As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........
Human psychology is an interesting thing especially when it mirrors that of the lower mammals.
In a rather telling story from the Great European War which is known as World War I, the Germans had captured a British merchant ship which the submarine intended to sink as war booty.
On this ship was a crew of white officers and seaman, and apparently one black seaman from the colonies. The black man was discovered not by the white men of the British, but of the crew of Germans who were surprised after a sinking shot to see the African appear on deck.
The African had been "forgotten" in the leaving of the ship in the life boats, but when the Germans attempted to get the black off the ship, they were met with nothing but foul language heaped at them.
No matter what the Germans gestured or said, it mattered not to the black who was like a dog tied to a chain attached to a burning house, trying to bite all who tried to save him.
Not even the ship whose name was the Midland Queen, rising verticle to the sea with the bow plunging into the water could get the Negro to flee to safety. Soon enough the Germans watched aghast as the ship with the curly head disappear into the water.
Within moments the ship exploded in compressed air being released and the Germans were greeted to a new sight in board and barrels and one lithe black being shot back into the atmosphere.
Splashing back into the water, the African this time swam to the German submarine to his rescue and was soon returned to his British mates who had abandoned him.
Fear will make all creatures react in the most illogical and self hurting manner which makes no sense. Only greater fear in being deprived of a sinking ship and an open ocean brought the black to his sense and safety.
It does seem odd though in the only black on board that somehow all the white folk did not notice Toby in the boat with them........unless of course they were all scared so pale they thought perhaps the Negroid was amongst them as a white man.