In The Last Boy Scout, a Bruce Willis movie, the NFL team owner was interested in legalized gambling for the NFL as professional football was dead.
The NFL is witnessing that reality in the Pete Rosell NFL of the 1970's is dead and covered with a Randy Moss decomposition that Americans are turning away from. The proof is the playoff games are not being sold out across the board. This buttfricker NFL is not the national social Obama experiment that Americans want any part of.
One can tune to Roseann, to Heroes to the Big Bang Theory, and the reality is when lewdness drives away that moral part of the audience, those programs lose their profit share.
Entertainment will always have their Cagney and Lacey Mockingbird experiments like Doogie Howser as social conditioning is more important in destroying America than entertainment, but when glaring examples of the erosion of the NFL numbers like the dwindling numbers of Rush Limbaugh and talk radio, then a moral compass is pointing in a different direction as Americans in mass will not be steered where they do not will to go.
I will mention the Minnesota Vikings in this reality and explain the NFL situation as I have here previously as it reflects Obamamerica.
The Vikings were a once proud dynasty under Bud Grant which lost 4 Super Bowls as Met Stadium in that Arctic cold was like 10 additional players on the field. Coach Grant was interesting in no one was allowed to wear gloves nor were heaters allowed, as Grant knew that if the players were worried about being warm, they would not be playing football, but looking to get off the field to be warm.
Disasters followed after the Grant era in a nutty military type coach who destroyed the team in trying to turn them all into a military unit. Then appeared a racist in black coach Dennis Greene who brought in Randy Moss and Dante Culpepper, and when Greene was fired, the entire team fractured along racial lines.
Mike Tice replaced Greene, and Tice was a low brow cook who had no discipline, and worshipped at the feet of pervert Randy Moss.
Tice once fired, was replaced by a white guy named Brad Childress, but he could not overcome the racism as blacks tried to kill Brett Favre, to the point the New Orleans Saints were allowed to assault Favre in a playoff championship as "hurricane black New Orleans" needed a Super Bowl win.
Childress was fired in trying to hold that team together as games were set up in the NFL in chosen teams could only win championships. Some teams like the Patriots can cheat and some teams like the Steelers could get their quarterback killed with nothing said from the NFL front office.
Into this criminal, cheating and racist Viking group entered Ziggy Wilf of the east coast, who replaced Childress with a Leslie Frasier, the complete Obama coach.
Frasier was proof just how good Childress was in coaching, as Frasier took a championship Vikings team to the cellar, while always promising "one more year and we would be there".
Wilf got what he paid for in Frasier in being a cheap coach. Kansas City which under Hank Stram won a Super Bowl, declined under horrid coaches, and in this season hired on Andy Reid of the Eagles, and of such interest the Chiefs had a winning season. Yes the NFL is about coaches coaching idiot players and is about the lottery in which are the chosen teams for the wins of the manipulation of the fan base.
The reality is the Chiefs are the same team from last year, but Reid has a talent in coaching jocks.
Frasier is just fine as an Obama in having Pelosi and Reid carrying his water in what Childress oversaw. On his own Frasier fails just as Obama started to fail to his Fang Jinn persona tanking.
All of that adds up to fans disliking being overcharged for entertainment which is Obamacare fraud in some teams are chosen to win and others to lose, as these high priced jocks no longer play the rough and bruising game, and just cash the affirmative action paycheck.
It is of interest in the fraud of Rush Limbaugh getting Eric the red Ericcson to fill in for him, to try and draw in Conservatives who left the building long ago, is exactly what the NFL is experiencing.
I personally do not watch any sports any longer in the Roman circus of destraction. Basing my life on rich assholes who do not know me from Eve is a fiction too many idiots in this world place their emotional status on.
It is ludicrous to be depressed because some sports team had a bad game or year, as they could care less if you live or die....just like Limbaugh could care less if you were tits up or not.
I would hope that Americans on mass level would abandon all of this manipulation from mic heads to sports jocks. They do not care about you and do not deserve million dollar salaries for they are all frauds. It would be far better for families to set up little shooting gallaries for pellet rifles and have a competition Sunday afternoon in quality time. It would teach safety and security, while honing a healthy American past time which would keep enemies at home and abroad in check.
I hope someday to get one of those thousand dollar air rifles in 25 caliber or larger for perhaps hunting a turkey, but that requires millionaire donations as I am not going to waste money of other people on such indulgences.........even if historical in Lewis and Clarke on exploring America took along an air rifle which they did use.
Yes an amazing thing in Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett and Lewis and Clarke never once threw a football or followed a sports team, but they did all shoot guns and handle cutting weapons with ease.
So any way, I would like to consult Ziggy Wilf on sports as I did one time, as he and the NFL need it, as much as the Mockingbird caste need to recast the Limbaugh label as the chimps are waking up to the fraud being perpetuated.
I have to go now and in one of my minds delight myself in air rifles which I can not afford as I do other chores. It beats mic media and sports media fraud which the mass fixate on, but thankfully in about 10 percent fleeing numbers.
I should invent a five shot air rifle, be a gas tube with five rounds loaded into it for a magazine......guess I just did invent that.
nuff said