For most of us we go through life wondering what God sounds like when He speaks and then when nothing happens, we wonder how on earth to wait for something.
TL and I were touched by something the Maestro mentioned and thought we would share it
as he brilliantly sums up the reality of prayer, the completion of what Jesus taught in a
relationship with God and the attitude people should have.
When Jesus speaks of faith of a mustard seed it is sowing that prayer to God in God's field of accomplishing things in Christ, and expecting a seed to sprout and a crop to grow bringing all and more what you have asked for.
I do not believe that God ever says no. There may be satanic or other people's wills which
impede prayers being answered, as even Jesus could work few miracles in His home area
due to lack of faith of the people. God will not force Himself onto people.
God though will overcome, and God does have an intention like the movie Ghost to grow
His strength in you to move more than coins up a wall by your focusing what is your will.
Jesus is the Author and Completion of our Faith. Everything we ask in Christ is going to be
I was thinking of late about TL in how long it took for God to bring TL and I together. It was 10 years ago one evening I inquired where my Love would be, and God said where the person was and He was absolutely right. I had forgotten the reply in being inflicted upon for that many years, but recalled it after meeting TL.
God is Faithful always, and everything does get accomplished, but even I have to work on the expecting things to be done.
I recall one time which I have related in I was hunting and a weed thorn got poked into my eyelid.
Like now I did not have the money for a doctor, so I in quite emotional outburst asked the Father to send an Angel to pull that thorn out of my eyelid. In seconds, I felt the Angel pull it out, and it hurt immensely.
Later in the day, I was still hurting and I while walking after the mail I was questioning in mind about the hurt and the Holy Ghost replied, "You asked for the thorn to be pulled out and not healing".
I asked for healing and within hours the burning was gone.
Expecting the next ball to drop is how we are to be in prayer to expect to be hit by the results.
We are not to expect something bad as in what next bad thing will happen, for satan will
operate through that door too. So expect things to happen and good things will.
It helps me even in times when things are not happening like big donations to see the Love which God has for TL in answering prayers in Favor and Wisdom in TL's vocation. It is like David recalling the wonders of God in accomplishing things in the Psalms. Counting blessings does help to build Faith.
There is nothing wrong with taking active approaches either. I keep kicking at the pricks
which is not how the Bible states it, but I know if I keep asking, seeking or knocking and
things will happen to as the will I have in God's Will, will accomplish all things.
God though does always accomplish things and expecting God to accomplish things is the
definition of Faith.
It pleases me immensely to see God's Love for the Maestro and other children of God in
the Caring and Nurturing God has for bringing understanding to situations and nurturing His
children so close.
God bless each of you in the Lord's Care and Love in His Name Amen and Amen
TL and I were touched by something the Maestro mentioned and thought we would share it
as he brilliantly sums up the reality of prayer, the completion of what Jesus taught in a
relationship with God and the attitude people should have.
To wait upon God, is not to say things in prayer or to just want things, and then be dejected when nothing happens. To wait upon God is summed up in that active watchfulness which is like if you threw a ball straight up in the air, you will expect it to fall back to earth, and that you will be watching so as not to be hit by that ball.this is not a passive place; it is a place of more active watchfulness
though instead of my habit of taking action.
what do you think?
When Jesus speaks of faith of a mustard seed it is sowing that prayer to God in God's field of accomplishing things in Christ, and expecting a seed to sprout and a crop to grow bringing all and more what you have asked for.
The same is the reality of faith to move mountains literally. When one is in tune with God we can be assured that it will be fulfilled. God always answers prayers and fulfills prayers.I do not believe that God ever says no. There may be satanic or other people's wills which
impede prayers being answered, as even Jesus could work few miracles in His home area
due to lack of faith of the people. God will not force Himself onto people.
God though will overcome, and God does have an intention like the movie Ghost to grow
His strength in you to move more than coins up a wall by your focusing what is your will.
Jesus is the Author and Completion of our Faith. Everything we ask in Christ is going to be
I was thinking of late about TL in how long it took for God to bring TL and I together. It was 10 years ago one evening I inquired where my Love would be, and God said where the person was and He was absolutely right. I had forgotten the reply in being inflicted upon for that many years, but recalled it after meeting TL.
God is Faithful always, and everything does get accomplished, but even I have to work on the expecting things to be done.
I recall one time which I have related in I was hunting and a weed thorn got poked into my eyelid.
Like now I did not have the money for a doctor, so I in quite emotional outburst asked the Father to send an Angel to pull that thorn out of my eyelid. In seconds, I felt the Angel pull it out, and it hurt immensely.
Later in the day, I was still hurting and I while walking after the mail I was questioning in mind about the hurt and the Holy Ghost replied, "You asked for the thorn to be pulled out and not healing".
I asked for healing and within hours the burning was gone.
Expecting the next ball to drop is how we are to be in prayer to expect to be hit by the results.
We are not to expect something bad as in what next bad thing will happen, for satan will
operate through that door too. So expect things to happen and good things will.
It helps me even in times when things are not happening like big donations to see the Love which God has for TL in answering prayers in Favor and Wisdom in TL's vocation. It is like David recalling the wonders of God in accomplishing things in the Psalms. Counting blessings does help to build Faith.
There is nothing wrong with taking active approaches either. I keep kicking at the pricks
which is not how the Bible states it, but I know if I keep asking, seeking or knocking and
things will happen to as the will I have in God's Will, will accomplish all things.
God though does always accomplish things and expecting God to accomplish things is the
definition of Faith.
It pleases me immensely to see God's Love for the Maestro and other children of God in
the Caring and Nurturing God has for bringing understanding to situations and nurturing His
children so close.
God bless each of you in the Lord's Care and Love in His Name Amen and Amen