the 9 11 bail out to hold off a world depression.
The Obama regime has kept prices high in fuels, but as this blog has exposed, the farm markets have been manipulated to gouge farmers.
Farmers in America are millionaire slaves now who are arrogant and base in their outlook. Their children all desire to farm now wearing jogging shorts as it is easy money. The problem is the base price is being tanked by the regime.
I will use two markets of good land and poor land. Iowa was selling land for 5000 dollars an acre. It is now 32,000 dollars an acre. South Dakota which is poor land was selling land for 700 dollars an acre, and now has prices of 4000 dollars an acre.
There is not any way these farmers will ever pay off that kind of land prices, as the land can not produce enough in a lifetime to pay itself off.
So 100 acres of Iowa farmland is over 3 million dollars. In South Dakota it is 400,000 dollars or almost half a million dollars.
The realators are behind this Wall Street scheme, and so are the local governments which are raising property taxes based on assessments.
All of this is being assessed though at record high crop prices, as arrogant farmers are ignorant slaves. They now have tractors costing almost half a million dollars. Fuel bills of 2000 dollars for one fill up. All is petro chemical from Monsanto crops to fertilizers, and they have that debt for land, and they have the property assessment for high tax prices.........but crop prices are going down, even with all that Wall Street money going into the Chicago Mercantile.
Wall Street money is going by design into crude oil, or else those farmers would be gaining a greater in the black account to ward off what is coming.
You must understand that Wall Street creates bubble wealth. The financiers do not allow people to keep wealth. It does not matter if it is a Clinton Dotcom bust, or if it is a Carter land bust. Whenever wealth was created under Nixon and Reagan, it was taken from people in busts.
George W. Bush created wealth in America, and farmers made out like bandits. The pattern in this is coming when those dolts are going to be sheered, just like the Wall Street investors were in the DotCom bust.
I personally am going to enjoy this in my dire straights, as people ask me what is up with the blog and seem not to figure out when I SAY I AM POOR, that it means I AM POOR.
Instead you get lessons on history to prepare you for what is coming, and only the pertinent points about Putin and whatever as warnings.
I do not know how dense you people can get in things are in bold print and repeated, and yet it is a reality that you are not Rush Limbaugh low information voters, but Lame Cherry no information voters.
You are the reason the cartel is going to destroy you as you are your worst enemy. Mockingbird has been an absolute success, as like Noah, I keep telling you what is coming, and like those sinners, you never helpled build the arc in money, and just discounted what is coming.
All of these rich farmers hanging onto land, are going to have that land all taken from them. That will delight me, and I hope they are all as without a hole in the ground as I am. Having read the Bible enough, when God Judges a nation, as He did Israel, God had a 90% kill ratio on Samaria.
Other parts of the Bible speak of a 2/3rds kill ratio, so one thing I am certain of, it is not going to be a question of looking to the left and the right of you to see who will die, it is a certainty all will die and it is going to be all your fault.
I have been informed I will live, but I could care less if I die. I hope for Heaven and then I will not have to deal with ungrateful boneheads who are nothing but spacetakers.
What I have been telling you is a pattern is emerging again. I did this before anyone else, and the signs are there by the subtle hints in those like myself who know history.
George W. Bush was America's last chance, as I predicted by the Grace of God and I have been proven correct. The Lame Cherry was your last resort and you starved me to oblivion. You will pay with your lives for that.
nuff said.