Tomatoe Sunrise
This is TL' s and I creation based upon what Europreans indulge in for some odd reason, as they mix beer with sweet soda.
I found it all revolting, but thank God for red beer as in tomatoe juice as this makes it into something that tastes sort of like sweet soda with tomatoe and the beer is neutralized of hops.
One tall glass chilled.
One ice cold beer.
Tip glass and fill to half with beer.....tip so it does not froth.
Add one half of half with tomatoe juice and top off with Mountain Dew or some other Sprite type sweet soda.
Sip and think........I could be drinking a red beer and not this European hybrid thing that tastes better than what the continentals are drinking, but just the same..........I could be drinking red beer, ice cold and nice......getting my food groups of cereal bread, vegetable and sugars for desert.
nuff said