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Martin Luther's Grande Complaint


In another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........

I will be dealing with Martin Luther, the great Reformer in the month ahead, and as I am pissed off again due to a specific reason, this affords me the opportunity not to only be heard in Heaven, but to post a warning here.

For those who do not know, Martin Luther was at odds with the Vatican, which tried to murder him over what would become the Protestants in the world led by Lutherans. It is surprising to read though, that his second greatest complaint, was not against the nobels or states in Germany, but upon a group he especially railed against.

While the lenders, and you should know that would point to Mr.  Mayer, who would change his name to Rothschild is a group which  Dr. Luther mentions as being a problem preying on the masses of people, his main focus is upon an especially evil group which you will be confused by as you will think they are harmless, but the great evil Martin Luther saw in German Israelite Europe, were farmers.

Yes hayseed, hick on corn flakes boxes was the great evil in Germany, but before you dismiss it to Eddie Albert on Green Acres fiction, look at something a bit different now since President George W. Bush and the Obama Chicago cartel made Monsanto the plantation owner of the farmers in  America.

You have to understand things in Jefferson and Jackson America was built on homesteaders who were all rugged individualists, tied directly to their local Churches they built which are the Force of God which has tamed America.
This group was exploited and tried for 100 years  after the Civil War to start the Grange or the NFO at different unionized times, but was always thwarted from becoming this grande power in America like the AFL - CIO.

American farmers until the Depression did prosper on modest scales and they drove America. During World War II, farming became Nazi managed in America until Ronald Reagan, in schemes to keep food prices extremely low, in order to keep Veterans fed and not in revolt.
Farmers in America were from 1940 to 1985, literally slaves of the American people who made pauper wages, as the rest of nation prospered off of cheap food.

You have to understand something in Texas is a big agriculture state, and when H.W. arrived in office, there was a lurch in prices in beef which helped Texas as a severe drought was taking place in America from 1988 onward, and prices rose in livestock.
Things in farming though remained stagnant, up until George W. Bush arrived in the White House with the Texas contingent again, and then in that George Soros price manipulation to bring about the real estate collapse and the spiking in food prices, drove grain prices through the roof.

This was a nasty business which is based upon the Richard Nixon era of Sec. of Agriculture Earl Butz  fence row to fence row farming, as the Soviet markets had opened up to Americans. This created a bubble in agriculture in prices spiking and farmers being not that bright, all went into debt, and the Rockefellers exploited this Conservative voting base, by crashing the debt structure under Jimmy Carter and driving hundreds of thousands of farm families off the land. This is what ushered in the Monsanto management of the farmer slaves.

This is being exploited again and the farmers are too dense to comprehend as most homeowners in not seeing the real estate agents have been sent out to spike land prices so no one can afford that land in payments.

Now come to Martin Luther, and we see the same arrogant farmers in control of America as they were in Germany, because they have become wealthy over night. Seriously due to land inflation, my neighbor who purchased his farm just a few years ago for a few hundred thousand dollars is now a millionaire.
There was so much money flowing into farmer pockets, and still managed for a Nazi profit in that Soros scheme to install Obama, that these idiot farmers became arrogant and started spending money like crack whores.
You have to understand things too in a farmer is a business, so he obtains tax deductions in things he buys like very expensive tractors, which now wear out unlike the old Farmall, John Deere and Allis Chalmers tractors did. When one has money too much, and trying to avoid taxes, then one just buys expensive things, and that includes land at such inflated prices it will never pay for itself.

One of these arrogant farmers, I knew as a child who is a few years younger than me. He now has sons who "want to farm" as farming now is sitting in a climate controlled cab, with GPS navigation and you literally do not have to work. This idiot had a million dollars in a life insurance policy he blew on land. Now he is purchased a few hundred acres of land, with payments at 60,000 dollars per year for 10 years.

Yes everyone wants to be a farmer when the money is  easy, but farming in the cartel structure is not built for the farmer who has become an arrogant ass with money, but for the financiers to exploit it all.

You might have noticed as this blog was the lone voice warning of the super drought a few years ago, and how that drought was now being rigged by HAARP to keep these farmers from drying out, how God once these farmers souls were all corrupt, suddenly stopped giving them good weather, as God hates the arrogant who do not give alms to the poor.

