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Spiritual Virus


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........

A question was posted about sin offerings and vibrational frequency transfer, along with being troubled for a few weeks after contact with someone who had been in the sphere of association with this questioner for some time.
This is another lesson expanding upon the Spiritual and spiritual in how the unseen works, and in reality it is like a viral infection and can reach pandemic as America has been experiencing in her national sin upheaval.

One must differentiate between the God of the Bible and the forces which are demonic or of witchcraft nature, as they operate at different methods.
God is a God Who cleanses and washes away that which is contrary to Him. He does not take on sin as sin is foreign to Him. In Jesus case, He as the Son of God took on the sins of the world past, present and future in one complete payment or offering in His Sacrafice whose blood negates all sin which is not deliberate and that which is repented of by the child of God confessing those sins and professing that Jesus is Thee only Redeemer.

In cults, such as sexual where the priestess had the male attendees copulate with her, and taking on the ejaculation of sin, there was transference as that negative energy was used as a power source to empower that dark sphere. Sin does have a power curve, and when mixed with blood, semen etc... it is an enhancer to the practioner who is not of God.
It is why I have always warned of people not lighting fires on birthday cakes and making wishes, as that is a spell and it is based upon a high day or power day of one's birth. Practicing this spell releases the fire demon molech in the candles and the smoke arising is the chant sending it to the consumptive forces of demons and nature, which the person will have to pay for as nothing of that sphere is free.

I do not desire people to get all upset about the above, but just be aware, renounce it in Jesus and do not practice this any more. Ignorance gets people into a great deal of trouble and destruction as satan is always looking for a way to exploit what is coming out of your mouth in things you say and convenant yourself to.

I have mentioned in part previously about associations with people. Every person has an aura or soul light. It literally transmits energy either positive or negative. You know this as you experience it constantly in people you meet as you "read" them as a threat or not a threat.
Life is a thing which you have to associate with others. As I write this, I am in the city, and I can feel how it has changed from before the holidays to now New Years. It was a gaping wound before the drama of the season, but now it feels like an dozing stupor of a people, as all that booze, dope, sex, debt spending and presents spiking the souls, has burned out the psyche of the peoples and they are not capable to project as their sore just has them slumped onto the couch of their existences.
Associations though are of different types and people must always be aware of what they are going into covenant with.

Covenant might seem a strange word, but covenant is signified by eating, drinking and offerings. You dine with people or exchange for services, you are in a contract with them and that opens windows to you.
I use the example of a bar in explaining this, as bars are filled with people who get spiked in aura from that atmosphere. Demons occupy that space as miserable people are there, and there is a great deal of negative energy there, with opportunities to "dine" on the sin which is being engaged in from drunkenness, brawling, lewdness, sex etc...
When you go to a bar, you begin picking up the frequencies of the auras of the people there. Someone buys you a drink, you are in covenant with them..........and then you are in covenant with every person they are or have been associated with, and that includes demons.

Sex is a transforming agent and demons imprint with it, as do the sinners. Add alcohol or dope to it, and it is a mind control and soul control, no different than a Manchurian candidate scenario, and people never are warry of it, as they think they can handle it.
People always see a serial rapist or murderer as some ghastly thing, and yet that person was not born that way, but was instead created over a period of years in choices and degradations which brought them into possession of that destructive force. If you could obtain an honest answer from someone who is acting out in sin, if they would recognize themselves from 20 years ago, they would answer they would not, and would be shocked by what they had degraded to.

People in the spheres of our lives, are not all blood dripping from the knife. They are though for the most part perverted. Most have done ghastly things which are hidden away, and most have naked pictures on their iphones and most would not know God from shinola, even though they smile and pretend to the world how nice of people they are.

They all pick up bad auras and demons and this is something to comprehend, in if you are on Spiritual path with God, that you are a light in this world of darkness which shines in the Spiritual causing great attention.
When Jesus terms satan as a roaring lion, that is a perfect analogy, because most have seen predators and are aware that even if you are safe in your home behind locked doors, that predator or demon is still out there prowling around looking for a window or door which is open in order to get at you...as that is what they do constantly.

Resist the devil and it will flee from you, that is Scripture and fact, but people do not see satan working through Peter with soothing information which we desire to hear that is contrary to that which God wills for us in service to Him.

I will use this example. You have neighbors and most of you are snoopy enough in your self preservation to know of the comings and goings of that household. You note things like deliveries and friends. satan notes the same things and if the wiles of satan will not work on you as you keep things locked up, then satan is going to make certain you meet someone interesting it will work through, or satan will find someone you associate with to attach a demon to, to get access into your home or life.
The same criminals you prepare for in locked doors have an unseen demonic criminal spiritual demonic group which stalks in the same way.

I utilize this example again. Being lonely over a decade ago, I prayed a most horrid person into my life who satan had ahold of. The main point being satan had the trap I walked into and I died from the experience from this this soul rape.
Not long after another person showed up and my being nice in talking to people, this person gained access to me while sitting in a Baptist pew every Sunday. This creature was an absolute liar, and perfect "angel of light". The warning signs were there in she was married twice, and admitted she had cheated on her second husband after a night in a bar with a rather limp male she neglected to reveal was still in her life.

