As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I give you the 3 Signs you are the Popular Girl La'me Cherry.
Sign number 1: You read reference material on Kindle, and Kindle suddenly tells you that the program is outdated without warning and will not load.
The instructions on Amazon do not match what your Kindle is which will not open.
You download a patch which is 10 megabytes bigger than your Kindle program which will not open and needs another program to open it.
You download another patch with the same results.
You download a new Kindle, which is the exact same Kindle you started with from Amazon.
Sign number 2: You are sitting with TL on 4 G Wifi, and the moment you start posting about a new exclusive, the 4 G continues to unhook while it is still hooked up, and starts running at 56 K.
TL's computer freezes while you sit on your dinosaur laptop in Blogger getting a non internet connection.
Sign number 3: It is time to phone Mom to check on her, at the appointed time. TL produces the phone and notes the call log says that I just called Mom 17 minutes before this, when neither of us had been near the phone nor dialed it.
Sign number 3 extended: You phone Mom a few days previously and ask her again who she was talking with, and she says, "No one", but the line was busy in your phoning a few minutes before. This is the same line which the phone company checked and said had no problems with.
Same line that kept disconnecting a year ago, and the phone company said to unhook the jack for five minutes to "fix it", as it was apparently an NSA phone tap.
Yes I know that was 4 signs, but doing it that way will probably confuse the NSA.
I record these events as I honestly am amused by them as I trust in God for our safekeeping as to concern yourself about danger is yeilding to the thugocracy of the global regime. I honestly am amazed at how this never ends, but takes on new forms and actually better surveillance systems.
There is no reason in this world to be bothering with me to the lengths of attention I receive. After all if this is all dismissed as nonsense, then why is the regime so interested in what takes place here.
The conversations with Mom are how she is, how things are going with the animals, how Auntie is, how my brother is, and what the neighbors are up to. What is placed on the blog is what is what is. There are not hidden encrypted files on the Lame Cherry or Tiger Lily computer systems. Yet I get this constant forray of attention and something else I can educate you on in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I told you my laptop is a throw away from some business. It is nothing high tech, but what I need as word processor so I can type on a word program when not online to post later. We have noticed something strange in the screen flashes almost quicker than the eye. There in camera on here, but in Inquiry, they of course monitor conversation, but are taking photos of me as I type. Yes just like sound bounce can be used to construct photos, screens as in television and monitors can be reversed to take photo imprints.
That is probably enough of this.