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Great Lignite Basin


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I found a reprint in Elizabeth Custer's series of books concerning the geology of North America. She quotes Professor Hayden in his 19th century discourse of America, and in it you find something which is mentioned in passing, but if you know what is being spoken of, your red flags would raise and wonder why in the hell energy prices are not at 50 cent gasoline and 20 dollars a month for electric.

"We believe that one, the great Lignite basin, extends as far southward as California, possibly, westward over the mountains to Utah, and northward probably to the Arctic Sea, interrupted by the upheaval of mountain ranges."

If you could revisit the 1970's in America, you would find a great deal of propaganda put out by the Government and Capitalist, concerning two subjects.

1. Subject  1 was America had a 200 year supply of natural gas as it was one continuous pool.

2. Subject 2 was America had lignite in vast reserves to power electrical power plants.

For those who do not know what lignite is, lignite is a very inferior grade of brown coal, which has fossilized matter in it from ancient forests. This lignite was given as the reason for building huge power plants in the American plains region for shipping electrictiy to the east.

Something puzzling though happened in the 1990's in suddenly the brown coal disappeard from Montana and Wyoming black hard coal started being shipped to these plants. This was the same period when Bill Clinton took Utah's black coal from the market due to Indonesian Obama's Indonesia having the only other huge coal deposit in the world.
Clinton did this with an Al Gore tended Riyadi bribe to the Clinton Gore re election campaign of 1994.

You will notice the propaganda from the socio conglomerates in "shortages" when none occurred. America has high grade crude oil from Alaska to Texas. America has the same natural gas pool of 200 years of energy there which is clean, and now America in Big Frac has unlocked from shale oil huge reserves not understood how to retrieve.

I return now to Professor Hayden's obsevation by Libby Custer in the REALITY of this, in there is a lignite basin from California, to Utah, and up to he Arctic, which is all cheap energy that could power America for 1000 years without any rationing, but with 1950's gas guzzlers and space heaters.

I place these facts AS THEE ONLY SOURCE in this, in pointing all of this before you, in how you are all being robbed. My goodness my children, the geologists knew there was a huge reserve of coal in the 19th century.
The reason lignite was not utilized, was there was not electrical plants in this world, and hard coal was best used for manufacture of steel and for fueling home heating furnaces. Lignite does not burn that cleanly nor readily, unless it is placed in a modern system.
So lignite is there in a basin as large as 1/4 of the entire north American continent apparently by an expert who was not being paid to global warming lie to Americans.

Once again, I am the only source in this, as I am not in pay to Big Frac or Conglomerates. You get the real information, as you are too lazy to open a book and read things, nor do you have the Holy Ghost Inspring you to know what you are reading as someone in passing biography happens to mention what was common scientific knowledge over a century ago.

The only reason Americans are being looted, is because a monopoly is robbing Americans with the police state pointing weapons at you. There is more cheap, available and abundant energy in coal, oil and gas in America, than can be used in 1000 years.

Focus on that reality in the LIGNITE BASIN of America. Focus on it.



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