In agriculture livestock America, the word "condition" is a pleasant word and in this matter anti matter exclusive, I will touch on this again, as TL and I were discussing this and while I have covered this before, it require covering again.
In medical terms "condition" always has grave consequences and that has crept into the American thought process polluting it, as much as "conditioning" in athletics has brought about a mentality of suffering.
In rural America though the word "condition" is one of thee most pleasant of terms, as it equates to health of an animal with a good layer of fat.
Yes say the word "fat" and people have been so warped by the elite who are trying to murder the masses, that they think fat is a bad thing. This coming from a group of anal retentive psychotics who are uncomfortable in their own skins they have to constantly out of fear of death try to work that body to death in dieting to surgeries because they are phobic about the imperfection inside of them.
In livestock, the summer is a season with fall, that you look for animals to put on condition, so they will have a reserve for winter. I have as much as the Bible warns of hundred dollar loaves of bread to the times of the Great Tribulation speak of a time of shortages and how people who are carrying layers of fat now are obviously going to survive while little miss bony ass will be laying there dead.
Once upon a time, people actually had to put on weight during plentiful times for time of starvation. It was not that long ago in the Kit Carson saga of 1850 America where his squaw and others often fasted one day a week, not for fashion sense, but because it meant that scarce food would be available for the other 6 days.
Kit mentioned of flour, coffee and sugar which one would consider staples, that there was never a time in camp that one of them was missing.
Nothing pleases me more than to see Libby and Darby, my horses to have condition on them like they do this year........just like the cattle and the goatikins, who are putting on weight for what lays ahead.
The human body which puts on weight is one of a miracle and to be celebrated, as that is the body which will survive a famine, as I have stated the other bone piles will be piles of bones laying out for the coyotes to chew on.
Shakespeare records how one trusts a fat man, as they are content, and the Cassius type always have a thin and hungry look about them. You never see fat assassins. It is always those skinny damn types that are always up to something.
I love to eat, as food was one of the few happy things in my childhood. I love blueberry pie, roast beef, and just about anything that can be put on a plate. Food comforts me and I eat it under stress to deal with things, and it is a far sight better to do that than to be boozing, doping or doing porn.
Those things do not wear off, while fat always will when it needs to be taken off.
Beauty comes from within and most people who do put on weight are pleasant to be around, while I never see thin people content about anything and always are frustrated and sad about something.
I have said it before and it is fact. The "perfect" types always have more to overcome in they have no personality, no intellectual development, no human kindness and no talent. They do not do things for enjoyment, but do things which are based on themselves and never God.
People who are rough around the edges like myself, have to develop themselves, and in that compassion for others is instilled and all the human virtues God requires of His children, are developed.
I know my children here in some are models and some do not think they are models, but I know something most of them do not understand, and that is every one of them is a good soul and I am very proud of each of you.
I have had my children tell me they are not as interesting as me. I have had them tell me they are not as pretty as me. I have had them tell me they are old. I have had them tell me they are bald. I have had them tell me they are fat. I have had them tell me they are poor. You know all of the things we are lectured at are somehow things not to cherish, but does it not strike each of you as odd, that most people are not that pretty, all grow old, most lose their hair, most put on weight and most are not rich.........maybe God prefers that type as He created so many billions of that type and those who think there is a perfection, chase it in misery, and end up old, fat, ugly, mostly bald and poor.
I have above Anne Ramsey. People will recognize her from Throw Mama from the Train and some bit parts in film. Her husband adored her, and after I think she had a stroke, this too much weight, raspy voiced, not that super model, created one of the legendary characters to delight millions.
She had all of that to show the world that the human side comes out and people finally see the wonder inside.
I remember watching some clips from a program of long ago called Star Search. One episode had on I believe an Oklahoma model, and I thought she was about the most perfect female God ever created in that Audrey Hepburn type. The thing is though if you had a herd of women like that, your eye would get bored in a very short time. The image of God in people is that Mind of God in God likes variety and that is why He creates so many types of people with "imperfections" which God looks at as unique masterpieces.
I was always critical of myself as I did not deem me as perfect. It was not until TL that I became comfortable with the person I am. While TL is the most gorgeous human on the planet, I know this because the Holy Ghost said so, I see TL in Spirit beyond the physical beauty to wonders of all TL is in talented, intelligent, wise, gifted, Spiritual......I marvel at TL in all TL is.
