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Authority There


The human entity is an interesting creation in they are made in the image of God, but that image is flawed deliberately by God, and in choices they can be as antithesis of God as satan is.

The subject of the soul sucker has been reviewed here exclusively several times, but more response is required as humans are not generic in one size fits all. Just because a person is draining does not mean they are one dimensional, by this I explain in a person can be draining both because of the ability to absorb or suck the life force out of other people to enhance their life energies, but they can also be in the example of children in having abilities to "fire" the switches of people to wear them out.

Some people possess that ability. They can be cantankerous or simply like a bag of laundry thrown on top of you, in which you must react to it, adjust to it, and then deal with it. Auras or the human soul are light waves, and light is just like water in form, and it comes in literal waves which push and are pushed by the other person's will. If you are on a shoreline and a heavy stream of waves keeps washing over you, that is going to wear you out as it is a force to be contended with.

In most cases, I just try to separate myself out from people like this. Some people though in being family are an ordeal as they believe they have rights to invade your presence and you in wanting to be Christian have a natural disposition to allowing constant association as parents and siblings have been associating with you for so long that it all seems familiar to you, and your natural protective WILL is dominated by conditioning.

I have had experiences with this from a preacher's wife who said she nurtured people, but was nothing but a soul sucker to spikes from my siblings in every time they showed up in even a letter, some bad thing took place unless that window was bound down, as satan and their selfish wills were working through it in most destructive ways.
It is about covenant in ways that most people do not comprehend for when you admit access to yourself, unless you have that WILL WALL fortified in place, it is no different than if you left your front door open and any one can wander in, and take control of your home. You are the home, and it requires effort to have that attitude of dominance in not allowing anyone to gain position inside of you or access to your life as satan will work through it, and other people's wills will start inflicting upon you for their own selfish motivations.

It does require effort. Sometimes it will require several times a day binding and ordering things gone in Jesus Name. Sometimes it requires a NO in standing up for yourself in conversation. It is not a simple thing in most cases as those closest to you, will be the ones who think they have rights to invade your space and start draining you or inflicting their will upon you.
It is a spiritual fight, and that cloudy colored aura wave will keep coming, and not like being rebuked, and upheaval will be felt, until they learn that there is not easy pickings on you.

Of course, if you were to tell people any of this, they would think you were crazy and in all cases will be highly offended, as they have the upper hand, and of course, they could not be doing anything wrong, just like a child pulling your hair and running around the house screaming is going to judge they are perfect little saints.

The children related to me, which I do not even take possession of as "my siblings" as I want nothing of them, have been inflicting in stages for over 2 years now. They are getting the message, but they come in waves at times as that is satan ramping things up. They are rebuked, not to their faces, in Jesus Name and things settle out again.
The prey this time is using their children and grandchildren in as conduits. Yes people will use babies to gain access or whatever else your weakness is, as they are feeders at times and in need of validation at other times. One size does not fit all and like a guerilla war, they keep coming and coming when all you desire is just Peace.

The solution is binding things down, rebuking, cleansing when you have contact, not accepting anything from them as that opens doors, and literally training yourself when you feel that passive wave come over you as you feel them wash over you to just say loudly inside, NO! In Jesus  Name NO you are not going to dominate me and have no place in me!"
If it works out, you can vocalize NO to them as often as they offer things, and never accept anything inside your heart from them. That is where this all starts in this spiritual battle is inside your heart in satan whispers "that good nature" message and people give into it in thinking that it is Christian.

No one has the right to inside of you nor of your life. That is the place for Jesus and the Holy Ghost with you. No one else has that access to put upon you in any way. Once you base your boundaries in that, then all that aura mists of others will have less effect on you, and as you practice in discipline this mindset and will, then it will begin to be easier, as your will power will be projecting and these feeders and dominators will go to prey on others.

I learned these lessons the destructive way, in I had to absorb a great deal of harm to me, to TL and Mom, to the animals and property we had, because satan and this group is looking to keep you on a leash and under their feet for their purpose, use or validation.

You can love your family, but that love has boundaries. No one has right to the place that God has right to exclusively. You can honor your parents by fulfilling the law of the Bible without allowing dominance of you.
If it is holidays, then set in mind, that you will deal with them for the hours necessary and then like dust off your shoes, you let all of that aura either depart with them or you leave it with them, without taking things from them or giving it to Good Will or the trash professing the connection is done.
The same with phone calls in you can set up barriers in your mind and will that no one gets entry into your life, and when the phone call ends, the connection ends.

It is like being with a wolf in a cage. You know what it is, even if it is in Gramma's bed. You keep the distance and when the visit is over, you lock the door behind you, and then all of that effect stays in the cage you have constructed to keep the effects from you.

I hope this helps, as it is more in depth, and satan and these types are constant in trying to gain access which requires vigilance at all times. It is a situation that people who inflict are not going to accept being told what they are as they are benefiting from the affect and you either do it diplomatically in the Spiritual or you tell them they are draining and you will not deal with them any more.

Always remember though you have rights, and no one has the right to your inner being. That is the Temple of God and you alone with God have all authority there.

Oh, as an addition, the Holy Ghost reminded me of a recent lesson in do not think all the draining and resistance is from earthly sources as in physical. Ghosts, those souls of people not dragged to hell or have gone toward the Light are the same overbearing know it alls in life, and in death they think they know things to which impede things you want to accomplish or sit like a rock in front of your will deflecting things.
It is amazing how people and ghosts who are not bright enough to go to God, certainly know how to bother you with how things should be done.
Just rebuke them in Jesus Name, chain them up and tell them BE GONE to never return. In my experience, they seem to shooo easy enough, but those lurking things cause all sorts of problems in their prejudices and biases, from not wanting you to accomplish more than they did or their little world that you have to look after someone that you already have things planned out for.

Just do not give up, and keep hammering at the rock and it will shatter as you have the Rock in Christ to shatter what is against you.

Demons do assist and trigger off of people too, so that is always something to be bound down and not allow any replacements. Sometimes people as well as animals will settle down and be quite hibernation if they have the demons bound from them.

As stated, one size does not always fit all and it makes the problem interesting to puzzle it out in the Holy Ghost as once you know the battle you are in, it goes easier to direct the correct Spiritual commands and how to protect yourself in Christ to find a solution without hands, not in the physical which is never the way to deal with any of this.

PS: My children and people can always ask questions. As of late it has been a bit slow in reply as I am trying to get a place for TL and myself, which is the big rock in our path that is pissing me off due to resistance. Once that is done the information flow will return as I will not be distracted of this in fighting this battle. I will always help with answers as I know how hard it was in not knowing and not having any person who had the answers when I was searching for them.

We care about you too..... it's always nice to get a creepy message like that from stalkers at Christmastime with my cell phone number which is never out and unlisted.  Such a popular girl...

nuff said


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