I like the idea of beekeeping genius in mines feeding the flora. I found a mine which has healing earth in it's veins.
Upon inquiry in a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, what I receive in Ison the comet is it is a sign. I see nothing in it breaking apart or it colliding........nothing hidden in the tail or nothing coming behind it. Wormwood comes from a different place in the sky.
This is a sign though of the anti Christ. It appears to be more solid than material to produce vapors. It promises light but gives darkness.
It crosses the lion, the crab and the twins.
It is the sign of the false lion.
I apologize is not more in quick read. Am having a difficult time of things distracting me as usual.
agtG 247Y
One leader has fallen and another arises in the darkness in between.
One more most important exclusive:
TL on a rainy morning this past week in driving to work, witnessed a sickly orange sun with a prominent sickly orange street light in the foreground that at first glance was larger than the sun.
Upon inquiry it was a sign of the coming anti Christ.
One wonders in the play of these celestial events if they know something is out there and they are trying to produce a desensitization of the public as if this boober comet is harmless than that big Wormywoodie is no reason to stop listening to FOX.