As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I really enjoy intelligent questions based upon the individual experience as they are always sincere and earnest to understand. In that, I open this with the caveat of we always must try the spirits as the Bible directs by the Holy Ghost, and that includes the "get thee behind me satan" spirits of Peter saying Jesus must not fulfill His mission.
I have a brother in law who is a real ass. For that matter my two sisters are the two butt cheeks of that ass. One has told me that God does not talk to me or my Mom. The other has said I am going to hell. The brother in law believes nothing of spirits and mocks such things. I have always wanted to have the money to send him without his knowing on a vacation to a haunted house, and then just amuse myself in watching him running screaming in the night as the reason people always mock spiritual things is they are terrified of them if they had to face them in reality.
I have not had a number of spiritual experiences and yet I did. This dichotomy was there was a poltergeist which bothered me as a child. I slept walked a great deal being high strung in Spirit. It did not require a great deal in my sensitivity or empathy to trigger me.
Once I thought my practical joker dad had thrown water on me one morning around 4 in the summer, as my face got wet and water splashed on it. No one was there, and I was not afraid, but instead annoyed as I knew it was that poltergeist screwing with me.
One night I actually half woke up when I was getting a gun off or our gun rack and I laid it down beside my bed. It was a dream about a bunch of black crows. It is the old adage though of was it the dream making me reach for the gun or was it the act making me dream, as in does one dream of peeing in bed because one is peeing or is one dreaming of peeing because one has to pee. It is the latter, and in the firearm situation it was that poltergeist there and I was sensing it in the black crows.
That actually bothered me as one can not be walking about in one's sleep with guns, even if I keep them all unloaded (a gun is always loaded though), except for one specifically designated for the purpose.
In speaking with my Mom about this, she by the Holy Ghost had the solution in if one opens up a Bible to the Gospel of St. John, the dark influences stop. Mine stopped immediately as that is the reality of the Word of God.
As I have noted, my dad's cousin married a spiritual woman, who is now 90 something and we were talking of things years ago, and she told me, "La'me, we all see things, but most people chose not to see them".
She was completely correct in this and fear or consternation keeps people from noting all sorts of things.
My "problem" has been in noting those things as the Spirits then stop doing them. For some time, I had an Angel bumping my bed and jostling me. I kept noting it, and it did stop as I was too aware of what was going on. God does not permit a great deal of sight in things, as this was all designed to be a matter of Faith in growing us as Spiritual children.
I personally do not inform a great deal of people of my experiences, and I would counsel the same as TL rarely tells anyone of all the things TL experiences. People will use it against you or think you are nuts, as they do not want to deal with things like this, so it is just easier to mock, as I am mocked here constantly.
The shock wave of denial which went through the net in "LC is a Prophetess" in people denying it was amusing to watch, because if what takes place here is of God and I do know things and am not a plant in Mockingbird sowing conspiracy, then all of those things have to be answered for.
The same is true as curses start being implemented and all those non donors start noticing things and not wanting to take responsibility for Emma and the troubles I have been inflicted by. Once people start having to deal with the Spiritual and the spiritual, they suddenly start becoming troubled and try to run and hide......but there is no hiding from any of this.
Extreme emotion of sensitives activated starts a process that things Spiritual and spiritual start manifesting. I will allow part of a secret out here in often enough on this blog when "people do not get it" in the sentence structures seem jumbled, what you are seeing as I have noted is the conversation with the Holy Ghost. I have to work at this genius in still being able to communicate without it being so unfathomable which it can not be understood at all.
Think of this in an orchestra sense. When one is opened Spiritually, it is like all the circuits on an electric board are lit up. When that happens in an orchestra it sounds like a din, but when it is played in a mathematical resonant frequency one obtains music. When one is closer in tune to God's order, then one begins that Euclidean 47th in beauty.
You can hear all these circuits firing in people like that Bob Lazear or whatever his name was in that Area 51 genius on Art Bell's old programs. The genius mind when firing like that is going in all directions. "Normal" thought does not express itself like that as it is one dimensional, but that is how the spiritual matrix works in it is firing constantly in numerous people, spirits or God all charging that field.
