As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.........
Upon inquiry, after the image of Obama in the Fang Jinn selfie at the Nelson Mandela necromancy, Muchelle Obama was a woman scorned. One must contemplate that she delivered to Mandela the spores for his end and it was Muchelle on June 13, 2013 who after Barack Hussein Obama Chin went chicken entree, initiated the shapeshifter to replace the deceased husband.
Muchelle Obama has placed all her being on the legacy, as she had no marriage and had no husband. She is attached to this as it validates her and there is nothing else. It was Muchelle who approached Bill Ayers when Bearick was incapable of finishing his book, placing the family in jeopardy. All of this image of Obama started out in designs Muchelle had and this is her being.
It was one thing to be humiliated in children of another sperm as much as having her husband prefer men sexually. It broke the marriage to nothing, but it did not destroy Muchelle. She became more resolute in this and she laid down the rules, and one of them was no more blow jobs for her feces scented penis Barack.
Muchelle Obama has invested everything in this illusion, and knows that if the legacy is not preserved that Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton in a moment would throw her into prison for all of the Obama crimes due to the Fang Jinn being just an image.
It is like Madam Mao and her gang being offered up in Peking after the Chairman went on display in a case.
So it is beyond degrading for Muchelle Obama to sit at a necromancy funeral for Mandela and watch the Fang Jinn slut it up with sodomite Cameron of the UK making a blonde sandwich with dark meat Fang Obama in public in a selfie.
Wives and widows have the cruelest of revenges though as what is good for the gander gets a good goose from Muchelle. It was on this series of events that the Widow Obama retaliated. She let it be known she was staying in Washington DC and the image would be returning to urn dwellings in Hawaii if a coup or impeachment did not take place before 2016.
She also chose the one man who could be the knife to casterate Barack Hussein Obama and the Fang Jinn in public and private, in exorcising all of Muchelle's demons in the rapist Bill Clinton.
Bill Clinton loathes Obama that "bright boy" as he called him. Do not forget that Bill Clinton almost got Obama impeached on election tampering in Pennsylvania. Bill Clinton was the ultimate choice for Muchelle Obama, and she made her move in public by placing her hand on Bill Clinton's knee like he was a little whore piece of ass to use.
It is amazing the terror on Bill Clinton's demeanor in knowing Muchelle Obama just made a pass at him in public. His leaning away means he does not like this woman, but he also is Bill Clinton and he could not resist the major "f*ck you" this would be to the Obama legacy.
There is nothing like having the wife of the male who politically raped your Hillary, sucking on your dick.
Muchelle has the bright eyed imp grin in knowing she is making the pass in public. The real event took place in the White House.
Muchelle and Bill were seated. Muchelle leaned over, bending at the waist and did her best for Bill, as Barack said she would not do for him.
Things got a bit sticky in Bill held her head down when he came. She gagged and it forced her to swallow as that was not the plan.
Muchelle Obama though in retrospect liked being used harshly by a white man. While the Fang Jinn sex did satisfy Muchelle, Bill's performance was better as she needed a brute and got wet over it.
Bill did not produce any souvenirs of cigars or stink finger, but while he did not tell Hillary, his current courtesan was told the story.
The lesson of the story is not to humiliate Muchelle Obama. She will not be a woman scorned as she will not only suck the white rapist, but make plans to bury you later.
Oh for those who keep baseball statistics on such things.......
Muchelle Obama is like her husband Barack in not being a good cocksucker. On the Hillary scale, Muchelle Obama is behind Monica Lewinski in cocksucking abilities. That is not to say that Hillary, Muchelle nor Monica are good cocksuckers according to Bill Clinton.
On the Hillary scale, Gennifer Flowers was a good cocksucker.
In knowing that, it would seem odd that Obama in having a good cocksucker in Lawrence Sinclair, why he would desire Muchelle to suck his pole. The thing is Lawrence was good at it, but Donald Young was the best of the three in Lawrence Sinclair, Donald Young and Reggie Love.
Reggie Love was the worst of the trio, but as Reggie was out the door, a bad cocksucker in Muchelle was better than a no bad cocksucker in Reggie Love.
Geniffer Flowers was a batter cocksucker than Obama's gay cocksuckers though. That should be noted, but Obama never had the pleasure of knowing the difference in Geniffer or Hillary.
I will not go into placing a list of cocksucker standings here of who is Gennifer on top and who is at the bottom, as feelings would be hurt.
Val-erie Jarrett was not jealous over the suckling, although she was upset in wondering if Bill Clinton passed on an STD.