That brings me to the reality of Martin Luther and my observation. The readers here know I am in desperate search for a small farm for TL and myself. You also know how a distant relative being a rich farmer asshole told me he would sell my Great Grandfather's farm site to me, twice...and then on the third visit had "changed his mind".
That is the state of these modern farmers in majority now, in they are all sinners. I have asked what must be a dozen of these huge farmers about farm sites they own. Now understand these are farmers with a huge house and have gobbled up other farms, and the houses are vacant.......not being cared for and falling down. To the last one, they are all not going to sell.

To lay this in context......

It costs a great deal in taxes to keep houses and buildings on farm sites. These sites are not used. The land being unused produces nothing. All is a financial drain, so it would make logical sense to sell the places to generate revenue, but these greedy assholes will not give a poor person a place to lay their head for pure Godless sake.
It makes absolutely no sense, no more than Martin Luther speaking of a real tale in which a farmer took his corn to market, and had a huge price on it, and as no one would buy it, he railed against the crowd that he would take his grain back home and mice could eat it before they would ever get it.

Dr. Luther noted, that the farmer got home with his grain and immediately a horde of mice descended upon his lands and ate up everything he had.

That is the state of what an American farmer is in majority now. They are an arrogant, condescending and putrid satanic lot as vile as Monsanto and the Obama regime which directs them all. They are out of control and require a massive check.

I do pray that God deprives them of homes and places, as they have deprived me....and that is just the start of what I pray for a full reckoning. I have mentioned what a house of cards American agriculture is now. The land is expensive, machinery is expensive, and the farmers are old.
The children want easy money, and are not tied to the land. That land is required in thousands of acres now to produce that expensive living, and it requires good weather to grow and harvest the crops. It also requires Monsanto crops and herbicides to farm all those acres, along with barrels of very expensive fuel.

Remove any of the above from the equasion in herbicide, mule crops or large equipment on fuel guzzling machines, and thee entire farm economy implodes.
Even if you could get regular grain crops, if you spray Round Up on them, the Round Up would kill the crops. Without Round Up the weeds kill the crops as no one can till those close row crops now being grown......and take away the large machinery, and the crops do not get planted or harvested. Checkmate.

One misstep and this all collapses. I would not be that concerned of starving though, as your potatoes and wheat are still viable enough, as are your high production veggie lands, and as you do not eat Monsanto corn or soybeans as that flows into confinement livestock in namely the Chicom markets, you do not need to bite on the Mark Levin ignorant rants about agriculture.

The world I project out is one of reality of if the system breaks. Do you realize how long it would take to get people fed again? Thee entire structure would have to rebuild from the hoe in the Ohio  Valley literally in mostly manual labor, which only very hungry people would engage in and exploit.
It requires 2 years to produce a horse or an ox for farming your 1800's 40 acres and a mule.  That is a long fast to be on, and can you just see the 10,000 acre big farmers trying to plant all those acres with a team of horses and a two row corn planter.....if one could be had.

Martin Luther noted that he prayed to God for the cure of his Wife, and beside that in God's generosity, God gave them a farm, even in the midst of the large farmers who were a sinful pariah upon the entire nation.
I still look to God for that home for TL and I, but I also am now fully reproached by a segment of this horrid American uncivil society which is as disgusting as any feudal state. These Obama created farmers are now so greedy and unChristian that America would not recognize any of them. They can not have enough, and to their financial hurt, they hang onto everything and anything in their own hell death grip.

It is the most astonishing of things to see farmers who in the time of Ronald Reagan would do anything for a stranger, now become creatures who would do anything to rob the poor. These farmers were once poor, but now rich have become the worst of barons and tycoons shoving their way around communities.
They are disgusting and I pray God visits their sins upon them many times over until they are wiped off the land.

They are Ted Turner in majority, just scalpers of the land, and robbing the poor who they treat like rats on the fringe rows to be dispatched.
There is no love of God in these people, and I pray the Love of God ends them as He did the Canaanites in turning those lands over to Christian peoples.

That about says it all.

nuff said


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