I will explain something that I have spoken of before. The Temple in Jerusalem to God is no different than you. That Temple in Euclidean 47th of the Golden Spiral of Sacred Geometry was a perfect resonant amplification human body made of stone to communicate with God.
The Ephod was a gemstone receiver to the Will of God. It was worn on the breast as the soul or Spirit of God was there in the Levite who were bred for that role as Spiritual Conduits.
All things have that God Light in them to be moulded or which imprints some other aura. It all is electric and it communicates and humans feel all of these frequencies as they resonate as the human soul is a sponge, the body is a sponge and the Spirit is a sponge to energy. The human DNA as Jeff Rense noted is one big antennae. The human is built to imprint, and that imprint is either from God or satan.
In the spiritual vortex, I know what this is and I have an amusing story of this, as I have never shut up since birth in talking. I seem to have a Mother who is deaf to me, as my din never ceases. One night in a particularily troubling time, I was venting about something and my Mom started looking under our kitchen table. Then above the table, the she was waving her hands.
I said something like, "What the hell are you doing!!!!", as I presumed she was not paying attention to me again.
What was going on which I did not see, was a spiritual vortex had taken place. She saw swirling light like smoke and she thought something was on fire, as she had never experienced anything like that.
Some child named LC probably initiated it all in being upset.
When events such as this happen, several things are taking place. First there is something which has been upsetting the person for some time. Second, the reality is Holy Angels pray for us, and they do so on location a great deal of the time. That is where incense comes from as people saw these swirling clouds of light long ago and were mimicking them.
Third, there is an intelligence behind the events, and the intelligence for the Christian is the Holy Angel or Angels of God conducting the intercession.
Most people never are aware or see such activities, but when they happen, people wonder what is taking place as God did not design for us to see such things.
In stress, we might see them though as these prayers heal or attune us to the place of Peace God Wills us to be. It is like a conductor to an orchestra, in aligning all the musicians to only play on command, in shutting things down so all the circuits in the body are not firing at once.
In Sacred Geometry, one has to view this as, like a military insignia of a horn on a bugler. You see those horns and know what it is, but in real life when we see the one dimensional signs, we are puzzled by the occult nature.
I covered this long ago, but will explain here a bit more in when you see a pentagram or a "star of David", you are seeing something puzzling in a power symbol, but do not comprehend this is a three dimensional is a bugle in the army you are not seeing the entire military of, or the french horn in orchestra and not seeing all the other instruments which make it complete.
The military is a sphere, not a circle, just like an orchestra is a sphere and not a circle. The sphere is 3 dimensional and the circle is one dimensional.
See the pentagram of the occult is just a one dimensional geometric shape of something out there which is 3 dimensional. All of these shapes are in the sphere, square, rectangle, triangle, hexagrams etc... along with odd shaped objects, but combined they all become a sphere. That is the essence of God and this is the Tree of Life.
Put enough points of light on a surface and you stop seeing the points and it seems to become a solid add the Photon Physics as pioneered here in resonant frequency to make this object move, and you have the Tree of Life when it is placed into motion.
The Tree is Sacred Geometry, Spiritual DNA, but it is nothing without the Force behind it. The two are connected like the french horn needs the breath of human life to make it produce the frequency req uired. Played correctly it becomes the Golden Spiral, played incorrectly and it does nothing but annoy. One brings pleasantness and the other bring brings life and one brings death.
One must in God to always in Jesus Name order all evil to "BE GONE". It does not matter if we think it is an angel of light in being a demon as Peter was thinking he was right, but to guard ourselves in all things, so that nothing slips in we are not aware to be rid of the influences that are hindering us in God's Plan.
Then by opening ourselves to God's Holy Spirit the true Light will produce that which is intended.
It is a situation that I constantly must be doing housecleaning in things are sent from evil people which I did not ask for, but not many forts ask for a mortar salvo to come flying in.
The spiritual is something no one is really prepared for as God has us forget that association, so we have must chose with difficulty to get back to it.
