As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.......
In December of this past year, Pastor Lindsey Williams pronounced another of his oracles for the future. His sources are the third level conduits of the priests and the lords, in the moguls of industry who run the framework and are put into place to go along to get along.
They are powerful men and women, but replaceable in a great deal like a 4th level egoist in Governor Chris Christy who thinks he is part of the power structure when all he is, is a pawn doing the dirty work of keeping the sheep from riot and revolution.
The oracle now states that there will be a global economic reset of currency. These things have appeared here in much more detail around 6 months ago when I was working on the big secret of the day and the hour which I was shown. The Pastor hit upon many of the same topics, but as an apparent gold seller he was hawking for gold, while I quote the Bible in a time when gold will be cast into the streets.
Look if a wormwood meteor is coming, a plague, Armageddon, 200 pounds of gold is not going to do you any good in buying life or safety, so of course you are going to cast it into the streets.
Williams also stated that the rich are moving their assets into this new fiat currency already, which was stated here long ago would be the action in they would gain wealth, while you would be left holding the bill with you devalued dollars.
My inquiries and Inspiration come from God, while Williams are these vacuous wealthy geezers whose outlook is they will make a billion dollars on this deal. The question is, what good is a billion dollars at geezer age, it is not like you need any more or it will secure any more power.
The second level does fixate on power, but the first level is initiating all of this for the illuminated ones conjuring and return, meaning satan. This is about immortality, and Lindsey Williams sources have no inkling of the real prize in this as they are deluded as Judas Goats as their purpose is to keep moving the masses down the slaughter path, and all they will get is 30 pieces of silver for their rotting corpse.
The rich of Williams sources do not comprehend they will be expendable once the immortality factor engages in the lords and the priests. The old verbiage was using a technicrat Asian subgroup, a Latino hard labor group, with the manager Ashkenaz as overlords for the elite of the mount, but realize that it is a process now that machines as in robotics which could rebuild themselves and administer all of this, pretty much negates the need for pesky humans who have a percentage of children of God with DNA who do not respond to control mechanisms.
I have not inquired of Williams in his meter reader controls, but it does make sense in an array of these activated could indeed be a reception and broadcast antanae which would electronically dope the human mind or place thoughts into it.
The reason for this post though is the falacies of Lindsey Williams in the Damascus gambit which failed. Williams mentioned that if Syria had been bombed by Obama it would have set into action the Prophecies of Ezekiel 38 and something in Isaiah. That is absolutely incorrect as Ezekiel 38 and 39 as this blog lectured Hal Lindsey on when he and others were pointing to them and silenced him, that 38 and 39 are after the 1000 year rule of Christ as Revelation proves in the time line.
There was not intervention on the part of Syria, Divine or otherwise. It was as stated here that Snowden operation of MIC and Putin, working against the cartel. Putin believed and still believes that Obama Jinn is the anti Christ and MIC is attempting to derail this.
Williams people are part of the Socio Conglomerates which this blog exclusively explained. MIC is a competing faction.
Is Damascus still to be obliterated? Most definitely as the Scripture states it will, along with Ashod or the Philistine lands. There are things going on in this as I eluded to here and stated plainly in other points. It is not as Williams states in God is trying to get people to repent. That door has been closed and Elvis has left the building. This is more of satan realizing the time is almost complete and knowing imprisonment is coming is dragging it's feet.
As stated here, there is no division in the house of satan or it would fall. There is Pater Pope doing stage theater exorcisms to give him his bonafides, as the darkness expands in complete control, as the Vatican grouses about wildcat priests on their own casting out demons who are on the increase, due to all of this manifesting.
If Williams reads this, I have some advice. He is absolutely aggrevating in his presentation of continual meanderings of non information. It would assist his carnival barker show to open with secondary information which he could expound upon, do the big gun bit at the 30 minute point and expound upon that, and then third wave information, in going into generalities of how this will effect people.
It would be more pleasing to listeners, and for filler, he could tell some stories about the dead geezer in things he liked as people always like gossip.
He could also coordinate with his interviewer 4 questions which would assist in the movement of this and bring focus to the audience, by having key words spoken by Williams to alert the question.....that way the host could have a heads up and stop looking at porn with the mic off in silence.
Where was I?
Lindsey Williams has had some very good information fed. Some like the Indonesian oil manifested for a moment and then simply slipped away. It is the world of mice and men. Williams though does not have first level information. It is like a slave plantation. The masters live in the big house and you never see them. There are the overseers like the Rothschilds who manage things. Then there are the house niggers like the sources Williams have. Then there are the field niggers like Chris Christy who think because they shagged a house nigger, they are in the loop too.
Then there are the pigs in the wallow which are all of you just waiting to be made into bacon, and thinking your mire makes you Animal Farm people to as you wear suits like the human folk do.
The two reasons I note the above are the necessary correction concerning Scripture and it did startle me that the inquiry I made last year is in rough form being spoken of by the sources of Williams. It is like the insiders of Ulsterman spouting off things from here before his anus got raw from all the flow.
As for the electronic mind meld, it is possible as it has been done. It though will not be one zombie nation, as I have stated in forensic behavior, God creates in DNA a certain percentage which are just "off" enough from the masses so extermination is not possible of a species by natural means.
I happen as does TL to be in a group, like a number of you reading this who do not respond to the frequency waves. As stated, "they" turned up the juice twice on TL and I, which blew out veins in our eyes in being a bit over zealous in the mind warping, and it did not work.
I told you that they will never kill all the rats. The black plague DNA group, those types like myself and other genetic factors create a core group which is going to be viable and operating through the mind fuzz the majority are chating Obama over.
Bullets still are the end game, but it is this reality which is the problem of the percentages until the mosquito fleet is completed in the bite of death.
If I could get a place with TL, I would not give a rip about any of this. I am though in jeopardy in the exposure in all of this in being a moving target as regrettably I appear to be the only conduit in this in this cycle and no one is going to touch on these things when the Two Witnesses appear.
Oh that killer pig virus.......not an accident. That was a combined project in funds of CDC, military and USDA in three labs producing parts of the viral chain. It was introduced through hog vaccines deliberately.
What is taking place is the Chicoms have a hybridized swine flu weapon, and by injecting the American hogs, the survivors are producing an antibody which will be gathered discreetly at slaughter and then incorporated into the next vaccines for humans.
It is simply an express method in a national emergency which the cartel as well as the regime knows of, and hogicide is the solution to obtain the most expedited results. China is a pawn of the elite, but they still are independent and knowing of the upheaval would see benefit of a pandemic putting a pile of dead people in competitor nations to neutralize them.
Think that is enough in the exclusives in explaining things behind the Mockingbird propaganda.
So you rich people who think you are above all of this, just note that in exclusives in matter anti matter, this blog revealed lost nuclear bombs leaking on your expensive property, preplaced nukes by several nations ready to give you a nuclear glow, hogicide, and the reality that you are going to be plucked sooner than later in the feudal economics, just like the poor folks.
All information which should explain what cotton pickers you all are. Perhaps you rich people should donate, because the controllers on top are not providing you the entire picture.
It is really easy, just say your kid got stoned on hash oil, and when she thought she was ordering up goat sex porn, she instead hit the Lame Cherry donate button and dropped in a 350,000 dollar echeck, which you of course knew nothing about as you were busy watching the fags on Downtown Abbey.....yeah I know it is not Downtown......but as punishment you have stated that is her allowance for the next week.
agtG 282Y