I include in this exclusive of the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter a strange manifestation of the electrical storms off of east Africa in Mozambique, land of Mrs. John Heinze and now Mrs. John Kerry, in the lovely Theresia the Afrikaaner.
The recording is from the late 1800's in sailor Frank Bullen. It is of interest the immense charge of electricity which this storm produced on a massive scale. I will allow Mr. Bullen to speak to this with little narration, but it should be of note, that these storms were constant, and the reality is to this day, large platforms could be erected on the ocean, connected to a series of selenoids of large scale, which could with lightning rods struck, fast charge huge batteries, which then could light Africa or any other cable laid connection with this electricity stored.
"Gradually from the westward there arose a murky mass of cloud, fringed at its upper edges with curious tinted tufts of violet, orange, and crimson. These colours were not brilliant, but plainly visible against the deep blue sky. Slowly and solemnly the intruding gloom overspread the sweet splendour of the shining sky, creeping like a death-shadow over a dear face, and making the most talkative feel strangely quiet and ill at ease.
As the pall of thick darkness blotted out the cool light, it seemed to descend until at last we were completely over-canopied by a dome of velvety black, seemingly low enough to touch the mast-heads. A belated sea-bird's shrill scream but emphasized the deep silence which lent itself befittingly to the solemnity of nature.
Presently thin suggestions of light, variously tinted, began to thread the inky mass. These grew brighter and more vivid, until at last, in fantastic contortions, they appeared to rend the swart concave asunder, revealing through the jagged clefts a lurid waste of the most intensely glowing fire. The coming and going of these amazing brightnesses, combined with the Egyptian dark between, was completely blinding. So loaded was the still air with electricity that from every point aloft pale flames streamed upward, giving the ship the appearance of a huge candelabrum with innumerable branches."
This is most interesting as the people were all charged by the atmosphere and were carrying an immense amount of electricity in their persons, with no ill effect. It took on the appearance of some science fiction movie, and yet it was the reality of the body electric in how much energy can course through a human form with absolutely nothing detrimental happening to the person.
Only an irritation in the electrical charges like static electricity discharging from the person back into the atmosphere.
"One of the hands , who had been ordered aloft on some errand of securing a loose end, presented a curious sight. He was bareheaded, and from his hair the all pervading fluid arose, lighting up his features, which were ghastly beyond description. When he lifted his hand , each separate finger became at once an additional point from which light streamed. There was no thunder, but a low hissing and a crackling which did not amount to noise, although distinctly audible to all. Sensations most unpleasant of pricking and general irritation were felt by every one, according to their degree of susceptibility."
The immense power of these daily storms could literally light all of Africa for a year in just one storm. I have written of this process in it would simply require the means of such super sized batteries that a lightning strike would be like an alternator spark recharging a car battery.
All of this could be accomplished in clean energy which is now being wasted. This is all probable and it is all profitable.
"After about an hour of this state of things, a low moaning of thunder was heard, immediately followed by a few drops of rain large as dollars. The mutterings and grumblings increased until, with one peal that made the ship tremble as though she had just struck a rock at full speed, down came the rain. The windows of heaven were opened, and no man might stand against the steaming flood that descended by thousands of tons per minute.
How long it continued, I cannot say; probably, in its utmost fierceness, not more than half an hour. Then it slowly abated, clearing away as it did so the accumulation of gloom overhead, until, before midnight had struck, all the heavenly host were shedding their beautiful brilliancy upon us again with apparently increased glory, while the freshness and invigorating feel of the air was inexpressibly delightful."
This would be a most wonderful experience to experience. To be on a ship and to study such an electrical effect of lightning in so many forms and discharges in direct contact would be something one would never forget.
There are so many adventures in this world and so little time.......so much resource and so much control that the free energy is never harnessed as the feudal world would then lose control of the masses.