This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.........
The atom is an opposite attractant field in proton and neutron. Together they produce an independent charge termed and electron.
This electron is in orbit of the magnetic field of the proton and neutron, where it exists in an orbit that produces the current which is termed here the "God Light" which in this triune nature akin to the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, this God Light then in will produces the patterns which form all matter.
This is an electro magnetic field built from the polar opposite proton and neutron whose joining creates this charge and gravity which forms both the glue and the forming energy to unite atomic structures into overt physical matter.
The orbit of the electron is exclusive in producing this field of current and the unique nature of the God Light in building complex atomic structures.
The Philosopher's Stone is a conduit, a building bridge to transform metals in the ability to meld the atomic current into different atomic structures.
That is enough as I doubt any credit nor Nobel million dollar prizes will be awarded to me.
nuff said then
agtG 296YY