As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
TL and I in morning Bible study came across the teaching of the Christ, the Messiah, Jesus the Son of God, concerning:
Mark 3:29; "But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation."
This is always a satanic terror for most people when they come across it, and it is something which has troubled me and made me ponder for years as no sane person wants to "blaspheme" against the Holy Ghost and never be forgiven. So satan checks people with that to make them focus on it, and to make them think in ignorance that maybe they had sinned like this.
This will all be easily explained and you can then have peace.
Context is what the Bible must be always read in. You can not take the verse, "Jesus wept.", and project from that, that Jesus cried twenty four hours a day and that only be weeping can you be like Chirst. In context, that verse was about a specific event involving Lazarus. The Bible must always be studied in context.
In Mark 23, the context is Jesus had just went to the mount, and from all of His disciples, He chose the 12 for the main ministry, and sent them out with Authority to cast out demons.
In context, imagine if someone was in your state, and sent out 12 people who started making people well in mind and body, by casting out demons, in emptying out hospitals, ending disabilities and by this sending such a shock through your state, that the government and clergy saw this upheaval.
The people would be in wonder, they would be asking the clergy and the government as well as telling them what great event this was, and the people in power would be perplexed and naturally like modern terror watch lists, conclude this must be some threat as obviously, "I am in the synogogue and God is not doing this through me, so obviously it must not be of God".
That is what was taking place. The human psychosis of denial started immediately and then these people in power started smearing Jesus the True Messiah, that He must be insane, and when the people answered, "Well if Jesus is nuts, then how are people being restored as no insane person has done this before?"
This then brought the judgment that Jesus must be of satan.
Jesus answered the rulers then in the reality if satan was destroying itself, then that destroyed satan, so Christ could not be of satan.
That brings us to the Mark 3:29 statement by Christ and the explanation follows in Mark 3:30.
"Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit."
I will translate this from King James Version to a modern tense in, "But those who deny these miracles by the Holy Ghost through Me, will never be forgiven, but that denier is in danger of being condemned to hell.
Because the rulers in the clergy and government said, Jesus has a demon in Him doing these miracles".
Obviously in this, you are not to "damn" the Holy Ghost of God or any other curse as that is disrespectful, but what Jesus is simply saying is, do not ever say that the Spirt in Him was a demon, as that person would be saying the Pure Spirit of God is unclean, iniquitous and demonic.
This calling God's Holy Spirit as satanic was becoming a teaching of the clergy in Judah. That was a condemnation of God, so of course in rejecting God, people condemned themselves as there is a confession in the Nicene Creed concerning the Holy Ghost in, "I believe in the Lord and giver of Life".
Jesus office is that as Savior. You will remember though that Jesus was Baptised and the Holy Ghost came upon Him and people saw it. Martin Luther explained that, "Baptism is not water only. Baptism is the washing and regeneration of the Holy Ghost."
The Holy Ghost has an office. Jesus called Him the Comforter. I have written of this before in the Holy Ghost is introduced at the start of Genesis as, "and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters".
"Moved" has a context of "Brooded". "Brooded" is a telling word in this, as birds brood eggs. The face of the deep was dark and not alive. What the Holy Ghost was doing was bringing Light and Life to this universe.
When God's Spirit visited the barren wombs of Hannah, Sarah and the virginal womb of Mary, He was regenerating in the first and the force of Life as the Father of Christ.
I have mentioned in this, and this is great sin of Jews and Muslims in their mocking the "Family of God" or the Trinity, in the Father is like your person. Jesus is the Father's Thought as your mind thinks, and before people enter a room, you feel them, and that is the Holy Ghost, these are Three Holy Attributes giving Life which the image of God reflects in humans.
As the creed sums this up, "I believe in the Holy Ghost, Who proceeds from the Father and the Son, and with the Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified, Who spake by the Prophets....."
The Holy Ghost is not just the baby seed in the womb. The Holy Ghost is God's working through people in gifts, but the Holy Ghost is that Spiritual seed of Life Who is sown into the human soul and transforms them to Spiritual.
The Bible teaches the soul like the body can be destroyed by God in the Lake of Fire, Gehenna or Hell. The Spirit can not. There is a difference between immortal souls and Eternal Spirits. That is the danger in this, in Spirits set like concrete, which are Angels.
Once demons made a choice to be evil, that spiritual cement can not be reformed into good or the likeness of God.
That is the greatest danger in if someone who has God's Spirit in them, goes back to sin in rejecting the Holy Ghost and Christ in the Father's Salvation, they are not going to be destroyed in Hell, but be tormented like satan in the Lake of Fire eternally.
Your having a natural terror of this, is proof you have not done this, as you have sense in you yet and conscience. It takes a great deal of effort to run around false teaching that Jesus had satan in Him and that Spirit was satan in Him, and as I know you have not done this, you have not sinned against the Holy Ghost.
Therefore protect and nurture your relationship with the Holy Ghost at all times. He is the Force Who transforms us into the Spritual Family of God.
Jesus saves by paying for repented sins. The Holy Ghost regenerates you from death to Spiritual Life, and by this you are not this strange physical creature who the Father does not recognize, but instead a Spiritual child who God recognizes as His, as He is Spirit.
So cease from being burdened by this. Instead each moment, respect God. Do good. Confess Jesus as your Savior, nurture your relationship with the Holy Ghost in knowing He is your Restoration in the Father.
"Nearer my God to Thee........."
Now my lepers will I see you as Christ did, in one will return with a donation as they have before, and I will wonder at were there not thousands of you given peace in this teaching?
"For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"
Matthew 16:26
What price is your soul worth when you are standing before Christ in Judgment? I do not expect real poor people to donate as their thanks is enough, but it is a little late to be leper 1 through 9 standing before Christ.
What are you going to reply if Jesus says, "You want My eternal Gift of Life? My message here was worth 100 dollars to you and you were rich. I have glitter Light Gems to present to the Father in His faithful children that no value can be placed upon them, and do you really expect your 100 dollar soul to be presented with them?
You can not buy your way into Heaven, but if you valued My message at 100 dollars that is the price of which you value your soul".
That is the sin of the rich man who listed all he had done in good deeds, but Jesus said, "Go and sell all you have and give it to the poor.", because that money was this rich man's God. He was not doing good deeds to honor God, but because the deeds made him feel superior to others.
I will make this easy for you in numbers. You do not have to sell all you have and give it to wretched poor like me who you use and throw away. God says you owe Him 10% of your income each year. I could utilize the donation here, but if you are moved by God legitimately to tithe elsewhere, then God bless that work.
Do not though pretend your charity donations are tithing when in your mind you are calculating tax deductions. That is not tithing, that is not paying taxes. There is nothing wrong with charities nor tax deductions, but get your heart right in this so you do not have to answer Christ about it and your soul is on the line.
For those who have been Faithful to Christ, have been kind to me, God bless you and keep you. The rest of the 9 lepers of you, God bless you to stop being thieves and liars, as you must be right with God or everything you are is in vain and will perish.
Answer the question, "Would you be pleased if God and everyone treated you, the way you treat Lame Cherry?"
nuff said
agtG 244