"Wall Street was in business for profits in the American Civil War, American Indian Wars, Spanish American Wars, World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam and is in a profitable war against Americans employed by the Obama regime."
Lame Cherry
Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......
This blog is the champion of free enterprise and of Wall Street finance, but only on those terms when it is of benefit to Americans first and then to the advancement of the world, as was the situation of the Reagan Doctrines.
I have been busy, due to what appears the coming of the anti Christ, a preparation in educating Christians as to the reality of what are the sins of the past which will become the sins of the future. I have utilized Germany, as the Fatherland was made a scapegoat by the cartel in their world schemes, and in this, I deem to show America her sins in she was betrayed by President Woodrow Wilson as much as she is being betrayed by Birther Hussein Obama Chin Jinn in the 21st century.
The Kaiser of Germany laid absolutely no blame on Americans in a people, nor as a Government for the heinous part America played in the genocide of Germany, for the reality was America had a right to side with whatever power from Allied to Central she chose and to make money off of it.
I have written of the Entente, the "gentleman's agreement" which in 1897, had America agree to back France and England in the destruction of Germany as a competitor in the world politic and commercial.
The Americans had no inclination that the protocols of the orders of Europe were calling for the removal of all state and Vatican Christian religions though as part of this scheme of annexing central Europe.
I lay out now the realities of this past to explain the realities of the future, and to bring condemnation to Woodrow Wilson who is one of the most dastardly heinous people in world history. There was nothing of American honor in anything this dreadful creature.
After the gentleman's agreement of 1897, Woodrow Wilson would come to power when Theodore Roosevelt caused the Bull Moose split of the Republican party with disasterous effects to the world and America.
Certainly America prospered as she would supply the world with food and ammunition to kill itself and be rewarded to JP Morgan and John D. Rockefeller of Wall Street amassing one half of the world gold supply in war profits.
It had already been laid out under Theodore Roosevelt that the US Treasury would be negated for a Federal Reserve, owned by foreigners and not Americans, so when all that gold flowed into America, it provided for a massive expansion of the dollar in fiat currency backed by gold, which supplanted the British Pound as the currency of exchange in the world.
America was given the Spanish territories of Cuba and the Philippines for her bribe in joining into this later world war. Yes the American rape of Spain was how this gentleman's agreement founded for the Yanks.
That should start to make Americans squirm in their seats, but this gets so very much more heinous in what would follow as it was nothing Americans were and all Woodrow Wilson was.
Woodrow Wilson lied to the Americans for his reasons for going to war with Germany. It was all a ruse, as the above deal had been agreed to, for if America raped Spain and then murdered Germany, she would then get a place at the world leader table, with all that filthy lucre showing the whore's price.
It was at this juncture that Woodrow Wilson lay at death's door in 1918, with saboteurs within and the allies murdering without, that Wilson's 14 points arrived.
The 14 points of Wilson were all a ruse to get Germany to lay down her arms and surrender for the genocide which was coming. The reality of this is after Germany agreed to the Wilson points, Woodrow Wilson laid them aside and the final coupe de tat was enacted.
Wilson promised peace for Germany if Germany gave back all what she held in lands and laid down her arms, and for that Germany was hounded in war reparations and removal of their leader.
Woodrow Wilson never intended to honor anything he offered to Germany. It was simply a drawing and quartering of Germany in conquest.
To give Americans credit, by the 1920's they had learned enough of this and were denouncing what Wilson had engaged in, but by then it was too late.
Lloyd George of London and Clemanceau of France in figureheads of the cartel had made Wilsonian America a liar to the world. With the deluge of moneys and the opening of the Federal Reserve, the cartel along with the Wall Street traitors had gained control of America, for the coming "Germanic Demise" of America in the 21st century.
America never did pay for her treachery in World War I, but doubled down under another bad communal actor in Franklin Delano Roosevelt for the appartheid of Germany in her annihilation which was but another "gentleman's agreement".
For all which was lamented over in the slave sins of the American Civil War, instigated by this same cartel, it is nothing compared to the sins this Wilson Roosevelt fellow travelers commited against Germany.
The texts are filled with the woe of Indian savage terrorists, as there is money to be made in that, but never is there mention of the genocide of Germany which is greater than slaves and savages combined.
Woodrow Wilson politically assassinated the monarchy of Germany, and did so under the promise of better terms for peace, but what Wilson and his cohorts knew was they were fomenting a socialist civil war in Germany for it's overthrow and the worst of it for Germans in exacting pounds of flesh.
To the blood crazed Lord of the Flies group this might seem all natural law wonderful, but the roots of World War II were laid in this.
So you comprehend this entirely in America, as well as England, France, Russia and Japan, it was not Germany which was slaughtered, Woodrow Wilson and his cohorts slaughtered millions of YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS in these wars.
As the Kaiser warned Germans not to confuse Americans with Woodrow Wilson, Americans should be warned to not confuse Barack Hussein Obama Chin Jinn with Americans.
The same machinations are being completed again in the destruction of America to this feudal regime by Executive Order in stolen elections.
"The Bosnian Crisis" is not something which is of the Bill Clinton era, but was an entanglement waged against Germany which Germany extricated itself from before World War I. Yes the patterns repeat as old protocols are dusted off and engaged in again.
