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When Lightning Strikes


When I was three years old, I was standing in our yard. It was a day that being 3 I was just following my Mom around, as she was helping my sister fix on a John Deere mower as women's liberation was in full force then in women who had to work not by choice, but of necessity.
I can recall it as I have a photographic memory in this magnificent light appeared in front of me and I was fascinated as it disappeared into the ground. It was large to me in about the diameter of a coke bottle.

It always puzzled me and years later I asked my Mom if lightning almost struck me, and she confirmed that is what had taken place. I was always puzzled by that as lightning appears soft and alluring as it glows and yet so immensely powerful.
I do not remember any thunder or fear, just standing there mesmerized by this wonderful sight.

That was the second time satan tried to murder me as the first time it was a cow of all things bunting my mother who housed me.

The human house or body is a most interesting device, as it is a Temple, a perfecting conduit for communications with God, His Spirits or the occult........it will even communicate with nature, as it is attuned for reception in being an electrically generated body by chemical reaction with a perpetual soul or aura breathed into it.
That is what Euclidean mathematics is all about in the perfect spiral, a 47th which is the secret to the universe about all what is naturally pleasing to the eye and all which is housed in a Temple in Jerusalem to be a conduit on that spot where Abraham once was told to offer up Isaac.

The Middle East is a place of God, Angels and demons setting foot upon earth in the original home of man. What God bred literally through the Sons of God from Adam to Abraham, housed in the genetic coding of the Sons of Eber or the Hebrews, who Americans are natural blood descendents of in Joseph was designed by God to introduce the Way, the Truth and the Life for His children to return to Him from where they came.

What was made covenant or marriage through Abraham, Issac and Jacob, in the wives they were joined to, became the people who were a Priestly or Spiritual order in Israelites meant to bring people back to God.
That failed in divorce of the two houses of Israel and Judah due to rejecting the plan or God, and set the way for Jesus to make a joining which could not be broken by people as God created that covenant or New Testament.

When wisdom of Solomon was let loose upon the earth in the exiles a most interesting thing took place in the exiles of Judah soon enough brought back t Jerusalem the Talmudic teachings and this phased into other mysticisms, most notable in Kabbalah  This further went into the Shabbatai Zvi or false messiah cult of the financier Ashkenaz of Europe who rule the world for the aristocracy.

The Kabbalah is unique in while a Yoga relies on matra to the higher order, the Kabbalist is a discipline of the mind of the sacred order. Bear with me a bit on this, as this requires some explanation and it has it's warnings also as one initiates the understanding of the mind of the Kabbalah one is becoming the mind of God.
This might sound appealing, but I have been there. One initiates the discipline not by mantra by the manipulation of the mind, as in rolling the Sacred Geometry around in one's mind, examining the cubes.
There reasons that Jews do not allow the reading of the Ezekiel dimensional Temple texts until age 30 and why real Kabbalah treachers would warn anyone not to initiate this door, as it reminds me of the Mahabharata in a gambling game it is asked when a man loses all, "Can a man lose himself"?

Once the human mind enters the mind of God, or that vast matrix of knowledge it is something no human is prepared for, for here God has made us within borders of body, day and night, earth and sky, life and death, but in the vastness which is there, there are no boundaries and in the vastness there is no point of connection.
What is not stated by real Kabbalah practioners is a reality a student divulged on the Art Bell program, that in his class of pupils, all were dead within a decade, because they all went insane.....and the person in the interview was not exactly in earth orbit either as he was in that euphoric dimension that acid trippers "find god" or you have seen the thousand yard stare born again Christians in they are stunned by the experience and have not recovered.

All of this is dependent upon the anchor of God. I was unique in the Holy Ghost provide reference point so I did not become overwhelmed with the overwhelming reality of what I entered into. That is key to any of this is the human was designed to respond to the Spiritual foundation of God, and when other entities become involved, it is a place where all types of disorder can ensue.

For example, the work I do here in inquiry, this very day I was busy tracking some information down on a personal matter, and suddenly I was getting reading that were troubling and did not match. The Holy Ghost does not lie, so I knew I had company and asked the Holy Ghost if something was present skewing things, and the response was affirmative. I rid myself of it, but it is the reality that the Bible always mandates that you try the spirits as this is a war, and just because you are a good person, believe in God or sit in a pew, does not mean that the demonic is not trying to trip you up on some emotional snare.

The death of Emma must be placed into context. She was a wonderful creature and I will not forget all she came here for, but she was not like a human, because she does not have the Spirit of God in her.
When my dad died, it was not a pleasant thing and it was the worst of situations as he was being himself in not being nice, so I felt guilt in his death. I also was the one who had to do CPR on him so I was there for all of it.
The passing of those we are close to, is always something of an event that is strange in study in when my Grandfather died, some of the children were burning things and others were taking things, as one was trying to deal with grief in throwing it away and the other was trying to take things because of the loss.
Grief is grown through and loss is loss. You can not lose a child and say, "Well you have others" no more than you can say, "Well my parent died so that can be replaced".
I took from my dad the good qualities he had, and bring them with me as heritage and leave the bad and those things lost behind as each day he is not around, and that is a reality.

