As I sit here, I am chewing on granola and just turned off the annoying fill in for Mark Levin, as Mr. Levin was doing some devout things as it is the Hebrew Day of Atonement, aka, Yom Kippur.
The guest goy was saying that Yom was the same as the Christian Easter which was interesting as Easter takes place on Passover, and that is the High Day of Jesus first fulfillment as it was when the Angel of the Lord passed over the Hebrews in Egypt and slew the Egyptians, who did not have the blood of the lamb sprinkled on the door post.
The goy guest host was prattling on about this being so sacred for the Ashkenaz Russian Jew, Mark Levin in Jews pray for like 23 hours or something as it is the day of atoning for sins. My one quip to my Saintly Mom was, "Well if they had Jesus they would not have to be wasting time atoning for anything as Jesus the Messiah they denied already paid the debt with His Life".
Crap my granola is kaput.
Anyway, Yom Kippur, in reality is the big Jesus denial day, and there is nothing sacred about it. If you can handle the Truth, God has huge plans on Yom Kippur in the not too distant future as God fully intends to observe it in a reckoning the world has never seen. The day is called Armageddon in the Bible in the Day of the Lord. Yes on Yom Kippur in the future, God will gather the armies of all the peoples of the nations who deny Jesus is Lord, and there He will slaughter them at that battle field.
That is what amuses me as the goy guest attempts to make this out to be some holy day when in reality what is building is a feast of the fowls, when all these dead will be carion eaten by birds.
What follows is years of burial in people assigned to it, and travelers finding bones and putting up markers so the burial crews will bury the bones of these dead judged for death.
I do not coddle chrisitians, Catholics, Jews, Muslims or any other get you in hell religion. Either you are Christs and redeemed or you are going to hell. It doesn't make a hoot in hell difference how good of a person you are, as good works ALONE do not gain you admission to Heaven. Jesus is the only Way, Truth and Life, and no one comes to the Father, but by Him.
So what good are a Jews prayers in Mark Levin sequestered away for 23 hours acting holy, when the Elohim he is praying to, is the Elohim Who includes the Thought of God, Who manifested as Jesus. It is like you calling up the Fang Jinn and denying you need a telephone and can talk into a leg of lamb and the Jiin would hear just ain't gonna happen children and brats.
If it is offensive to the Jew in these realities of how devout they are in observing Rosh Hashannah, which is the Babylonian Jewish New Year and not the Hebrew New Year which is in the spring, what is the point as the Pharasees out did anything a modern Jew ever could and Jesus condemned them as whitewashed seplechures for in vain did they worship God, teaching for doctrine the commandments of men.
Perhaps there is irony in this, like the Jews who murdered Jesus in His coming the first time, because by 70 AD, they were all dead in a Roman invasion and an Edomite rape and ruin. The same thing is coming again on Jews, because they will have not only denied Jesus, but will be making war on Christ when He returns the second time.
For the record, Revelation of Jesus the Christ, states His two witnesses in Jerusalem are murdered there by satan and the bodies lay in the streets for 3 days. That is the state of Jewry in the next coming years, as Two Prophetic Witnesses, performing Elijah type miracles are going to be hated, going to be murdered, left to rot in the streets as the world celebrates. Yes Jews are in Jerusalem, so the reality is they are not going to repenting, nor defending these Prophets of God, but are going to be celebrating like when Jesus was murdered, over the murder of two more Christians.
I really try to like Mark Levin, but I will not like his hypocrisy nor allow any of this to cloud the reality of what Yom Kippur is, in a major denial of Christ, as Jesus is the Lamb of God Who took away all sin forever, and no blood of a slaughtered sheep is going to atone for sins as it keeps taking place every year.
To celebrate the Old Covenant is to celebrate death. To celebrate the New Covenant is to celebrate Life.
It is the most hateful of things to not tell a Jew or anyone the above, because it dooms them to the real Spiritual holocaust which is coming, and Jews must be warned of this, as they are too "the apple of God's eye" full of themselves pretending the filth of their observances can ever appear righteous to God Who is Pure.
Jews, like all of the early Christians and most of the European Jews converted to in becoming Christians, need to repent before it is too late for them, and the nation of Judah. That is what "Israel" is, it is the Kingdom of Judah, and the northern Kingdom which was exiled first by God was the Kingdom of Israel.
I have always stated that all Texans are Americans, but not all Americans are Texans, and that is the reality in all Judahites and those gentiles who have repented and accepted Jesus as Savior as thee only begotten Son of God are now Spiritual Israelites, while the bloodline Israelites who have repented are the Americans, British, French, Irish, Danes, Scandinavians, Icelanders etc....
Those nations are the exiled Lost 10 Tribes. The Jews never lost their identity, because they continued to worship on the Sabbath and not the 8th day of the week.
All Judahites are Israelites, but none of the other 12 tribes are Judahites and never will be, because they are not from the tribe of Judah. It is ridiculous to call all these people Jews any more than it would be to call all Americans as Alabamans because of one state or tribe.
Jesus paid for everything already, but the sins of the evil of this world have not been repaid fully yet. That is what God through Jesus will accomplish at a coming Yom Kippur, and it will be an offering of mass slaughter of evil people and the animals will eat the dead evil people in their own feast provided by God.
Denying Jesus removes all atonement and is a waste of lamb blood and life. The same sins Mark Levin had yesterday, he still has today, as there is a New Covenant ratified in Jesus blood on the cross, and that is the only sacrafice or atonement which is ever accepted by God.
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, Leah, King David, all were cleansed in the blood of Jesus in atonement, because they believed Jesus would do this. Thee Apostles were cleansed in that atonement, because they believed in what they had seen. All who trust in the Lord in that Testament who have heard and believed that report are atoned for today by that same blood in being counted righteous for believing God.
Mark Levin is atoned for nothing and he like all Jews who practice this ritual still are condemned for their denial of Christ. That is the reality and it is why God will bring a reckoning on Yom Kippur in the future.
If the catholic Sean Hannity had any friendship for Mark Levin, he would bring him the above reality, but then Mr. Hannity has his own delusions in a Pater now stating no one needs God to get into Heaven, which is the same denial of Christ.
Anyway enough of this warning from the Rabbi to the lost lambikins.
Jesus is my Lord and Savior. I had to submit and if you do not, you will be Judged as you have no atonement.
Get on the right side of the worship and all will be Life.
The Jewish girls above as Israeli Soldiers will probably not live to see their 30th birthday.
agtG 321Y