The days will come again, in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, by the Words of the Lord to Zechariah the Prophet, that Damascus will be a ruin. The coastal cities will be ruined of their merchant trade and their wealth will vanish.
It will move to the land of the Philistines. They will be in fear. Their expectations will be confound. Their leader not be and Ashkelon will not have inhabitants.
They will be remnant and not a people. They will be like a nation which was.
It will not be Damascus alone, but a gleaning with a sharp edge that all the bin is bruised of her grain. 30
It will be in that time following that God will rise up and camp about His people from America to Judah, because of the anti Christ. The American remnant will be an arrow in His hand as Judah is the bow bent by the Hand of the Lord. They will strike the European invader and it will be at that place of Har Megiddo where the end will be met for the armies of the world.
In that day, the Lord their God will be over them as they march with Him and He blows the horn of battle. The YHWH will save them on that day for those days are like none other.
They will be to Him then precious stones within His crown for all His Glory and Honor. They will sparkle in the Promised Land and they will flourish upon new wine and new grain, as the Lord their God rules over them.
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Do not think yourselves my children or satan's brats that Damascus is saved. She will lay in rubble and ruin, before the Two Witnesses come, before the 3rd Temple is built, before the coming of the Lord Christ. Damascus will be a ruin. Those things prophesied for her have not been repented of. Her end will come.
Bashir Assad do not delude yourself. The end of Damascus will come.