This female for all her "christian" espousing was no different than the first demoniac who almost destroyed me. She knew what the first person did, and did exactly the same thing to me, with the lowlight in ruining my birthday as it was a high day.
As I later put together what took place, it was all a satanic trap as my good nature was looking to help save someone.......problem was this female was part of a family that had a house demon, or demon that was generational and it was sexual. This incubus had a thing for deflowering children and perverted sex as in adultery.
I of course in this spiritual warfare went on the attack, and even though I had been seriously harmed, I in Jesus dislodged the demon which had attached itself to the limp guy on the adultery night.

That incubus showed up a few days later around 4 AM while I was asleep. An intense sexual pleasure enveloped me, and I awoke held by the Holy Ghost and in my typical Vulcan science I asked, "What is this?" as I was perplexed and had no comprehension what was taking place.

The Holy Ghost informed me it was a demon and an incubus, and as I resisted I inquired, "Why?" as in what on earth this thing wanted and the Holy Ghost replied with one word in, "Host".

To review this, satan had literally destroyed me during Christmas seaon in all kinds of love and goodness, just a year previous. It then sent in this second demoniac and the entire plan from the start was that one night for a 4 AM attack. It was a complex, malevolent and brilliant plan to send me to hell to gain possession of me, but in God I resisted and that thing departed.

satan is not a one dimensional or one event creature in trying to murder you physically and spiritually. satan is not just the jerk cutting you off in traffic, the pretty face smiling at you or the piece of candy beckoning you to steal it.
satan works through those you love, satan works through parental honoring and satan works through Scripture, as the Bible reveals. it will use anything and anyone to get at you, and if each of you review your lives, you will find in it like detailed plans where the devil invested years, people and resources to get at you and in most cases it is a scenario using your good nature against you as you would not expect that.

It requires discipline and work in constant vigilence to be on guard. One can use barriers or frequencies as in Holy Water or Oil, to candles to deflect or dampen the effects of what is assaulting you. Blessing yourself, your family, your possessions, your home, your job etc... is something in Jesus Name which is good wire to put up around your base camp.'
You do need the whole armour of God though in Scripture, Prayer and Pondering the Word of God, to assist Faith and your will in God's Will being accomplished.
You can rebuke and refuse to admit the demons and auras associated with people who trouble you. Just be aware that it is an opening and is a danger as satan will  not quit.

It is a point that in example, you can be the best Christian in the world, but if you are in a bath and someone tosses in a radio, you are still going to get shocked as demons have cause and effect like all forces.

I do not want to leave the impression that the Life in God I have is some rose colored world where every time I flush a toilet an oil well gushes forth. It is a constant and wearying battle. It is not glamorous. It is exactly the same garbage you have with family, friends and associations, with some mortar round coming in unexpectedly which has me wondering, "How in the heck did that happen?"
I have to police myself constantly. I have to put up barriers which seal the Spirit in me, so when I am interacting with others, I do not allow the contact in aura which is the passage way in.

I am a target because I am Christ's. You my children are targets, because as this world darkens in all it's perverseness, your lights are noticed all the more, as there are fewer lights now. There are always exceptions to the rule, but if someone says they are a Christian and their life is like some fairytale, from my experience they are not God's at all, as satan pounds Christians relentlessly.
That is why those types who are on stage announcing they are "spritual warriors" getting off on that, I dismiss and have nothing but contempt for them, as Spiritual warfare is horrid in the pain and misery. No one in their right mind would ever desire to have heaped more of your worst hurts in their lives.
So I wonder of the conduit of satan they are in luring out the children to the fight where the children will be slain spiritually.

It is a point though in the maxim I follow in moving by the left flank as Gen. Grant did to Gen. Lee in the Civil War. When hit, I get up and keep moving. When denied, I double down in will and move forward. When stopped, I keep pressing forward for the answers, and I do not give up one fraction of the ground I hold in Christ.
That is not to say I do not get discouraged, do not scream in prayers to God, or do not get depressed. I try though to use those emotions to amplify prayers to God for deliverance and know that I can lick my wounds while advancing as when I am being hit, that is a sign satan is trying to stop me.

All a Christian can do is keep going for the Victory Christ already has awaiting them. I am on point and I was designed for this solitary work, as each person has the duty to perform.
I am thankful and God bless each of you for my not being alone in how you minister to me from a note to a donation to a prayer. I am far too negligent in not expressing that thankfulness, but it is my flaw  in I presume to celebrate when the war is finished, and now there is one battle after another where not paying attention to the conflict might cause a loss.

I do hope that explains a bit more in this to understand the facets of this. I personally would like to have Peace, but a Christian now is a target due to the few who remain, and with communities denying God and turning themselves  over to the sodom nature, the power curve builds for satan and it's minions, so it is chaos.

It is more difficult in being a Christian now than a generation ago. Christians are exiles in their own land now and the extermination process is unfolding globally. All one can do is put on the whole armour of God and keep moving forward to the Victory Christ has obtained already.
A spiritual virus has infected to a plague the body of people and in madness the mania of the mob seeks to destroy the few healthy Christians still in the midsts as satan plots the infection point.

nuff said

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