My children of the Lord and satan's brats, there was in the olden times a times like those in America in the 21st century. It was a time of the rich who ruled the many in a vast gulag nation called England.
It was a time when people could not go anywhere without permission from the ruling elite, like as in America one can not leave the country without a passport lest they would be shot, and one can not drive a vehicle without license and can not buy or sell without the stamp of the IRS.
The grande feudal state from Peking, to Cairo, to Paris to London, has returned to the same cities and from New York to San Diego from Miami to Spokane, Americans are held in bondage as a slave class by the elite rulers.
There was though a time when the people threw off their yokes, and that time was when Richard II was King of England. He was a boy king and lived in London.
There was a man then, named Wat Tyler. He was a prisoner of the state gulag like all of the cloth of the land were. He though with all the others rose up, and said they would not be made criminals any longer for simply living. They had the right to travel where they chose, live where they chose without penalty and this was a perpetual right to them and their children.
This band of Patriots marched through the countryside and onto London. The Mayor of London upon seeing them, raised the bridge and would not let them enter. The band threatened the Mayor with diverse threats and the Mayor lowered the bridge, whereby the band rushed through the city terrifying all those there.
They broke open the prisons and let all free.
The boy King, Richard II, rose to his saddle and led the nobles out to meet the Patriots to inquire what it was they desired.
Upon meeting the King, Wat Tyler spoke for them all a simple thing, "We want to be free, and we want our children to be free after us."
Richard II, upon hearing the demands of the band, gave his word that all they desired would be granted them and to their children, if they would just return to their homes and be at peace.
It was at this moment that the Mayor of London, fearing all what was taking place in seeing Wat Tyler raise his hand to the King, rose up and murdered Wat Tyler. Fury swept through the mob and with a rush they pressed forward to slaughter the nobles who were their slave masters.
King Richard beholding all of this, rode his horse to the mob and to their astonishment wheeled in front of them and cried out, "What need ye my Masters? I am your Captain and King, follow me!"
The band of Patriots not willing to harm their King, but to only free them from the feudal nobles, followed their King and the death of Wat Tyler was the investment that all peoples would be free and equal under the law.
Americans in the 21st century are neither equal nor free under the law, but made criminals under the laws which the Founders pledged would be for their protection.
"No American can live without license. No American can travel without permit. No American can work without fine. No American can be an American without being charged an enemy of the state and a criminal."
Lame Cherry