As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.........
I fully have the Inspiration of God in me in that I have always been given ideas to improve upon what God created. I believe in gene splicing, not for endangering people or manipulating food crops to make them poisonous to insects and immune from herbicide poisons making them poisonous to people, but for creating new genuses of plants.
I did not appreciate William the Conqueror referring to the English as the cloth of the land. It was a disgusting use of the term people as livestock which is the Age of Obama in this feudal world. Upon that though I now present for you a new cloth of the land as my genetic experiments are for an entire new venue.
There is south Asia a palm, Corypha umbraculifera, known as the Talipot. It is a most interesting tree in it's main produce is a leaf which grows 30 feet edge to edge. The Asians take the leaves along to sew them into tents or make umbrellas of them.
Like all palms the leaf is thick and able to take some abuse.
This started me thinking on the subject as the talipot flowers once in a long life and then dies, how I would like to splice it's leaf growing ability, upon an equal grower in bamboo, whereby instead of little leaves and sticks, the main product would be these huge leaves.
I am not done with this yet, as my next splice would be to place the gene for cotton fiber to be the woven base of this leaf.
Could you imagine a tree producing perhaps two crops of leaves a year, in numerous thirty foot strips of cloth, which did not require gins, milling or weaving, but simply cutting into cloth?
If you desired to make natural colors, you have all those natural designer reds, yellows, browns and blacks which leaves turn to in autumn, but the reality is, it would be possible to take worthless lands and make them the cloth of the world, leaving productive crop land in high nutrient source cotton to instead produce food.
Add cinnamon to this, and the insects and fodder eaters would not eat the leaves either as a natural repellant.
Would not this be a marvelous work of genetics in producing a cotton leaf tree which could cloth the world in a most renewable resource, which would be perpetual. Of course it would, and that is the type of thing I would of course been doing if I had been provided those millions in grants in global warming scams in actually doing something good for humanity, instead of cheating it.
Yes if I had benefactors like Thomas Edison this could have all been undertaken and completed already. I have mentioned of my plans to breed a new coral on which to build within a few years of growth, huge new additions on islands an continents, high above flood levels, for a new pioneer settlement, of ever person having 160 acres to develop.
Imagine the Pacific Island chains producing together an area the size of another continent for settlement.
Money is wasted on the rich, because they have no Inspiration in what to progress humanity, so this horrid regression of mankind is taking place. Dreams did not end with Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher. It is just that the dreamers like myself have been barred by the rich from benefactors who could have changed this world as Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie and John Rockefeller did for good.
Wow you mean Lame Cherry could solve the world economic problem, population problem and malaise problem, all without war, all without rapine and all without taxing people to death? Yes she could and she places those solutions here.
Do I worry about land building displacing water to flood coastal areas as some worry twerp is already thinking themselves smart over. Not in the least as that is what my corals are for and ...........what was that???? Oh yes, the coral would require top soil on them and that would come from the ocean sediments of the eroding continents.
You do realize there is more fricking dirt eroding off continents every year RAISING OCEAN LEVELS THAN WILL EVER COME OFF OF ICE MELT RIGHT?
Oh yes, another Lame Cherry exclusive none of you smarties ever came up with to refute that boob John Kerry and his global warming twits. See none of you think and you just keep churning up the same vomit and spewing it out. None of you add to the conversation so it gets DULL and people stop listening.
By God's Grace I make the stories sexy and Lame Cherry creates the brain buzz to keep things interesting.
I literally am the most valuable commodity on this planet, since the industrial revolution group of minds, all due to God's Wisdom. That is a fact proven by what appears here.
I just ask to be paid for your entertainment by the people with money. One rich person with 350,000 dollars in a donation for that meal consumed here for the mind and then I stop talking money.
I leave this at that reality again with the question for the people with money in, "What great thought did you have today? Wearing socks or not wearing socks?"
Of course I mock you for the primitives you are as you have not the common sense any more than any other aboriginal sitting on a diamond boulder. It makes a nice seat like your Wall Street portfolios, but you have not the sense to know what to do with it.
The designed tipping point has already begun. That time is approaching when I will not even be able to save any of you as this all crashes to that one feudal lord in the anti Christ.
"Every Cingalese throughout the Kandian district is provided with a section of one of these leaves, which forms a kind of fan about six feet in length. This is carried in the hand, and is only spread in case of rain, when it forms an impervious roofing of about three feet in width at the broad extremity. Four or five of these sections will form a circular roof for a small hut."
Sir Samuel White Baker
"In addition to this, there is a tree in Ceylon which is a "sack tree" named Riti Gaha locally. It is a most interesting tree in it literally produces a cloth in the bark. I provide the quote:
From the bark of this tree an infinite number of excellent sacks are procured, with very little trouble or preparation. The tree being felled, the branches are cut into logs of the length required, and sometimes these are soaked in water; but this is not always necessary. The balk is then well beaten with a wooden mallet, until it is loosened from the wood; it is then stripped off the log as a stocking is drawn off the leg.
It is subsequently bleached, and one end being sewn lip, completes a perfect sack of a thick fibrous texture, somewhat similar to felt. These sacks are in general use among the natives, and are preferred by them to any other, as their durability is such that they sometimes descend from father to son. By constant use they stretch and increase their original size nearly one half. The texture necessarily becomes thinner, but the strength does not appear to be materially decreased."
So many wonders known and discarded centuries ago, and with genetic development it would be possible to revolutionize the way plants are utilized in service to the needs of humanity.
Once again, a quick growing bamboo might be the Riti Gaha cross, and if the speed of growth would not hinder the tree cloth, this would be a perfect crop to grow. The refuse could be used for housing panels or perhaps burned for creating electricity.
So much to do in thinking and discovering for 7 billion people.