I was thinking about a fantasy in what if the world really had Godly Pastors, Ministers and Missionaries in what a difference it would make.
The basis of this thought was the Inspired observation of Martin Luther in 1500's Germany, and is as sound in the 21st century world as it was then, if not even more so now, as the world drips with attorneys and doctors, but has a drought of real Christian clergy.
"Of Physicians and Lawyers there are enough, if not too many, to serve the world; but a country hath need of two hundred Ministers where one Lawyer is sufficient. My most gracious Lord, said Luther, the Prince Elector of Saxony, hath enough of twenty Lawyers in all his territories, but he must have near six thousand Preachers and Ministers."
Martin Luther
It would be a wonderful thing to have 300 clergy of God for every attorney or doctor in America, but I believe if that was the case, that an America so shepherded that America would not require all of the prisons and hospitals now abounding to great profit, as America would be a healed and law abiding nation as a whole.
The problem now though in America is I doubt there are enough learned and moral Christians to fill that necessary roll in tending the flock of Christ. It is a strange reality that every Sunday millions of people can find 50 dollars each for beer, gas, food or tickets to sporting events, but somehow that sum never shows up in a Church collection plate or alms to the poor......or yes donations to the Lame Cherry in spreading the witness here.
Of course, it is difficult to donate to a collection plate laying in bed or hitting that donate button here, with the keyboard stuck from all the masturbating going on.
I think of all the worthless people now earning fifty to one hundred thousand dollars a year in teachers, politicians, firefighters, police on the low scale and the high scale of the managers, lawyers and doctors.
Americans are thee most abused educationally, politically, emotionally and physically people under any regime. The American killing fields are just more clean so you do not see the skeletons in the mass graves. In America, the minders of the Soviet do it in classrooms, as the peoples are mass poisoned at the supermarket and the dead are all tidy in clinics.
It is a wonderful scam of criminalizing the Citizen, using lawyers to against the people as doctors ration death, and there are the teachers teaching it is all legitimate and the clergy affirms even worse abominations than the regime has made legal yet.
I like my Pastor, the one time I met him. He tries hard and is a good Pastor. I though led him around and the thought of having the heinous elders of my Church praying over me is more like preying over me in I believe it would do more good to play a money preachers cd to God for all the good those idiot elders would do for anyone.
The clergy do not speak of sin and the clergy do not speak of Judgment. I assume it has to do with that collection plate in rich people rationing money only shell out for affirmations of how "christian" they are as they drive by the poor on the way to that front pew.
The western clergy is as worthless as the western peoples, and it is not the problem of the doctors and lawyers in being needed in such great numbers in this legal slaughter pit, as when the clergy stopped doing their job in serving the people and started serving the regime, the silent affirmation is what created this police state.
Yes 200 real Christian Ministers for every lawyer.......but then that is how heinous America has become as the lawyers do not require REAL in front of their title as they are legitimate, but now the REAL must come before the clergy as the majority are neither Christian nor real.
"Had I known, when I first began to write, what I now see and find, namely, that people had been such enemies to God’s Word, and so fiercely had set themselves against the same, truly I had held my peace; for I never should have been so courageous as to have fallen upon the Pope, and to have angered him, and almost the whole Christian world with him.
I thought at first that people had sinned ignorantly, and out of human weakness, and not of set purpose and wittingly to endeavour to suppress God’s Word; but it pleased God to lead me on in the mouth of the cannon, like a bar-horse that hath his eyes blinded, and seeth not who runneth upon him.
Even so was I, as it were, tugged by my hair to the office of preaching; but had I then known what now I know, ten horses should scarce have drawn me to it.
Moses and Jeremiah also complained that they were deceived."
Martin Luther
I think it would be a vast improvement if America had one real Christian Pastor for every 1000 lawyers.
Lame Cherry