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a vision without within


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

"The public is an insatiable cancer requiring information to be fed constantly as it is never enough in past exclusives for all they return for is the narcotic of new information to bring them to the apocalypse of orgasm."

- Lame Cherry

I thought today as I was moved for something to instruct you on in the hidden knowledge to allow you to know what I experience as I am constantly in motion in Spirit like the churning swells of an ocean.

I first desire you to know, that you experience this in part every day in your own will, other people's will, God's will and demonic wills. It is what makes up every moment of your life as you are battled over in who will win out for eternal life or eternal death.

When one is satan's, one does not have a great deal of problems with life, as satan is not going to inflict upon those who have chosen death. It is when one has chosen the Light of God, that all sorts of evil take place. God allows this to transform you into a higher illumination in Him.

For God's creation in me, here am I a natural conduit for Spiritual revelations, and I will to explain this, as most of you would be emotional wrecks or become insane if you had to deal with this, as the waves have no rest with all of these wills and thoughs splashing about in the matrix.
The matrix is the term I use to describe the matrix of thought, a gigantic pool of thoughts and wills which are in constant motion, and it is emotion. I feel these things and am greatly affected by them.

Until TL came along, I could read anyone, but I do not do this as an occupation, as I have sealed myself off for the most part emotionally from humans. That is not to say that I am some stone and am not affected, as I do come under spiritual assault as does TL from human sources who satan then works through. Give a person place or access to you, and that window will be exploited, even if it is just admitting them into your presence in politeness.

I only have come across one person, who I have mentioned here, who had an ability to hide or shield what she was, as she was hiding things. All have this, but this was her practice, while most are open to being read, and one can sneak up on people while they sleep and find the true identity.
This might sound enticing like being a Prophet, but you always have to guard against other frequencies people have as they do affect and imprint upon you.

I recall a remote viewer who stated he read Idi Amin, and it took some time to cleanse himself of that evil. It is one reason you should avoid bars or taking narcotics as there is amplification and doors opened in all of that which change frequency as people and demons abound there in that heightened realm.
I used to go into any room and read everyone in feeling them. I now am so shut off, that I just feel the dull buzz of them which is a basic signature of a weak tone of fear and consternation as their lights burn out.

This though is about the matrix. While I do not in the sense remote view and have never invested the time in this, I instead utilize another method which is more instant which I will not reveal. I do not have some abilities which I do not quite understand why exactly, but I believe some abilities require a deeper visualization of matter and I am not inclined to do this.
Everything I do though begins in God's Holy Ghost, and even in that, there are times that things attach and influence the information coming in, so I have to keep on guard for that.

TL and I are lights of God which stand out like a street lamp, and it attracts ghosts and demons like moths to the flame. I have had to tell ghosts of the dead to leave in Jesus Name and to go to the Light as in an urban area, you have allot of that going on, in they are drawn to the Light in this world.
People always have traffic, but most ignore it.

TL sees things better than I do. I hear better than TL does. One night we were talking and this black looking thing came floating through like a bumblebee flying and I blinked and wondered what on earth that was as you think you are seeing things. That is what TL sees often and it was an evil thought from someone. For a time my computer screen would shimmer in waves of darkness in evil such as that being picked up by the processor and internet collective thought.

That is what an EVP, or electronic voice pulse generator is when hooked to a computer. It is a simple reception device. It is nothing more than a medium and in that is the danger of it all, as anything can come in over that channel and will to gain admittance to you, to destroy you.
The reason I bring this up, is the internet is one collective of thought and was built for that purpose. It takes millions of people of non ability and by it amplifies the signature to one of refined ability for those who know this to exploit it for their purposes.
Those Obama cell phones handed out to poor dupes are not just for surveillance, but for suppression of the mob, as they receive a numbing current to the minds of these dupes to keep them from revolution.

That though is a different subject, but the collective thought is one which is being exploited in mass.

EVP is what I naturally do. I hear it and I feel it. I am greatly affected by it, and unless one knows how to turn it off, it amplifies and grows inside of a person and gives no rest. The world is not at peace nor are the people any more.
What is manifesting is a jagged evil, and I mention I was in a dvd shop that marketed comic books, and while I never read them, I knew enough of cartoons and comics of the past that I was shocked as the old Aquaman was a peaceful looking American, but the new one looks now more like something out of a horror movie. There is a mass primal scream being imprinted out of the matrix and it is pure evil and inhuman.

