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Lame Cherry's blood.....well my guts too


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......

First, most of you move along as I do not want you looking at real pictures of my blood.

I realize that I have said some of my friends were vulcans, but that means friends, and friends mean that I have the iron based red blood and they of course would have the green blood if Star Trek is correct.

As you can see I bleed, have red blood, and it is arterial bright red and I bleed well. So you get the idea of the size of this picture that is a bovine sized syringe with a needle have a hole in it big as an veterinary supply house could manage to stock.

The point of this post is a proof that I am poor. See I can not afford doctors as I have no health insurance and due to my Christian beliefs I will never sign up for Obamacare, period.

I have had this condition which I mentioned is allergy and environmental based which many of you have in lesser symptoms in acid reflux, sore joints, auto immune things, rashes etc... etc... etc....
What this "thing" started out with was a fever pimple when I was a teenager and it just kept growing over the years, to being quite almost golf ball in size.

Sure I was scared as who would not be, as satan whisper cancer things to you and tumors, but I suspected it was a tumor brought on by milk allergies and compounded by all the poisons in frankenfoods.
In either case, I could not afford a doctor so I just had this thing on the back of my neck I had covered up with my hair.
It never really hurt, but it was large enough to start pinching a nerve now and then, so I was aware of it.

TL decided to be my physician and started working on it. It started with jamming it with a sewing needle after researching things, but all that did was jam it with a sewing needle.
TL then figured a syringe would be the key.........too small of syringe in jamming into me, so TL decided we needed something to really put a hole into that whatever it was.

I have found it is one thing to be at hospital having things done, and another thing to be braced against a table having things done and if things went bad, then trying to stop the bleeding or infection with just allot of interested looks.

As stated, I know what it is like being poor. So it pisses me off when I hear Rush Limbaugh or the image of Barack Obama chattering on about what people need. Sort of like all the rich people who somehow put off donating here as of course when I ask for money, somehow my needs just never can match a millionaires needs in what they spend money on.......money coming from Wall Street which skims to the cent all that money from poor people in all those stock investments.

So it bothers me all of these heartless people and the reality of the people always speaking of health care are doing so for their benefactors as part of a multi billion dollar money skimming operation.

So TL got this cow syringe and I figured it might as well be tried, and TL jammed it into me, and tried pulling back on the syringe, but nothing came out.
TL pressed the syringe on withdrawing and out shot a plug of it like wax. Tried it again and things started moving.
I was pleased as it meant it was not a tumor.

As I stated, I am unique in if this was a real cyst type, it would respond, but the matter I produced by all the genetic manipulation was like spermacetti, that wax like substance I have written of here produced by Sperm whales.

This thing finally did start producing what was in it, which was unpleasant. It was sometimes white, sometimes watery, sometimes green, sometimes having pimple type core consistancely, sometimes shooting it with eruptions when squeezed, and most cases producing something like candle wax.
Yes you try squeezing that through a small hole.

The first time my neck was covered with blood as were TL's hands. It hurt a bit afterwards and it drained. To make a long story shorter in my adventures, the process would be jamming in the needle, pulling it out, and once opened, going at the process of applying pressure.

The thing keeps attempting to come back in filling up, and TL eventually last time in sluffing off the skin on my neck from squeezing and it burning, the center of this thing looking like a crater the size of a 50 cent piece, started to form a line.

It actually had opened up to two pits, but they would not produce this center wax rope stuff.....so TL this night jammed with a needle and it accomplished nothing, and in turn jammed it with a cow needle and it started to produce the Lamecetti as I will term it.
It burns a great deal in this, as the inner tissues are tearing and the nerves are burning, and after an hour of it, it does start to be a bit much, but I am thankful for TL and prayers answered to Angels to keep moving that Lamecetti out of the core.

Part of the amusement is when TL tried the last time, TL broke the syringe and it jammed in me deeper. I could not say that hurt, but at least later I knew why it tingled and burned, and it feels like a very sore muscle yet. The accident was God ordained as it plunged to the depths and it hit most of what needed to be removed.

So my evening was a pile of bloody gauze and TL's hands in blood, and a very angry looking spot on my neck again.

I would think people with money would be ashamed of the above in knowing people in this world suffer like this, and never bother with being bothered with donating. I hear stories about people with cancer losing insurance after being cured, but where is the story of the media type who never had any health care, and is jamming vet needles into their person.

There is nothing wrong with vet stuff, as the Soviets treated their people with all of that for years and it killed just as much as American human care.

I do not know what people with money lie to themselves about in acting like the donation is something that is not meant for them. I do not know how it is that they think 100 dollars is camoflauge for their guilt in all of this.
Crumbs from the masters table while Lazarus has dog physicians licking his sores.

That story ends with Lame Cherry in Heaven and the rich dragged off to hell.

It is just a part of my life and I do not complain about it but post it as my children are always interested in what goes on behind the screen, and the rich need a witness against them. The fun for me was jammed by huge needles, bleeding allot, and TL patiently putting up with me.
I can not say any of this was really painful, except in  being poor, as metal cuts feel to me like a cold burn, nerves burn hot, and tissues tearing just burn too.........and my neck feels like a horse cramp in it.'

I keep forgetting to take a few shots of medicinal booze, but as I said, it is just like someone pinching your skin with a pliers for an hour, and you can think of things in your frontal lobe like songs and most of it gets shut out.

So you got to see my real blood, quite a large portion of it, and a vet syringe meant for horses and cattle which was administered to me.

That is what happens when Rush  Limbaugh does not pay his plagiarism bill here, any more than the rich not paying for the information here. The time is coming when even the rich will be denied care, and then they can find a stick to bite on as someone cuts something out of them. Money will not do a whole lot of good then, but I thankfully have TL as my physician who does not mind carving on me.

So if you people with money prove to have any humanity in you, there is that donate button. If not, there is always God's hell button later.
God bless the cheerful giver.

There people in this world who are my children who have real problems. Some of them can not breathe, some think they do not measure up, some have not had a job in years, some have had their homes taken away.
What most consider a problem day I would welcome, as I have it all, and then some ignorant ass harping at me or Fed Ex,  UPS or utility company trucks parking outside the street, after 7 pm, and when they see me observing them, they usually they drive away.

Odd after I mentioned those trucks, they stopped parking there. Yes the NSA branches apparently are using that tool to apply surveillance to popular girls who are bleeding.


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