I have come to the conclusion that the discovery of Vanishing Point is more than simple vanishing for even non existence is an existence of nothing.
By this I mean, a human male sperm and a human female egg, are not parallel orbs, but are in fact convergent entities or forces, that must cross paths as in life and death, male and female, is and is not.
Two entities converge at focal point, and vanish as they are incorporated into a vanishing point for both, but yet each retain their right of presence in the new "vanishing".
For example, life and death, in the above diagram in the human male and female power symbols of the 6 and five pointed star of the Tree of Life Sacred Geometry, you have the same life and death cycles incorporated into the same event. The human sperm is white of life and the human egg is found in the dark recesses of the womb which is a grave without that seed down into it, as grain into the dark earth.
That union though produces a convergent line, as in life and death, that when the two meet both continue on. Notice though the geometric trinangulation of this event.
There is a triangle structure which brings together the two paths to converge. At convergence point or focal point, that instant in time passes and one notes a new triangulation appears on the other side of the event of demarcation.
This event is literally Biblical in one becomes an eternal Light which continues to expand to fill the void or one becomes eternal darkness forever diffusing or becoming the void. It is literal that one becomes either more of what one is in Life of one becomes even more the void in death.
All things are part of this triangulation structure of vanishing point.
The simple language in the above creations exclusive from this blog, tells the story of all geometric power. This is the power symbol sturcture which is refracted from the sphere of God to the angular of the image of God in revelations, to in divisions, to join again in Sacred Geometric design to the harmony of the whole.
This is the state of being. It IS as in the I AM that I AM and WILL BE WHO I WILL BE. The antithesis of this is the NOT as in The void which is void ends in the end. This is the demarcation of the Judgment in the destruction of darkness or those forces, for they will not be which are not.
Inverting the triangulation is again the opposite of the I AM, for what is an open triangle becomes the closed diamond of the end with a point of ending.
Everything of God is contained in the above diagram. It is the mystery in it's purest and simplest mathematical form expressed in geometric design.
The void expanding becomes the void filled.
1/60th of the sphere in 360 degrees is the clock of time in this dimension. 60/60ths is the eternal without end in the 360 degrees multiplied by 6. Each minute is 1/60th, and each eternal degree is the factor of 10.
That which is finite in triangulation becomes infinite.
Think that is about as in depth as I will go and instead of nattering on about things filling up space like posting pictures of women in their underwear, because women seem to deduce that underwear and cameras seem to be convergent or they will vanish into infinity.
Strange psychopathy in that, in posing in underwear photographs seems to convey an eternal placement for numbers of women.
I have not found that in Newtonian nor Biblical Law that underwear photos make on immortal.
Same with large quantities of alcohol, large quantities of crimson paint makes one eternal, as all is vanishing point when of this time ending, consumptive dimension.
So much time wasted on preserving the mortal which will not be, instead of the immortal which transfigures to eternal.
agtG 249Y