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American Exceptionalism


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am weary of the cartel mind conditioning in the hatred of America which puts forward the image of Barack Hussein Obama diluting American Exceptionalism by mingling it with Greek and British exceptionalism in those people are deluded into thinking they are exceptional too in the Obama reset, as Vladimir Putin of Russia is published in the Obama media of the New Obama Times of New York, mocking American Exceptionalism as being a license of naked aggression, while Mockingbird cartel mic head, half brain, Rush  Hudson Limbaugh III places the grafitti over this of the American flag in herding the e pluribus to the position that under attack from Mr. Putin, they must then be herded together to defend America, which under the Obama regime with full gridlock support by Rush Limbaugh, has been nothing exceptional in the least, but Birther criminal.

That is what must be known, comprehended and understood in this shell game of the triad of mind conditioning, as the common Jew is manipulated in this Manchurian Effect constantly. The Jew is told the Muslim is a danger, but do not run to Christians, as they will convert you, so both Christian and Muslim are equally goy and there to be exploited which makes the Ashkenaz elite richer, more powerful and more in control.

I ask you, is there anything exceptional about disregarding the Constitution of these United States in putting a foreign agent called Barack Obama into the White House to change America from exceptionalism to mediocrity?

Is there anything exceptional about looting the United States Treasury and enslaving a nation to Chinese debt?

Is there anything exceptional about about Norwegian awarding Nobel Prizes to Barack Obama just days into office when for the following years he has done nothing but made war?

Is there anything exceptional about assassinating Muslims by drones, overthrowing their governments and turning over their nations to Marxist Muslim terrorists whose leader is at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

Is there anything exceptional about rationed death to Americans?

Is there anything exceptional about preying on Americans like sheep in deepening a Super Depression, driving up inflation in impoverishing them or criminalizing them for acting as moral Americans?

Is there anything exceptional about giving the name Sodom to America which God destroyed an entire people over?

Is there anything exceptional about silence in the mass murder of the Polish government, the leaving of children to crawl over a dead actor portraying Sheik bin Laden, over putting Hosni Mubarak in a cage, over putting the corpse of Col. Khadaffi on display, over 40,000 dead Syrians?

What is so exceptional about a Barack Hussein Obama regime sanctioning an American ex patriot in Yemen by Predator drone or Vladimir Putin sanctioning a Russia ex patriot in London with Polonium 210 with a mic head Rush Limbaugh attacking Mr. Putin pointing out that the American exceptionalism which Mr. Limbaugh is defending is the face of Barack Hussein Obama?

Can Vladimir Putin not help but mock and discount American Exceptionalism when Rush Limbaugh will not with his consorts of Mockingbird call for the arrest of this criminal Barack Obama, in leaving Barack Obama as the poster face of America bowing to the world, when no Russian would ever import a Peking foreign Obama into the Kremlin, disregarding their laws, all over an American psychopathy so insane that it threw off the United States Constitution for a jungle fever exorcism of their carnal lusts and predilicted racism?

All of this triad of discourse is intended by design by the cartel psychological operations to confuse Americans and in that psychological rape, take them captive in Stockholm Syndrome, where Americans are now in Rush Limbaugh defending a country which is murderous, savage, feudal and rapine in the form of Barack Hussein Obama, and the person being attacked is the one upholding the law in the Crimean's right by vote to decide under what system they live and societal laws that marriage should be protected from sodomy and children from pedophiles.

As this requires stating is this designed Limbaugh cloud of propaganda minding, Barack Obama is not American Exceptionalism. Americans reject the treachery, the rapine, the murder and the lawlessness of Barack Obama and those who enable him. Americans agree with Vladimir Putin in Barack Obama is not exceptional, and that Vladimir Putin is exceptional in defending marriage, children and his Russian people.
Where Mr. Putin is foreignly wrong is linking the Wall Street class, Welfare class, Afroid class and Sexual Deviant class to America, as Americans reject this unbridled capitalist, human trafficking, Negroid genocide and perverse class in judging it inhuman, immoral, unjust and reprobate.

The European aristocracy and financier class, created Obama exceptionalism with Muslim money. Mr. Putin is politically played into this in appealing to European jealousies of Americans, Asian prejudice against Americans and Russian antagonism to Birther Obama, as the discord in America weakens the image of Obama as competitor to Mr. Putin, and this European cartel has Rush Limbaugh and his mic heads all rallying around American Exceptionalism which is everything the Founders of America went to Revolution over and rejected.

George Washington was exceptional. He understood that immense debt, alliances with foreigners, hyphenated peoples by race or region, destroyed American Exceptionalism and brought nothing but Vladimir Putin scorn as it proved that Americans could not govern themselves.
America is now ruled by a District of Outlaws worse than anything King George ever deposited upon the colonial shores. America has been regressed under Birther Hussein Obama to feudal factional colonialism and it is nothing to be defended, but instead deplored.

Barack Obama and his global image is not American Exceptionalism and President Vladimir Putin is absolutely correct in mocking that image and those who in microphone attempt to herd all Americans into defending all America, when Barack Obama is not American in the least and his ilk have nothing to do with American Exceptionalism which is by nature a humble manifestation that it is not America which is exceptional, but that God is the One Who made Americans Exceptional by the adoption through Jesus the Christ and the Union in Spirit in the Gift of the Holy Ghost.

I will not as Lame Cherry allow Barack Obama to degrade American Exceptionalism, allow Rush Limbaugh to define American Exceptionalism with Birther Hussein under that name or allow Vladimir Putin to lump Americans Exceptionalism with the image of Barack Hussein Obama for Mr. Putin's political debate in gleaning world public thought for his Russian domestic and foreign agenda.

I speak of American Exceptionalism as defined by God in His 1776 created planting of the House of Joseph into America, as God had planted the exiled Israelites into western Europe in the centuries previous. The Heavenly Father of all of this is God and His earthly conduit is the father of America, George Washington, the American Israelite.

American Exceptionalism is defined by George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, and not by foreinger Barack Hussein Obama Chin, not by propagandists in the mic head Rush Limbaugh conditioning nor in the Russian discourse of Vladimir Putin political discourse.

This has now been dealt with fully in another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.

"George Washington strained every nerve to lift our politics from the colonial condition of foreign issues. He wished all immigration to be absorbed and moulded here, so that we might be one people, one in speech and in political faith.

All men might think as Americans, untainted by foreign ideas, and rise above all local prejudices. He did not believe that mere material development was the only or the highest goal; for he knew that the true greatness of a nation was moral and intellectual, and his last thoughts were for the up-building of character and intelligence."

Henry Cabot Lodge writing of George Washington in defining American Exceptionalism


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