As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......
This is going to be cement work in explaining something which is before your eyes and you do not comprehend once again what you see.
The cartel can once again blame Russian Limbaugh for this, as even with scripted things and sanctioned things, he just can not help blundering along and exposing Mockingbird operations which are feeding the flock.
You can thank Jeff Nyquist for this or JR Nyquist for this as his work of recent vintage was shared with me as he was pondering the start of World War III.
I have mentioned previously that I appreciated Mr. Nyquist, first for having a cool name and second he has always been an analist who has not jumped the borders to the fringe. He is like Charles R. Smith, but both of these oracles burned out as there is only so much information a human receptor can house before the bird ceases to chirp.
JR mentioned the old advice of, "Never predict anything, especially the future" and touched upon what I have written on in the Cherry Effect in how things rarely come to be once spoken. This is like the work of remote viewer, Joe McMoneagle, in the completion rate being 15 to 95 percent.
The matrix is a fluidity, an emotional raging river storm of thought. I return to the explanation the writers on Star Trek gave Mr. Spock concerning time being a fluid river with eddies and currents. In many ways, the matrix is a wind storm of proportions affected and fanned by so many flaming wills.
Mr. Nyquist touched upon the reality of what he terms the Soviet plan a generation old in how they would bring down America. It was not a Marxist plan, but the plan by the cartel ordered for the communists to make them fall on their swords and to keep handing rope to the west to pacify the comrades.
What he explains though in various Russian experts is the United States will be sent into convulsion from within. As a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.........this is what is behind the Paul Ryan GOP push for the overthrow of America using Mexican criminals. This element of the cartel is pushing a series of Obamacare mandates which America does not desire, all for the specified effect which the Marxist protocols point to in a revolution of the poor and middle class against the elite.
Mr. Nyquist's articles are good second level textbook information, and I am pleased he has promised to come back and post some of his writings without vouching for him or them.
This though is about illusion. JR Nyquit's site like Charles R. Smith's site is barebones like this blog drama. They load fast unlike a Lutheran Church Missouri Synod site which has more java on it than the island has coffee beans to keep people from loading the site. Interesting in the steering which takes place in only rich people with Wifi are thought of by the heads at St. Louis.
I have mentioned the new Russian Limbaugh, I will explain Elton Blondes new name in the Soviets had a thing about propaganda in slapping the rich, but the poor were always noticing they wanted the same nice things. el Rushbo keeps in this Obama Great Depression, harping on the things of his money which antagonizes the public as the Soviet's did.
Limbaugh though is running a new Mac application or something for "updates" which he is tracking his half brains, in a specific group of wealthy users. He has been tagging children with his Rush Revere push for market share in attempting to revive a vanished audience.
I observe things from a distance and have always wondered just why it was that Limbaugh was always pushing the sales button, even as a multi millionaire. See Limbaugh is a business and he pays high taxes or is in a high tax block as he informs all. Businesses as I have shown take deductions and that is what you were funding in Marta's silk ties or Katherine's tea, vocations to keep the women folk happy so Rusty can take the long draw off the cigar he is smoking with the boxer wearers.
It does not make sense when one is worth hundreds of millions of dollars to be gouging for more money, no more than this update thing for listeners to be tracked as that is a cash generation too. It is a puzzle when one knows that Mockingbird has been money dumping into all of this for years through various regime agencies as has been pointed out here.
What follows though now is a connect the dots which makes a bit more sense. You know there is a revolving door of "sponsors" which does Levin, Hannity, Ingraham and Limbaugh. Huge outlays have taken place like the outlays toward television when those Nazi things like oil companies, cereal companies and tobacco companies, all regime subsidized were doing commercials for your indoctrination and corruption on tv.
Limbaugh seems to be scampering for money. That is not logical, unless as this blog exposed that the same intelligence money flows which were funding key local and national television, had that revenue withdrawn during the Obama first term, so everything started to emplode like the New York Times as the paper of communist record had it's funding pulled worse than PBS.
Hints in this point to a practice that the Limbaugh "money pool" contract has contracted, as you recall that Clear Channel imploded in a major loss of profits to in the red. Could it be that the sponsors of the mic heads are literally the mic heads channeling money to themselves through a shell scheme, and the reason Limbaugh has been busy scraping the bones is he really is spending his own money now and that tight wad is not going to do that.
