As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........
If strength were derived from size, the bear would not howl at the bite of the ant.
- Lame Cherry
A Lame Cherry Doctrine.
The rugged individual was once championed by the American Republic, as the Republic neither had money, resources nor prison in which to care for the huddled masses thrown out of Europe, who would have become the breeding grounds of revolution.
Americans had to fend for themselves as the Government could not afford the cost.
In the Omerica of the Obama regime change, it is a matter of fearing the individual, by trying to convert the individual into the mob by bribery in Wall Street Welfare or bribery in food street welfare. For in gaining control of the mob, then there is not the threat of the uncontrolable individuals which the regime does not have resources enough to imprison or murder.
This is a dichotomy which has never been explored and is again another Lame Cherry thesis of PHD doctrinate, that where one Republic through off the masses in not being able to afford to keep them nor control them in creating individuals who cared for themselves and thus empowered the Government, the other measure is a regime trying to control the individuals by massing them through bribes, high prices, removing morals, jobs and property, whereby the mob becomes dependent on the regime and is thereby controlled and power remains in the hands of the few feudal elite.
The mob could at any time yet, before the advent of minature predators to mass assassinate them, rise up and take all the stolen wealth from them, but for fear of the illusion of the thin line of the police state, which evaporates at the first signs of resistance by a superior opponent.
This is the reality in the real tiger is held then within a paper cage, and could free itself it it simply would move.
That is why the Tea Party, Christians, Veterans, Survivalists all are placed upon terror lists in the modern Omerica of the Obama regime change in these individuals, after massive amounts of conditioning in schools, media, business and politics, refuse to become part of the self imprisoning herd.
Whereby millions have simply bleated satisfaction, the rugged individuals have not responded to the conditioning, which means they are deemed a threat to the control of the regime.
To state again, the Republic gained power by making the mob into individuals which produced things. The regime gains power by making the individual into the mob, so it does not rise up and terminate the regime.
Once again this has been definitively explained as no one else has in the Lame Cherry is the modern Burke, Johnson, Bacon and Henry of the age. It is the solitary task though in being the only mind producing an education blowing the black brain plague rot from the intellect of the west.
I honestly would give the few of you A's for being model students. The rest of you I would fail with a red letter F. The people with money who have not donated as was the price of this course, I would expell as you get this half assed in assembly every time.
The last genius the west produced was Milton Freidman, as I stated it is a solitary thing, but even he had his associates who could sound like parrots with training.
This course is ended with the following quote:
"If the regime of Barack Obama was all powerful in it's police state, it would not be disarmed by the unarmed thought of one American."
- Lame Cherry
Laws are utilized by Governments to protect the Citizen. Laws are used by the regime to criminalize the Citizen to threaten them.
- Lame Cherry