My children, I am in no mood, so in matter anti matter, the Lame Cherry blog is going to set things straight as at this moment I have had it with those lecturing at me about who Joan of Arc is in posting lies she is Mary Magdalene reincarnated and other such deceptions about this past life delusions which come from satan to keep people from the Truth of Christ.
I have stated I know Joan. I have touched her and she has been in me. We have sat under the Fairy Tree she apparently has as her oasis in Heaven. Not that there are fairies there, but it is just that French place which is home to her and she allowed me to visit.
This past life and reincarnation teachings are lies from satan. I remember when this started it's phase two in all that channeling decades ago, I as a child noted that it was interesting in how all these types were Queen of Egypt and no one ever was a shit shoveler in the outhouse.
It did not take long for the matrix to wise up to that and demons seeded in stories of slaves to the dolts following this stuff around, as the deception was first exposed by me by God's Grace.
God states one thing in the Bible and it is for all. God forms each person. They are born, live the lives God provided and then they die to face either Life or the Judgment in Christ. Adam and Eve have this plan, Abraham and Sarah have this plan, Ronald and Nancy Reagan have this plan, as it is the only plan there is. No one gets a repeat.
There are gaping holes in reincarnation as all of these people or all people are supposedly working things out from past lives. Problem is there were a billion people in the world not long ago, and now 7 billion......ah how is it that 1 billion dead people reincarnate with four past lives as there are not enough dead to go around.
That is rhetorical, but the reality in this deception that demons are not that bright or the people deluding themselves to this grandeur are that large on the stupid scale. People can not be deceived unless they choose to be.
The answers in all of this are simple, it is the same UFO deception in satan is behind it to keep people from God's Plan in separating them out from Jesus Promise. demons are behind the deception and when these people who are hypnotized in having subconscious doors opened have demons take possession further from these "problems" which are confusing these possessed souls.
George Nouri the Obama Mockingbird stooge just was awarded a new contract to Manchurian numbers of dolts. One of his guests is an English skirt in Canada, named Georgie something, who spins this demonic deception on past lives as she hypnotizes dolts and they of course provide her a great living.
Of course people are going to have details of "past lives" OF OTHERS, because the same demons are afflicting others and intimately know people in their lives.
Goodness people, how do you think satan knows to tempt you with sex and not moon rocks? It is because he knows you better than you do in your lusts. That demonic group knows in detail the people they afflict over the centuries and of course they are going to provide details of those lives to these dolts, just as much as your being able to provide details on people you are intimate with.
After my dad was slain by a Watcher, I experienced a great lesson in "reincarnation". Not long afterwards Mom and I brought home a little black and white puppy. I dearly loved that dog as she was a good buddy to me......alpha female who almost killed me in needing a swat each day in trying to rule this home, but she was a good puppy until satan murdered her.
Dandy was her name, and this dog acted just like my old man. That dog whined when she was hurt like he would. One day I was napping and got up looking for her, as she always slept in my bedroom with me and all was I knew something was up.
I found her sitting literally in my dad's recliner looking around, just like a human would or he would. I puzzled over that for sometime as Dandy appeared a reincarnation of my dad. She of course was not in the least, but was an animal who was being spiked by a demon which most likely was afflicting my dad all those years.
That kind of "evidence" would convince a dolt and it does convince many people in trauma over people who have died. I am grounded in Christ though, and I will not be led away by such "evidence" as it is the Bible first and last, and when things do not match the Bible, it is the evidence that is off and not the Bible.
I have another interesting story in a few months after my dad dying, I was sitting in his chair watching television one evening around 11 pm. My Mom had her door shut, and her bathroom has two entrances, and suddenly the old door knob rattled like something out of a Christmas Carole and the door flew open.
I thought, "What the hell?" and was slightly troubled and puzzled, but figured it was just her going to the bathroom.
Minutes passed and I heard nothing so I got up to check on her as I did not hear her come back. I found her snoring deeply in bed......she had never been up.
I discussed this with a friend who does see things in spiritual form and she just quipped, "Must have been your dad moving through".
I never inquired, but I bound that all down as I am not about to allow ghosts or demons around my home. I have no idea if the demons were chasing him or he was just being an ass trying to intimidate me again in attempting to scare me onto the straight and narrow. It does not matter as it was taken care of in Jesus Name, he is in hell, and whatever that was is bound from coming in ever again.
I can talk with animals. Dandy understood me as most animals do. I remember telling her one time where I was going to bury her, and she game me a look like my dad's mom would in not being pleased about planning for her end. I thought it was respectful, but Dandy did not.
Same with Libby my horse, named after Libby Custer. I was doing Indian sign about her name in she is "Laughing Woman's Horse" and I mentioned another sign, and to that Libby laid her ears back in not being amused.
None of that is past life or reincarnation. People like Libby Custer are about in trying to bring to Justice what happened in the mass murder of her husband and his command. Of course an imprint of her would affect Libby the horse as she is named for Elizabeth and in associating with Mrs. Custer, my animal would react just as all animals react to the human aura.
That is the reality in this, and by the Holy Ghost the Truth always is provided and it is not what satan is sowing to deceive people.
You as a human get one shot here to be God's or satan's, and then comes Life or the Judgment. demons are constantly deceiving people from a messiah Obama to reincarnation to whatever takes people from Jesus is Thee ONLY WAY, Thee ONLY TRUTH and Thee ONLY LIFE.
For those still based in reality, that will suffice.
Nuff said
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