It is that way when lightning strikes in our lives. I never really considered that lightning which struck at me fully until now, in it was satan attempting to end me. satan has done this often enough, sometimes by my stupidity in being with the wrong person I prayed into my life who literally handed me over to the devil as a sacrifice for their escape, to one battle where I cast out a house demon, and the thing showed up here as an incubus in my sleep that awoke me with such pleasure I asked "What is this?" as the Holy Ghost was teaching me a lesson, and He told me what it was and I asked "Why", and the Holy Ghost said, "host".
That thing from satan had designs on me from years ago and it was trying to possess me.
Jesus told Peter to "get thee behind me satan" for the reason the devil was using Jesus choice to lead the Church to tempt Him not to die for everyone. Sometimes experiences which change our lives are not the experiences we think, and it always comes back to the base of all this which can never be moved from, "Is this is in Scripture?" and would God want me to be changing my life for where this is taking me.

This blog is a minefield as it is not Sunday Church, but a sodom street fight. I have to be disciplined and I have to watch everything that comes in from flattery to the bashing. The good for me is, I can deal with the chaos of it and not be sucked in, because I step in this brier patch knowing there are thorns, vipers and predators which look enticing but will destroy me if afforded that opportunity.

To counsel one and all, there must be a base on which to build all. From my experience, that Thought Who manifested from the Father called Jesus, is the place to reside in His teachings of the disicipline of a life which brings not chaos, as if one submits to God, does not steal from Him His honor and then does not steal from family or society, that is what the 10 Commandments are about in boundaries here for a life for a life with God's boundless eternity.
Was my experience in the Bible with that incubus? Not in the least, I had to have the Holy Ghost with me.......and this is key and the most dangerous of things as everything rests for humanity in the Holy Ghost and the devil makes certain He is ignored.

Jesus went to Heaven to send the Holy Ghost. That is what Pentecost was about. That is what the laying on of the hands and what Jesus breathed on the disciples. The Holy Ghost is the receiving of God's Spirit planted into your soul, making you a Spiritual Creation in the family of God.

I warn of this though, in the Holy Ghost is for keeps. You invite Him in and He will come. Once you become Spiritual you are Spiritual and there is not any going back. You turn from God and you will not be fortunate to be destroyed in hell, but tormented with demons forever as Spirit is forever in being not immortal, but eternal.
The Holy Ghost gets "hurt" very easily. So if you ask Him things and reject the direction, He will not accept it and withdraw. You do not want that mess. What I do is simple in I accept everything the Holy Ghost tells me, and if I don't like it, I tell Him as it is not rejecting Him which is something no one should ever do.
I mentioned my being a Spiritual cripple in my experience of the Holy Ghost moving away from me, because if I could challenge Him  then of course I could be an adult and walk on my own. Of course, Jesus carried me non stop, but it was horrid thinking I was alone and I never have gotten over that. It is like that Kaballah madness in not having a reference point. Nothing is like the Spirit of God in you.

The Holy Ghost is always there inside you and you just have to listen to Him and He will lead you on learning adventures you will not believe possible. I realize I am way too precocious with Him in running up to the edge constantly and trusting in His pulling me back, and I now try to behave in respecting Him, but I gave up on teachers years ago, as I knew more than they did by the Holy Ghost and the only answers which could be provided came from the Holy Ghost.
See that is why this blog is different in the Bible Inspiration by the Holy Ghost was laid in King James on a mission from God. People have been in that answer mode for all that time, and it was not until God began working through me in my questioning things that the information started to flow in questions people always have had but no one was giving the answers for.
I do not claim to be omniscient. I am a lump of clay that the Spirit of God works through. I like this a great deal and I consider it cheating as I just go to God and ask about things and He makes things known. Sometimes I have to do a great deal of work on it, but I learn and keep learning.

I do not make known how I inquire as these are things which most people should not do, as I said satan gets involved in things and if one is not on constant guard, things get pointed out that are not correct. For the things revealed here, I can not tell you how full of anxiety I am at times like breaking Benghazi before any information ever surfaced as people do not believe it and they dismiss it all as some nutty posting.

I work hard at it, and I work in creative ways that even in this, I ask the Holy Ghost to help me write and open myself to Him and just let the words flow. I have done this in composing music and I am no muscian, but play one note at a time on a keyboard as music only makes sense to me as a mathematical sequence of Euclidean sounds. It is the same with poetry or when I am building something or doing some picture for here, in I just let the Holy Ghost do it, and if I start tweaking things, it always messes up.