JR Nyquist also mentioned a reality that Alex Jones is a conduit of the Soviet funding system along with others. You will notice the Jones site does not flood with advertisements much like Drudge does not impede traffic a great deal, even if on dial up it does not completely load.
The trails of Alex Jones run into Jewish concerns, much like Ulsterman was linked to a backdoor deposit, but not as large as Jones as Ulsterman was loading up the advertisements much like World Net Daily does for revenue generation.
Which brings one to the Jeff Rense site which reminds me of Potterville in It's a Wonderful Life. That site has completely gone commerical, which points to a reality that no more Mockingbird sponsors are money dumping to that fringe site. The money is dumping into Alex Jones and Obama operative George Nouri at Coast to Coast AM.
I honestly feel bad for the Rense site, as it was once a very good link site, but with the ads, and the lackluster writers he is scraping rock bottom with and that Fukishima being the main scare, there is just nothing left there by harping on zionism. When I saw that screen grab I was stunned at what that anchor page was telling the world.
This is what I mean by seeing things before you and it never entering your minds everything it is telling you. You children and brats need me to keep you from falling into the abyss every day, but except for a few good people, it has become a reality that the rich are never going to donate and people who can afford it in majority think a few dead presidents buys them an enternal ticket here. Yes they pay for groceries once and it buys them a free trip to the grocery store as that is the way it works at Walmart.
I am not talking about poor people donating who have no money, but the people who lie in saying they are poor and blow money on chit every week.
So you get this through your skulls. I could have Google ads up here and it would take forever to load the site. They could track you even more over the internet, but I do not do that. I just have that little button which people with money are supposed to click on and use.
I do not put up 2 meg photos, java nor mpegs so the site loads fast and you can get to the information.
For the dimwits who think that they are somehow protected like Russians who kept their mouths shut in the Soviet years......just realize this. Karl Rove had all of you tagged before 2000. He knew every voting block in America.
Birther Hussein, even according to Maxine Waters, has a computer grid on you, which is nothing but a contractor extension off of the NSA main frames. Obama GPS locked onto every residence in America in that census which painted a bullseye on you.
There are data mining programs which monitor your water use, electric, credit card use, phone use, and they pattern you, every one of you. There are programs which from Stanford and Tavistock which through your electronics monitor how many times you say "FUCK" every day, as profanities are a gauge of how much the country is on edge in reaching a boiling point for revolution.
I have as much lesson for you from the 1929 Stock Crash to the 1970 Farm Crash, in under Richard Nixon family farmers made a great deal of money, which under Jimmy Carter was all stolen from them as part of a national nudge to get gun owning, Church going Americans off the farms and into cities where their spawn is now voting Obama.
I keep telling you this is SOCIO CONGLOMERATES. It is not rugged individuals, but the cartel is run by a board or committee which brings in a new prepared generation of like minds who want to be god, and they continue on the original company protocols for a return to the feudal state.
It is that aristocracy which through Rothschild finance, Vatican organized religion, Marxism and Capitalism which manages all of this and enjoys the absolute power with the promises of immortality.
The cartel already knows who you are in your assigned code, which is how your brain is wired and how it functions or malfunctions in not being respondant to their pulses. You think you have money, so did farmers in the 1970's and when the time came, the cartel pulled the plug and confiscated it all legally in a crash just like the Dotcom crash.
The reason you are being given the headsup from the Lindsey Williams contractors so far in advance is to condition you, so when it does come, that you will blame yourself and not revolt as you were given the information but sedated to zombie so as not to act upon it.
There is a reason that money dumps are not going to those who were formerly key players and their sites are fading. There is a reason that Limbaugh is engaged in this new pattern. It points like the New York Times going bankrupt to money flow has changed. Money is being redirected or rationed again by the cartel. That is a telling point as there are no Michelle Malkin millionaire cash reward buy outs to reward her misdirection with the Czars. Someone pulled the purse strings tight for reason and is signalling a new phase is underway.
You noticed none of that now did you my smarties. I am through begging for money from the rich. You people with money have a choice before you. You can donate to me now whereby if you are generous are going to get credit for this from God when it matters. Otherwise the reality of cartel patterns mandates that what Obama money dumped to Wall Street in your investments is going to be taken back, as the cartel always takes money back, and when that takes place you are not going to have any money, and then you can answer to God why you did not donate here when it mattered.
That will be a worse debt than being robbed by the cartel.
I have to go now and find some kind of book to read for research to teach you something more while I can.
agtG 285Y