The thing is TL stuns me by saying that TL can become more for me when all I see is perfection.
People, and that means all people, including Muchelle Obama, need to stop seeing faults and flaws in themselves and others in the physical, as fighting natural things like putting on weight are God designs to save people from hard times.
Have you ever seen really good looking children coming from good looking parents? Heck no, as most of the current beautiful people all have fat mothers who look like Throw Mama from the train, and dad looks like Danny Devito.
Want to know a reality? Most of those hunky actors are ridiculously short men you would laugh at or probably not date in real life. All of the models you see have things airbrushed and they are quite ugly, and they look like they do only after 3 hours of makeup by million dollar artists, after 7 days a weak torture of workouts and starvation.
I have conducted studies on people and have found, myself included that if you give them 100 photos of "attractive" people, that each day they will pick out different people as the most the eye of the beholder changes due to numerous factors as the electrochemical body has different desires by the food taken in.
In not to be mean, if this Lauralynn Norton was the gal I saw on Star Search, my eye beholding this does not see anything attractive at all. Of course, I never thought Marilyn Monroe was anything to desire any more than I thought Brad Pitt was attractive.
If this chic was a cow I would see her as pretty in that big mouth I could stuff lots of feed in her, to put a good condition on her......she looks a bit anemic to me and I would worry if she was a horse if she would give out on me in not giving me the long distance run when I needed it.
Ugly to me rightly come from within, like a snarling wolf. I am grateful that all of my children are beautiful and so many are such pleasant people. I do realize I scare the bajesus out of some donors who do not dare write to me, but they should know I am scolding those ugly rich people who have this illusion that people like them.....but never are brave enough to try it without the money.
Some people wonder of all the "good looking women" which are posted here, but as I have discussed this with TL, my eye sees things different. I see imperfection in the souls as here are women who need to take their clothes off to get even more attention, because their psychopathy says to them in mirror mirror they are fairest of all, but they put the photos up to compete to make other women feel inferior and they want to use the photos to torture others in they can look and then be scolded for looking.
I see like the raccoon eye girl, someone who is having intestinal malabsorption problems and is sick, not the cleavage or the attempt at pretty for attention.
As for men, what is interesting about men really as you either have muscle with no brains or brains for muscle flexing their wallets. They are just too easy in the pretty class to warrant any attention as you have seen one bird floofing their feathers in a rooster so you have seen every goose in the pen.
I would that all my children and all of my brats would just be content in how God made them, as God crafted them all in body to be perfect containers for that soul to develop to have the Spirit of God sown in to complete them. It is a special thing to be designed by God, and it is special to know each person has a purpose from putting on weight, to having a big nose to scent dangers better, to being short to do things tall things people can not, and tall that short people can not.
Look at all the trouble the world gets into with that Obama duo in one was too skinny so he ate nation, and one has too big an ass, so she attacks fat kids.
If more brats would just trust God, not their money, their attitude, brains, their looks or the piles of "friends" they hide behind or whatever, they would not be brats and actually learn to love themselves as they are worth loving. I realize they are phobic afraid in thinking they have to either snarl before someone else hurts them or have to hide behind money as what would happen if Lame Cherry actually was wealthy as they are and then all that inferiority would be on display they are hiding from.
My children require a like lesson in accepting who they are, whether it is the young or old version, the fat or thin version, the one who made mistakes today or the one who is perfect today, as you are here for the decades long growing has in mind to make You Spiritual children.
All of this is replaced with new bodies and all of this remembered no more, so fixating on things which will not be eternal is something all need to learn to let go of.
It just wastes time, and time is in short supply here to awake every day and think what adventure God has planned and what you will experience in growing.....some days suck in you learn something breaks down or you drop a palate on your shin like I did and find I bleed and I make pretty scabs.
It is only on earth that people with low self esteem set up conditions on you must be rich, you must be thin, you must be pretty, you must be like unperfect them to be in God's Heaven He has denies no one entrance in how they look or how poor they are.......but God does pay attention to how people act in not mistreating others of neglecting the poor.
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and God beholds each of His creations as perfectly beautiful. The only problems in the ugly are from what comes from inside that makes people unfit for God's Light in judging where God only has that place.
Once again it is late and may God bless the Good.
I was even mocked for saying that once by a powerful man........he is dead in hell now as God slew him for me. God pays attention to what Spiritual condition you are in and not physical condition.
nuff said