World War I started in the French Empire in 1870. That is a fact and when France lusted for German soil to the Rhine and lost, the French were moved to avenge this and it started a world war.
"A Frenchman, Louis Guetant, delegate from Lyon to the Society for the Rights of Man, recently made this statement: "If we once look upon events without prejudice, with complete independence and frankness, without bothering about which camp chance placed us in at birth, the following is forced upon our attention first of all:
The War of 1914 is a consequence of the War of 1870. For, ever since that earlier date, the idea of revenge, more or less veiled , has never left us. "The War of 1870, however, was prepared and declared by the French Government.
The French Empire, indeed, needed it very badly in order to contend against interior troubles and the public."
What is the genesis of the next world war? Just as French Empire, oh and you thought after the Revolution and Napoleon was defeated that France just became this angelic people after having slaughtered 11 million of their own, no France had colonial interests in Africa and Asia, and eyes for German and Belgium soil.........but the questions is to be answered in what is the genesis of the next world war? Why it is the Obama Wars under the guise of Nobel Peace and Obama carving off nations as bribes to other nations.
Why give Russia the Slavic nations. Give bits and pieces of Japan to Russia and Germany. Promise the Muslims the Jewish state and terrorists their own states. There is just not enough land to go with the bribes and that friction will bring about another initiated war.
I made mention of America gaining half the world gold supply from World War I by design. You do know that Russia and China have been hording up gold. You really do not think they are going to be allowed to keep it now do you?
Before World War I, King George visited the German ambassador and all London then toasted the Germans, who then concluded all was well between Germany and England, until shortly before the war, Sir Edward Grey informed the Prince Ambassador to not confuse being toasted with political reality.
Khadaffi would have benefitted from such a warning concering Birther Hussein's toasting of him and other Muslims.
Do you think the Wilson 14 points are so much different than the Obama Kerry points of peace with Iran, which in an understanding to stop making nuclear bombs was given the right to make nuclear bombs of greater size.
The Jews should probably heed the warning of this blog that Obama's points of defending the Jews incinerated after a nuclear attack in a promise of 2009, has in it a reality that Obama was allowing the Persians to build atomic weapons for that attack, and it is doubtful a Jewish people are going to need to be defended after being vaporized.
There are points in this linking Wilson and Obama as both are the same conduits of the cartel. There will be a Great Eurasian War, but at the start of this, there is not going to be an 1870 type war against America, as it would become nuclear. No war in the Age of Obama on America is from within, and simple looting of the US Treasury as the need for trade does not exist in gold ending up in Russia and China.
It is war of genocide on America, but Americans do not recognize it as war, for it is the same tool of war which the Kaiser warned of in the British press blaming Germany for the world war, when it was the allied powers who were the criminals to blame.
As the Kaiser noted, the propaganda did more harm than weapons.
Kaiser Wilhelm's damning indictment of Woodrow Wilson and his puppeteers breathes the hint of the reality of what the foundations of World War I was really about beyond the genocide of Germany.
It was all about the Treaty of Versailles, as that treaty was not just about enslaving Germany, but it was about enslaving the world. Read the quote and see what is hidden in it:
"In the present highly developed state of the world, which rests upon free, systematic exchange of material and intellectual property, regulated solely by production itself, it is quite out of the question for three men— no matter how eminent they may be— to sit themselves down anywhere and dictate paragraphed laws to the world. Yet that is what the Versailles Treaty does, not only for Germany, but also, indirectly, for the Entente and America, since all economic questions can be solved by mutual, not one-sided, action."
Versailles was about dictatorial regulating of the world economy. As a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, Versailles was about using regime arms to protect the lawyer created monopolies of the coming Socio Conglomerates.
Setting global oil prices, food prices in the "legal" and protecting the drug trade, arms trade, slave trade, gem trade in the illegal market for this monopoly all for profits.
Learn though the treachery of Wilson as it morphed into Birther Hussein in the rumors which appear concerning America. What was the final solution for Germany? German was divided as a people into four states of management.
Do you think it is by chance that Scotland is broken in part from England or that those rumors of America dividing into pieces just might be something which is being pondered for Americans in a war.
Think of these things Wall Street is as a weapon against Americans in the trillions they have pirated in profit over destroying America as a business venture.
As the Kaiser noted, it is always easy to find a lone nut to blame for an assassination. It is equally simple to find a greedy financier, power hungry leftist and an aristocrat in search of a crown, especially when a religious offering of perhaps immortality appears in view in the 21st century.
When revolution comes to America again, I hope that a law of impeachment be expanded in removing the traitors to America who betrayed the world, in removing them post tits up from the roles, and that group would be Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jimmy Carter and Barack Hussein Obama.
Woodrow Wilson murdered Germany and stuck the knife if America's back. Barack Obama has murdered Egypt, Libya, Yemen etc... and succeeded in murdering America in the coup de grace.
The facts of history keep uncovering because the forces behind present events keep using the same treachery which exposes the past.
It is the relevant because you are now the target and not some "foreigner" as the regimes are criminalizing their own people in this Age of Obama.
nuff said