I used to generate responses in pinning down information I heard which was a very tiring and long process. In what I do now, I generate, hear and confirm responses almost instantly, so things go so very much more quickly as I know what to read and even recognize the nuances of what I am seeing in the strength of the signal.

Let me explain a typical event which might appear here exclusively in physical terms. Say you have an accident on your street corner which you see and your neighbors witness. When events first manifest, there is God, Holy Angels, Saints, demons, ghosts, along with you chattering about all of this in a pure mostly unadulterated message of conversation.
Add now to that the police state in their radio chatter if they are trying to say, that the Tea Party caused this event, and the media is broadcasting false information about that accident, because in this case the police state was involved in it.
There is a branch in this whose purpose is to send out false generation messages to the matrix in order to divert from what actually took place.
Then as the days progress, there are thousands of people all discussing this information which took place on your street corner, and they in wave begin generating a story which often does not express what the main event was at all.

That is what requires will, time, ability and experience to filter through, as I do become frustrated and amused in watching all of this, as being in God, the Truth does prevail, but sometimes there is a first wave which is absolutely false, because it is what the mass population is currently believing.

Events which take place are affected by that, and once the gash of all that upheaval heals, then the scar of it speaks again as to the real event. Events which have not taken place, are filled with the upheaval of them before they take place, and that is why some things come to pass and some do not, and all reload again if the event is a major signature happening as the demise of the Birther kept repeating.

I will for those who are drawn to this in thinking they can handle it, to tell you not to be enticed by this or it will possess you, as it requires being cemented in God and carried by Christ and led by the Holy Ghost. That is the foundation of this and if you take a short cut, it will have you transformed into evil. I never set out to do this, as I had no idea such things even existed, and I still am learning more advanced lessons in this, as each step is a greater mountain to deal with in forcing it to be gone.
Patrick Swayze in ghost was moving a penny. The things I deal with are earth sized and it has all the nits of will of people who have no idea in satan what is the best for them, but are all just selfish little sparks from a fire, flying up into the night and seeking to set off an inferno in the world by the fanning of satan.

I would that someone would be moved by God to that big donation, as I am too busy in this tempest reading all the time and I have no rest. I would that I could just rest for a bit and deal with the storm which is passing, instead of being driven and swept along by it, as 7 billion living souls, how many ghosts, the Saints at times, the host of Angels, legions of demons, satan, God and then me, is a crowded house to be affected by every moment.
I would that I was of the Jesus or Elijah ability, but I have not grown to that yet or perhaps is not my Gift in Spirit. I have to work for this, and while it is easier than it was, it is a matter of the Holy Ghost helping me to deal with the din. It is why I tune out the masses as where I am, I do not have space for the useless clutter of humans whose primal scream is a constant of some phobia, lust or evil.
One reason the library creeps me out is all those open minds, amplified by computers and it is all monitored. Feels like a security scan constantly when I am there, even when nestled into my nook which my signature has imprinted.

I do not know if any of that makes any sense in the above, but I do hope it explains a bit more, as all of you have ability and all of you are affected by all of this every moment. Most of you though are so of yourselves that you are dull and do not notice it, which in many ways is good, as you are not then being greatly influenced by others, and it is the inflictions of satan or the ministering of God affecting you.

There is what I deal with is not allowing the tempest to sweep me away as this is a large storm and growing worse as the great tribulation approaches, that even in the calm of the eye of the storm in God's holding, the waves below are the worst kind of cavern. I can feel though this is moving at an incredible speed as I move on the outside edge of the matrix.

There are no secrets in any of this though, as those who contemplate things or do things, are in confession, and Angels and demons know, and make commentary, as much as the Saints and ghosts, and God knows all. So it is always the Truth erupting to the surface no matter how many lies are diverting thoughts. There is always a spike which pings in some commentary or confession.

I think I will leave this again for now, as the reason for it, is there was nothing at the moment moving me to focus on anything. I think now the school of the Prophets was nothing more than people with like abilities, who in collective each received and sparked information on certain events generating in the matrix.
Problem in this is people like that accident always have a leading bias will, and people start to mimic the dominant will, and that will produce a false signature. That is how you got false prophets and God's Prophets.

Enough of this as I contemplate needs in thought signatures manifesting to reality. I never prayed for a planter, but I required one in thought, and as I could not afford one, in throwing away the garbage into a bin, there sat a planter with a plant in it, the neighbor had tossed out perfectly good.
They had no idea they were serving my will. I have experienced this before. I simply need it to take place with money into the donation account.


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