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A Bid to have Intercourse with Lame Cherry


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I see now by an auditioning blonde medical whore of in the intellectual classes that La'me has gone about this all wrong in a big donation of 350,000 dollars, as the skank pictured above is offering her "vaginal virginity" to a top bidder, and she has 550,000 dollars in the top bid, with a 100,000 dollars in various bids from Japan to whatever.

I had no idea that all I needed to do was prostitute myself for a ticket to hell in order to get a big donation on this blog. I mean what is God's Word worth in the here and now, as I got 50 years to worry about Judgment in God not allowing sex violators into Heaven.

Granted I do not have an  Apple computer, and granted the last old pervert who tried to get frisky with me offered me bread I think, as in bread and water for his sexual enticement if I would write to him, but all the same, this seems really easy.

I mean who would not want some creepy rich bastard or bitch, sweating on them, puffing on them, dripping into them, who had to pay money to have contact with another person? It all sounds so enticing really and I can see why any woman would not want some male or lesbian putting in the big bid on it.
Again, I just do not know if it has to be human sex, or if the bidder could buy this whore for Bobo the chimp or Fido the dog, as I would think that sex is all the same, when you can watch a Mexican do a donkey south of the border or in Egypt get a Muslim to finger bang Lara Logan for a small payment.

This all gets hard in this, in would this be an all nighter or is it by the hour or is it until body fluids are ejaculated? What kind of rules are in this...........as this medical whore apparently has taken it up the arse and down the gullet as she is talking about vaginal cherries, but then again is it discrimination in a law suit could be filed as Obama only likes getting sucked off and some fellars like it only up the arse like........well Elton John.

I have not probed any of this as I am just stunned that all I had to do was auction off my body to get a big donation in being the popular girl. No one cares about life saving posts or how this blog protects their investments, but just offer a little poontang, and up comes the big donate button bid.

The problem in this is, I know that clothed this med tramp looks at her best in her shopped pictures. I know that undressed she is going to be a disappointment as all people are. Her boobs are small and her ass is going to look..........well like a big ass on that man sized body of hers. That permed hair is going to be greasy, and you just know a thing like this has on more perfume than a mustard gas bomb.........and how about that Max Factor taste coating your tongue.

This is about sex though and let us not think how many cancer causing things are going to be rubbed off on you or what in her  other non virginal status is going to infect you.

I wonder if you get hymen shots or photos of the thing, or is their authentication it is not some sheep skin sown in? If you want sheep sex, you can get that for the price of what is it 130 bucks now at auction. I just wonder about it all, in what enticement there could be in poking something into a tampon torn area, and probably dildo calloused drag track that has more rubber marks coming out of it than the Indianapolis 500.

So the medical bim goes, "EWWW" and tightens up, and she has to take it, even if the vagisil on lathered on, and Mr. Peter or whatever a lesbian has strapped on goes to work, and blood stains things.......and do not get me on blood in what that up a penis would do with hep and only God knows what else was crawling around in her veins........
Oh like you do not know that people have mites all over their eyelids eating on things non stop......the human mouth .......there are less germs in a toilet most days.........gadfry, it just is this blonde cesspool of critters
and bacteria and virus......it is over like in 3 minutes and even with Viagra and condom, it is over as virals get right through latex.

Bim though is charging 100 dollars to have the opportunity to bid in winning the bid which is non refundable. I wonder how that would work in people could pay 100 dollars to read the blog which is non refundable, if they won the chance to win having intercourse with the blog.

Personally, I could see maybe 25 dollars as tops for this bim, providing there was a 16 dollar steak, two three dollar red beers and a big piece of blueberry pie involved......then again after that she would owe me money as that would be over 25 dollars........and I really would worry about Obamacare covering poisoning by all that makeup toxins and the thangs she has lubed up in her head hair.

Looks like she sleeps on the floor too, and I don't want not brown recluse biting me.

In adding this up, I figure besides costing the winner their eternal life and the bimbo bid money, there is all that medical checkups as my brother said in, "Catching something you can't scrape off".

Of course I would probably shoot someone or if I was thinking about it, carve on someone quite awhile if they offered to have sex with me for money. I told you a whore offered me a freeby to have sex with her awhile back and thought she was complimenting me, when I judged it nothing of the sort.

I  guess the long story is in this quite short, in you rich people have a choice today. You can do something moral and donate to Lame Cherry at 350,000 where I do not shoot you for offending me and TL does not stab me for being a whore, or you can donate to the medical bim, where 35% will go toward some female 3rd world charity......which is just a fucking tax dodge as that is the IRS going rate, so she is like Limbaugh in not giving a damn about people, just the donations.

With me you got a chance of hiding some of your heinous sins and not going to hell, and with the bim, it is like the non donation in it gets you on the pronto pass to hell.

Is odd how rich people will pay for sin and ending up in eternal death, but think they can cheap their way to God.


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