One may study the mechanics of these objects and frequencies as they interact, as that in part is what many of the eastern religions are on Kaballah to Buddhism in the geometric shapes or the resonant frequencies, but they are voided in not having God's Holy Spirit brooding them to Life as He did upon the face of the deep.
As I type this, I phase between the place those things are and this world. One can get in too deep in this as being "enlightened" one is pleasured by this, and it will become a god to the person, but it is not God. These two dimensions or more correctly this earth dimension and the Overlord dimension outside this world which is the controlling factor.....the Light equals Light principle of the Lame Cherry Law, which Einstein missed as he did not comprehend no more than quantum mechanics in their incessant physics of creating new theories to prop up their flawed mathematics, do not deal with God in any of this, so all they do starts falling apart.
Earth is finite as is time. Heaven is infinite as is God. Even Jesus hungered and was weary, as being the Word alone would have no communicative link to people who had enough problem with parables explaining the math in all of this, and could not comprehend that other infinite no more without experience as nothing is like it in the human experience.
I pull back in this now to not become too complicated as that would not do any good for people, as people are designed for here, and not for the there. It is the there where some return to their frequency generated here in either Light or darkness.
We are to open ourselves to God alone here to grow into His likeness being formed in His Own Image. Being always on guard for the demonic or other human auras dulling that frequency.
For older people, they will perhaps be able to still "hear", but for younger ears this might not make sense in this closing. In the 1970's, one had "rock" in groups like Three Dog Night which was considered shocking in it's hyped up blues as much as the Rolling Stones or those simplistic chords manufactured by the Beatles.
A song appeared from the Edgar Winter's Group called Frankenstein which sounded like garbage to people, but it was the "sound" of Heavy Metal starting as the human ear had been conditioned and changed as the cartel does accomplish this, as much as humans on the edge devolved the depression of the human soul to the chaos of jazz that stimulates the human mimicking a sexual frenzy, which is what rock and roll was based upon.
The point in this is, it does not matter if it was country in Don Gibson, Hank Williams, Johnny Cash in his rockabilly, that the point of Euclidean music soothing the human breast, devolves to the point of torment savaging the human breast in this modern din which is called "music".
Music is not difficult to create. One just opens oneself to God, and strums or plinks on a keyboard a series of notes in a timed sequence, and then a shift of chords and you have a song. As folksinger Woody Guthrie said, "I only play two notes and shift to three when I am trying to impress a girl".
When the Afroid degraded from Blues to this gangster chaos, it had nothing in common with the African or the Gandy Dancers rhythm of work methology which is what the Negroid did to be able to accomplish tasks. Songs to soothe them in hard labor. What one hears now is a primal scream of self rape on themselves. It is not music, but musick, a psychopathy of sickness. What is "Country" now reminds one of Cousin Eb after being kicked in the head by a mule in it all being the same babbling miserable sound.
Very long point is the reason movies all are boring now, is the human imprint is gone as the entire societal structure is so burned out by constant firing of emotional conduits that not even debauchery can phase an audience any longer. Yes nothing is new since Shakespeare, but a primal scream at 100 million dollars is what one can get free in the jungle in lions killing baby antelope, and it sounds a great deal less troubling.
When the human soul is troubled, a prayer spiral is made by Holy Angels to heal the person to allow them the opportunity then to make decisions with God. If we do not have constant prayer spirals then one has been sufficiently aligned to engage with the Holy Ghost a growth through these things. That is not to say that all is answered and calm ensues, because this is a matter of growth. From my observation the euphoria people have does them little good, as numbers go "christian zombie" or think that first euphoria is what it is like to be a Christian and never progress to the sweating of blood.
As one person noted in a message, we can not do a great deal to change the world, but we can focus on us. We will progress as God intends in being Christian as He does try us, and sometimes the trials are boredom and not massive afflictions of drama.
I will leave this study for now as I listen to the music of Mexicans demolishing TL's roof in preparing to shingle it for the owners and I have a load of laundry to accomplish and all the other tasks of the day. It is being in this world and not of this world.
So you did not perceive that a snail in shell is what a prayer looks like to the eye.
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