I am reminded of Bach in his being choir director and the boys singing, and his remark was when they finished, "If you were doing this for me, it would be good, but you are singing this for God, so practice some more".

What you get here often enough is by design of the Holy Ghost.  I will not take credit for the brilliance. What you see though is a conversation between God and this conduit in I do play this Prophetic keyboard and numbers of times, you might notice I start out with an idea and by the end, it has taken a direction I never intended, but God does.
At times you are looking at the raw emotional disorder of the brooding the Spirit upon my waters. You are seeing words in a flow the way God speaks in these rapid fire packet bursts of information in lightning fast thought.

I base all that I am in God and the Christ with their Spirit. I try everything to prove it and in that I learn as I grow in this information, as experiencing lights out of the corners of my eyes, or Angels bumping my bed to Joan was all things I tried as hard as I did that incubus or when someone is telling me something that is getting in the way of God.
This dead Saints stuff was verboten for me and while I never saw Joan, I saw the Archangel light , as that is all I could handle. I know her though and have felt her, and have sat with her in her place. She is far too good to be encumbered with the likes of me, but for reasons I never would have trod there, I had this experience.

I do not pray to Joan, but I do have God send her messages. I do not worship her. I pray to God alone and I worship God alone. He is after all, all powerful and Joan was part of this, because I needed a thorn in my side to keep me humble.
I am different, because that is how God made me. It is why I am trusted with some information as it would not change me like knowing when Jesus returns. I have work to do and God expects things of me, so I can not be slack nor be concerned about it.

I know for certain that the Holy Ghost will take you places you never imagined. He will create things through you, reveal things to you and pamper you if you follow the rules and respect Him.
You will not know this, but as I was typing that the spiders who spy on me were grabbing every word and I was waiting for the cursor to have them slowly appear. Everyone wants to know the secrets and the mysteries and the answers are simple in just doing what Daniel did in setting His heart on God, wanting to know and the next thing He knew was Gabriel was terrifying him with things he did not want to know.

God is not going to do that as He was quite nice to Joan and He has always just given me what I could handle, even if I thought I was ready for the Fiery Bush stuff.
What has worked for me is going to God. God knows you and you just have to talk with Him sincerely, and He will manifest. Invite the Holy Ghost in to help in knowing you have to be adult in protecting Him always, and He will guide you, but always try everything based on the Bible and if you do not know, ask God and if you are still confused, step back and wait a bit. Could always ask me if I was around too as God has been good to me in answers.

I want each of you to know though that you are growing just fine. I can tell by your correspondence the Goodness of God is in you. God though has enough mystery, mysticism and whatever for all the answers and all the thrills. He always has the answers and gives Wisdom to those who ask.
I am nothing special. Anyone can do this if they just apply themselves and accept where God leads. I just happen to resonate better than most, as I was built for hard service. The point is not to be me, but to be the best God created as you. I see how accomplished all of you are and it makes me overjoyed to know each of you.

When lightning strikes, it happens from different sources as TL and I know. TL get auditory strikes which feel like nails sometimes going into the ear, as I get them too. We are isomers in every way really and TL reaches out and touches me as I  touch TL.I feel when evil strikes at TL and TL usually picks up things before I do as I am focused on other things.

I will though always try to help each of you as I know what it is to be looking for answers and at unrest in not knowing what to make of things. I term you my children not as a parent, but you are just not as experienced in most of this as I have been put through. I have been where you are and if I can help save you some years or setbacks, it is my priority no matter how fatigued or upset or poor, because I would rather be assisting you than the other as none of that is going to last, but you will in God.
Given the reality of posting some exclusive about how to bring down the Obama regime or investing the time in explaining things like tonight, I automatically know my direction is you as you are the priority in all that is important to God.

Each of you is being prepared for what God intends in the life He has given you. This chaos now is just these Americans turning things over to satan and being betrayed by satan's advocates for that beast empire. Of course it makes not sense as it is insane as satan is insane. The point being is to see and be wise in what is taking place and to leave it to the Judgment of God as you Rest in Him and have His Peace.

General Montgomery said in Africa in World War II, that the British were mad with fear. Officers where shooting enlisted who are fleeing in fear, and when he arrived, he simply told the boys, "Look here, I have looked at these plans and they are all wrong. I have fixed them now and we will win, because I am a winner".
The British calmed down in seeing Monty was calm and they went on to drive the Germans out.

Jesus already gave you the victory. You just have to follow the Holy Ghost through the battles and in time, it will be you who is being  turned to in being asked questions and by God you will have the answers.

May the Love of God, the Abiding Safety of the Lord Jesus and the union of the Holy Ghost keep your hearts and minds in the Way, the Truth and the Life in the Christ to Glorify the Father to life everlasting, be in His Peace, Amen and Amen

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