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I am quite pleased that sodomite states exist like Californication, New Boink and Homosota, home of Horse Face Klobachar and election stealer Al Franken for the simple reason, I advocate that these 3 states become Homo Havens, where they can do all they please.

I have made the points in this, and the reality is some say homos are born that way. So are PSYCHOPATHS, so the reality is if being born some way is an excuse, then all the murderers and rapists should be out of prison and doing what they do naturally as if homos are allowed this, then of course a psychopath has that same equal protection under law.

The reality in this is this is all about legalized child rape. It is why Hillary Clinton and Janet Reno made the first push for making children have legalized adult status in emancipating them. It is why John Kerry's daughter in a speech at the DNC for her dad, said IT WAS A CHILD'S CHOICE and not a woman's choice.

Every debate point the deluded or the fag has made has been refuted here. This does effect every person, as sodomy violates societal laws. All laws originate in protecting the production of children to inherit as normal people all the previous people in that nation have striven for.

Marriage is about having children to provide for the parents when they are geezers, so the society is not impoverished by it. Marriage is about producing little baby makers to make a new generation and Marriage is about little trigger pullers sent off to war to protect what is back in the village.

In reality, what if America had 300 million homosexuals "born that way", according to the propaganda?
In 70 years, America would be void of it's entire population.......and even with gay inception, the reality is America would be at 20 million in population of a people who would be looking at not being able to produce enough to keep the population viable for tax production.

So then what does on have immigrants? Latins or Asians would be the groups, and would such groups be compatable or start a civil war inside America?
Would one group be loyal to China and the Chicoms would come marching in and confiscate all the things the queers had worked for? Of course a more traditional group would do this as that is what history has proven time and again. A superior moral group always defeats an immoral group, whether it is American Indians facing Christian Europeans or the Muslim  imploding against that same Christian group. Superior societal laws always produce a superior race as when the Assyrians in societal structure defeated and exiled the Israelites who were engaged in all the things America is now as "legal".

I prefer California, Minnesota and New York to actually produce even more favorable laws for sodomites in concentrating them there in housing grants, job preference, medical vouchers and whatever the fagsexual prefers, and in that way these microcosms of Sodom and Gomorrah can effectively degenerate as did Rome, Athens, Babylon and whatever groups ventured down the path America is being iniquity plunged into.

I noticed when I logged into Face Book last week for a few minutes as Lame Cherry, that there was one of those ass cheek equal signs in one of the dolts using that as their profile photo.
Such ignorance is a death sentence to America and a hell sentence to those who are joined at the hip with it. I would that person would just delete the contact, so I will not have to do it when I have the time. I do not care to have such raving stupidity associated with this blog, as I have explained it all here, and if they wish to be Judged, then that is their choice and they can go to hell without offending me.

As this is all about legalized child rape under the Athens codes of long ago, that is disgusting and Mark Dayton and the fag lobby of Minnesota have enacted the doom of America as God will Judge America as there is absolutely no moral leadership in any facet any longer.

For God's reason, this blog is the only source exposing all of this on all fronts, and exactly, like the Prophets of old in Israel, this American affluent ruling class is busy persecuting me, and instead of helping with a big donation in the hundreds of thousands to actually cover up some of their sins, these rich just keep all the money to their demise.
For some reason the Syrian leaders had the sense when in trouble to show up with 40 camel loads of the best things to present to Elisha to inquire of him for the Lord. Americans do not have the sense to not piss off the one voice who God is working through.
Yes none of you rich have changed, you are the offspring of parents who persecuted and murdered the Prophets and are being just as sinful in this 21st century, and the same Judgment is coming.

You people will change your mind to excessively donate from resisting donating in the Name of Jesus the Lord it is commanded or as Joan of Arc informed the English, you will shortly find out to your great hurt what your reproach will bring.

Repent to be saved, as you can not save yourselves.

Destroy Marriage and you destroy the moral nation, and foreign destroyers will come to rule from your home using your corpse to fertilize their gardens.

Lame Cherry


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