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A Catholic Vision


In a most interesting reality, Dr. Martin Luther, a once confirmed and ordained Catholic, a doctor at University, recorded the following event which took place as he prayed during Easter.

I being on Good Friday last in my inner chamber, in fervent prayer, contemplating with myself how Christ my Saviour hung on the Cross, how he suffered and died for our sins, there suddenly appeared upon the wall a bright shining vision, and a glorious form of our Saviour Christ, with the five wounds, steadfastly looking upon me, as if it had been Christ himself corporeally.  Now, at the first sight, I thought it had been some good Revelation: yet I recollected that surely it must needs be the juggling of the devil, for Christ appeareth unto us in his word, and in a meaner and more humble form; therefore I spake to the vision in this manner: “Avoid, thou confounded devil; I know no other Christ than he who was crucified, and who in his Word is pictured unto me.”  Whereupon the image vanished.

Martin Luther. Selections from the Table Talk

To refresh people's minds, Martin Luther, was moved by God to undo the machinations and mischief of the Vatican in the whore of babylon, church of Rome.
Dr. Luther was persecuted, tormented, trialed and threatened with not only death, but the ultimate terrorism of ex communication by the Vatican which meant he was doomed to hell as the state sentenced.

This was a most devout and fervent Christian. Someone the world was emancipated by from satan, a gentleman the equal of St. Paul, and only behind Christ Jesus in the Work of God for bring the Gospel to the people for their Salvation in Jesus, and yet we read that in prayer, there appeared to Dr. Luther an image, like the Catholics venerate, build churches over and make Saints over......only God makes Saints and not any Pope, and what was Luther's response.

Luther rejected it, noting it was from satan, and the vision vanished.

There is a great deal of Wisdom in this and Martin Luther was not led astray by the moving of the Holy Ghost. Far too many people accept things without trying them, even the image of Christ.

My Mom recently in prayer saw the face of Christ manifest. In her instance, I believe Christ was showing Himself in form to her, not to confirm Faith, but in Communion with a Saint.

St. Paul's conversion on the Road to Damascus in the Light of the Lord Christ, is a proof that Jesus does appear in select instances, but that was not His coming, as there will only be a one second one in that. Jesus is not going to come in corporal or physical form until His second coming. By the Holy Ghost, Martin Luther was Inspired to know this at the time of his test.

There have been far too many people who get a dream or a vision, and in ego run off with that satanic test and are brought to ruin by it, as they inflate themselves and never question what it is they are witnessing in trying the spirits.

Joan of Arc had several thousand visions. She is one of thee most remarkable people in history as it never turned her into a tool of satan. George Washington had one vision and it never moved him for the course God had for him.

As Martin Luther notes, everyone has Jesus in the Word. The Bible is a living book as the Word of God in the Bible is the Word of God in Christ speaking to each Christian daily in the necessary uplifting and chastisement of all.
Dr. Luther could have used that vision as a bragging mark as many would, and that would have made him a tool of satan as was intended. Instead Dr. Luther rejected it as so much more Catholic idolotry, a thing he should have done in including "no graven image" instead of passing over it in his Catechism.

The bragging mark is the Word of God for our correction and discipline to our Reward and Victory in Christ.

satan shows up in love, Church, uses Scripture against us and in every form that God would, to try and peal you away from God. God allows this as the hard tests to witness our resolve to always try things over and over.

This is all relevant now with Pope Pater now in Rome claiming miracles of casting out now having a house built upon it of condoned sodomy, no need for God to gain admission to Heaven and the latter worshiping bones of the dead after a year long rite.

Those Pater signs should not require that much discernment to know they are from satan, unlike Dr. Luther's vision which appeared as an angel of light, but was of darkness.

Stay in Christ, be guided by the Holy Ghost, and be kept in the Faith by the Word of God, trusting only in Him.


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