As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
When one has two noted mic heads in Opie and Anthony pondering why a revolution has not started in America, it neglects the reality that suppression techniques have been involved in psychological warfare conditioning of the public from sonic, media, wave and chemical repressions as in fluoride additives.
Corruption of morals to the use of degenerative narcotics all produce the effect of the frog frying in the pan to death by stages in not jumping to safety.
This study of revolution is not some knee jerk reaction in a Lenin or Trotsky, but a method of stages in utilizing propaganda first, and then using resistance as in the American Founders. Revolutions are not spontaneous whether it was Aquino in the Philippines or the Arab Springs, they are things engineered.
When they manifest correctly they are Putin annexing the Crimea and when they manifest incorrectly they are Obama blowing up 40,000 Syrians.
In examination of the this in a revolution in America, it is a given chance that 200 individuals could bring down the regime manifesting in Washington DC, for the inherent flaws of the modern police state in America is a thin blue line which depends on electric current to bridge vast distances for police state control.
It is why the regime federalized all, down to shoot to kill SWAT teams, in programmed uniform wearers are not to think, but to slaughter quickly anything which manifests out of feudal control.
In revolutionary theory, if a burst device were keyed on certain command and control frying the circuitry, it would produce a mandatory asset of a revolution's success. Think of this not as the Sal Alinsky quiet revolution of seizing control by conditioning and making the state criminalize the mob, nor the not revolution of George Washington, but a current revolution in which the regime would be first made blind and death.
The theory of this would be to fry the abilities of the system as what Edward Snowden accomplished in blinding the system partially. For a revolution, street cameras and other listening systems would have to be neutralized, and this would be done by the much propagandized EMP.
The 9 11 terrorists were led to believe that if they took down the Twin Towers and Pentagon control structure that America would implode. Nothing of the sort happened as it was not a complete structure. One does not take out the US military, but one instead does not activate it so it remains passive as the police state is neutralized by making it not worth their while to keep Gorbachev in power and allowing Yeltsin to gain power.
In this, one does not have a mission to inflict upon the population, but instead in key elements to disaffect the population on two points to make them the diversionary mob for the police state to deal with.
Wall Street and Welfare street means of rewarding pacification would be taken away, as much as payment of federal e checks to the police state, by frying those circuits.
The police state is not going to risk their lives for nothing, and the mob denied welfare and stocks would then be discontented and become a problem for the state. The state system has been trained to bully and beat the mob. This SWAT response would alarm, inflame and infuriate over 100 million in a 5th column which would the occupy the time of those security forces who would be exposed and overwhelmed.
Consider the George Washington reality of King Louis of France in French troops on American soil. A modern equivilent would be Vladimir Putin working in concert with a Tea Party group as in 1776 both in support and assistance.
The Russian intelligence and assets would be a major tipping point, as much as the same type of British West Indies bribes, in the trade for Arctic oils, would have Moscow securing an ally in America working on concert with Russian interests in dealing with Europe and China.
Taking down Wall Street, Chicago commodity computers would not affect the American population directly. The neutralizing of the e checks bribing people would affect and disaffect the masses, who would the turn their fury upon the police state, and each would victimize each other, until the mob would take out the police state.
In this, it would require definite command and control, meaning the states would have to become pro American. These things would have to be factored in as would Russian invasions of assistance alarm or be welcome? Russians being quartered would offend such populations, but the factor in this would be 49 states would welcome the trapsing of Russian troops in California due to the others jealousies or thinking a come uppance would be fitting.
The same view would be of Russians in New York, City proper and leaving the upstate to local control which is Conservative.
One must comprehend that leftist states would be enemies of a revolution, but surgical removal would be welcomed by the other states, and the subdueing of California, south Flordia, New York into the disarmed states as New Jersey and Maryland would offer opportunites for a state as Texas, Ohio. Georgia, Arizon to ascend to leadership.
Do not think for a moment that local prejudices would not be whispering in the minds of regional powers seeking their own ascension.
One must comprehend that there are vast assassin mercenaries in a corporate structure who would be the volatile extension of a regime, as much as Europeans who performed the Andrew Brietbart assassination. The weapons of chemical, biological and nuclear would be employed against United States mobs, as this cartel operation would comprehend this was their survival and ridding itself of tens of millions of the mob would be a protocol which is on the books.
It would surprise you that the military has war games initiated to use WMD's against Americans in a revolt? Perhaps you missed the drills of the police state against key American groups? It is the same scenario.
When one observes the Tea Party was definitely given an 18 month life and it succumbed on schedule, after Karl Rove attempted to seize control and after a definite sodomite operation by the intelligence MK ULTRA nestlings was engaged, it is a glimpse of the complete character of this shadowlands in making war on Americans constantly to judas goat this along.
The British giving George Washington anthrax is not going to be an isolated response in any revolution. Millions of Americans have been murdered in various forms to bring this to where America is in the 21st century by design. I make the point that you must realize how bad the situation is when Opie and Anthony are perplexed in asking why in their frog in the hot pan, why a revolution has not started.
When people are discussing revolution, one should have taken place 20 years previously as those discussing it are already dead.
There are always variables in this, as it could be an issue of an e coup. It could be a Washington coup or it could be an 11 million dead French coup. Those variables are shortened by the success of stores and planning with resources. The correct management of the mob. The offering to the mob a better deal than what they are imprisoned in now, and the advent of a revolution would spread so quickly, that those behind this would rule only from the postage stamp size land of DC.
It is more than having 100 million guns. It is the semblance of the excuse of the grand jury indicting in law and order, so the criminalization of those in the regime, would allow the removal by warrant those behind this, in the old magistrate "wanted dead or alive".
This is a most interesting study in matter anti matter. It is of interest that no Sal Alinsky has arisen to make these simple Sun Tzu protocols even placed into the public mind. That is the tightness of the control of this, and it being this complete reveals it's strength and it's weakness in not affording a volatile mob any knowledge of avenues of revolution.
People never consider a revolution in it's nature of diplomacy, mob control, disruption of the surveillance and the control of the propaganda. The neutralization of the regime media by same electronic nullification would be a standard, as much as gaining radio broadcast control and never lying to the public to gain trust.
America is already in revolt. It has been for decades. The question is whether the population will revolt to be exterminated by which type of weapons of mass destruction as the Edward Snowden group attempted to purchase a bit of time.
The annihilation of Americans as were known before the 21st century is a reality. It now is the progression of events in how much of a fight it will become, in those resisting will be defined as terrorists as George Washington was by the British, and those groups terminated.
These realities will be played out in the next several years. There is a minority of thought which has not responded to the mass conditioning and those are the focal point of this by the cartel. It will be of interest if more Edward Snowden's appear, with a message to appear which will change the world to one of reaction or one of using pacification software to one of militant software.
So much in these subjects to study............