As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In this blog being terrorized by Centurylink AKA SATANLINK AKA Obamalink, I ran across something which astounded me like........the Persian communists having a Holocaust Donations button on their regime web pages..........
Look at this who Centurylink WAS ALREADY including with women, Asians, blacks, Indians as a minority to be catered to, and provide special favors for.
National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce
(202) 419- 0440
Yes the plot grows deeper as did you know that there was a lobbist funded group of sodomites, who were progressing issues?
Apparently, you were footing the bill in all of this, before the Roberts Kennedy court legitimized all this ass sex, because besides Centurylink. Ronald McDonald was signed onto the fag agenda too. Multi billion dollar corporations were giving preferential treatment to a group of degenerates who received affirmative action for smelling like feces after sex.
McDonalds a part of the NationalGay& LesbianChamberof ...
According to both McDonald's and the NationalGay& LesbianChamberof ... the company becoming a member of the NationalGay& LesbianChamberofCommerce ...
This is ludicrous, and in some further research, I happened upon this bizarre tax payer funded addition.
Business Diversity Efforts Poised to Benefit from New ...
... » Press Releases & Media Advisories » Business Diversity Efforts Poised to Benefit from New Partnership between U.S ... NationalGay& LesbianChamberofCommerce
Yes the US Regime had an entire division promoting enriching these few billionaire homosexuals in the Small Business Administration hid this in Obama code of Business Diversity.
So you get this, while sodomites were attacking and attempting to ruin Chic Fillet, other fags could receive preferential treatment from the regime to start their own chicken businesses......and if you notice Chic's competitor McDonalds was in the closet for them, and would benefit from this collusion.
Now you know why there was that immediate CONGRATS TO SODOMITES notices all going out. It was a conspiracy of fellow travelers and every damned one of these conglomerates were getting Obama kickbacks in that nefarious Nazi police state socio conglomerate organization.
Businesses make the case for same-sex marriage as U.S ...
Major corporations such as Apple and Coca-Cola joined the U.S. GayandLesbianChamberofCommerce in arguing that state bans on same-sex ... The NationalGay&… more.Frontiers Media Officially Certified as an LGBT Business ...
... 2015 Frontiers Media President and CEO Michael Turner and the NationalGay& LesbianChamberofCommerce ... Frontiers Media Officially Certified as ...SBA's initiative aims to aid and grow LGBT businesses - South ...
... NationalGay& LesbianChamberofCommerceandthe Miami-Dade GayLesbianChamberofCommerce announce a new ... South Florida Business JournalNationalGay& Lesbian Group Backs U.S. Airlines In Open ...
NationalGay& Lesbian Group Backs U.S. Airlines In Open Skies Go. Sign In / Register | Follow ... The NationalGay& LesbianChamberofCommerce ...
Oh and for those who do not think this is criminally connected to all the same damned groups of Obama regime advancement. Just look at who has joined itself at the hip with this criminal enterprise, but another criminal yes, the criminal invaders of America, have their own damned Chamber of Commerce too, to steal US business.
U.S. Hispanic Chamber launches new cross-cultural management ...
... the NationalGayandLesbianChamberofCommerceand ... Palomarez said today that he wants to bring the U.S. Hispanic Chamber's 2017 national
None of this is by accident. These criminals and degenerates are all using United States Citizen agencies, taxes and courts against Americans. America has been overthrown and this cancer is invested like a tick sucking the life blood out of you in death by a thousand vermin bites.
Another Lame Cherry exclusive in mater anti matter.
Yes, the plot reams deeper