The Juncture of John McCain
 As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.I would wager that your first response in John McCain's well placed interview in the New Yorker in which he called all of you who are the growing...
View ArticleMY ABDULAZEEZ and image Obama's Terrorist
 As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.Truth Newz Talking Points1600 Penn AvenueWashington DCToday in a tragic set of circumstances directly the fault of George Washington, Abraham...
View ArticleThe About Face of the Gay Olde Party
 As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.I have much better things to do than deal with the slime world of political consultants, nor do I care when Breitbart and other right wing media,...
View ArticleThe Assassination of Donald Trump
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.I was moved to inquire of the matrix some events which are connecting, and began a search for a horizon point, and this is what the chatter is...
View ArticleHow about this shit?
 As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.In this blog being terrorized by Centurylink AKA SATANLINK AKA Obamalink, I ran across something which astounded me like........the Persian...
View ArticleThe American Exorcism
 The Virgin Mary is not the Queen of Heaven That is the Truth! As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.There has been featured as of late a Drudge headline and discussion of an American...
View ArticleHuma Huma on the Wall
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.Are not the expressions of these fag liberal males priceless? It is like, "If I can just ignore her she will just go away!"agtG
View ArticleFPL vs CDS
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.I was looking at girls night out at the Rainbow House and I happened to notice how white these Obama images try to be. The white face paint, as...
View ArticleDonald Trump is the Prisoner of War of the GOP
 John McCain with ISIS Terrorists in SyriaAs another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.In the movie, the Magnficient Seven, there is a scene were the peasants from a village are in a saloon,...
View ArticleAs a ..........whatever
 As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.I do not know what version of Windows or whatever you are running, but the following is for the astutely, not ignorant, not lazy, just sort of...
View ArticleFuture Lower Barbie Problems
 As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.Do you recall when Don Imus was suspended for using the term nappy head, concerning Afroids? There has been a host of liberal hosts who have been...
View ArticleTDS: Trump Derangement Syndrome
  the elite hated Theodore Roosevelt tooAs another Lame Cherry in matter anti matter.I noticed that today Bill Krystol and the Wall Street Journal joined the Huffington Post in refusing to support...
View ArticleHomoland Security
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.As this blog always seeks to assist the police state, why should not the criminals circumventing Homeland Security and exposing so much of their...
View ArticleObama, Murderer of the White Race
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.Microsocioism.If you remember, Stanley Anne Dunham, was the conduit of the Ford Foundation's economic remoulding of the 3rd world to enslave those...
View ArticleThat Kinder and Gentler Thing
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.This begins with a question.Is there a difference between Michael Reagan and Ron Reagan jr.?To save you a brain sprain, the answer is yes, in one...
View ArticleGreater Deutschland
 As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.Lost in the trojan horse and the undertum of Europe, there is as great of drama being worked out, but somehow is as uncovered as the Mexican...
View ArticleObama's Mother of all Nukes
 As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.What if I were to tell you that the father of over 100, 000 dead in Syria, Christian genocide in Syria, and civil war in Iraq, was just in the...
View ArticleDonald Trump: Shades of Jesus
Jesus Don & the Mayor As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.I heard Donald Trump in Laredo Texas say that he loves Jesus. Jesus works down there as a city planner or something,...
View ArticleThe NSA Homogram
 As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.For those who are interested in the bizarre world of the Lame Cherry, I have the above screen grab from Facebook.To explain this, when a poster...
View ArticlePhonefagate
 As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.I am giving Pam credit for this post, as I honestly have had a pain in the back and anything with Lindsey Graham in it, makes that pain seem like...
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