Something was brought to my attention to further inquire upon by the Daughters of the Prophets and I did not know what to make of it, as it was beyond horizon point and I had not considered any of this or even had an inkling of it.
What is forming a year away for June is a series of events where a French person from their Government is going to start pursuing Barry Jinn or the crimes of Barack Hussein Obama, concerning Obama's years long association with the Berlin cartel of the central Europeans and how Birther Hussein was the lead in the pulling the plug on the economic ruin of Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Britain and Greece, all to subdue the Anglo Franco Scandinavian American alliance, and promote the Axis led German and Italian rule of central Europe in a revived Roman Empire.
Berlisconi of Italy was removed on the prostitution charges as part of this coup also.
This French leader is going to be assassinated by the Jinn regime, with clear design in breaking the western alliance with America and it will be a breach which reaches into NATO.
The Jinn's purpose in this in leaving western Europe without American military protection, they will be vassal states of the central European alliance. This will be a heinous act and done so blatantly to be exposed to cause this type of reaction of revulsion.
This will not be the leader of France, but it will be thought of as the soul of France has been murdered.
Upon inquiry, the cycles at this point start repeating to rectify the election thefts of Birther Hussein Obama in 2008 and 2012. The December 14 event which was neutralized by Sandy Hook in 2012 involved something with Air Force One.
Once again the June 13, 2013 event centered around Birther Hussein experiencing a stroke while in Air Force One over DC. In events evolving, that death took place at 1600 Penn Avenue and the Jinn took his place.
What is pointed to after this blatant assassination of the soul of France, there will be a conference in central Europe, Berlin, and the Jinn will in the turmoil depart to attend this meeting as it is the birthing of the Neo Roman Empire, which is what all those trillions and Middle East realignment was about which Birther Hussein was engaged in before he was put into morgue storage.
What is projected in this horizon event cycle is that the French will shoot down AF1 while en route over the Atlantic in retaliation for the murder of their national soul.
The Jinn's mission will be complete at this point in going up in a dark light puff of smoke, and such ill will on both sides of the Atlantic, that this sets the stage for the Putin invasion of Europe due to what the Europeans are up to in this empire breaking treaties.
America will not be involved at first, not from economic plight or upheaval, but because of this murder of a French national.
What the Jinn does in this heinous crime does not set off a revolution in America, but it does set off an armed resistance.
This is a horizon event which is forming for next year.
That is enough for now.
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