My children in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I am not pleased in being right and proven right now about the mass murder of the Team Six Navy SEALS or Obama Seals as they have been defined here, but the families of the SEALS have now made public the things this blog first posted on in the SEALS were set up to be murdered.
What follows are the machinations behind all of this in what was the driving force of their mass murder, which all started with Birther Hussein purchasing the corpse of Ossama bin Laden from China to divert attention from Jerome Corsi's expose' on the Obama Birth Abstract Fraud.
bin Laden's "bagging" was supposed to have taken place in the autumn of 2012, but Benghazi was structured to take it's place. As you will note, numbers of Americans have been murdered due to all of this Obama regime OCREEP manipulations, and it all is at source a guilt of Congress, Secretaries of each State for not certifying Obama legally in vetting his forged documents and the Supreme Court of these United States, with conspirators all through the media.
SEAL Team Six was made a political device of assassination. They willingly took this operation violating chain of command that Sec. Panetta was agitated about. The chain of command was broken as this was about Birther Obama producing a game changer about his forged documents, and he needed a trophy bin Laden to do that.
Andrew Breitbart was murdered in part of the discoveries and revelations of this very subject, that a stand in was set up in Pakistan to be murdered in a SEAL raid all to save Barack Hussein Obama's political life.
What I come to now is something never before revealed in the last Days of SEAL Team Six.
The families are now learning and providing information to the public of the exclusives posted here that the SEAL's were set up to be murdered. The helo they were mass loaded into was not designed for the assault operations intended in being a big slow hanging ball just waiting for a SAM to knock it out of the park.
There was no cover fire. There was no suppression fire. This battle had the entire valley lit up, and the approach route of the helo was directly where the waiting terrorists were stationed to knock that bird out of the air.
Those are the realities the families are finally learning from military sources. This blog of course posted on those realities immediately.
In the days following the murder of bin Laden's corpse, a great fury was brewing in Obama's good terrorists as the top man in al Qaeda, their heart and soul was dead, and reprisals were being screamed for.
Ask yourself now in al Qaeda's number one was executed, and except for a few threats, al Qaeda never struck back at America, why is that?
The reason lodges in the reality that al Qaeda had been busy rebuilding and they contracted with three foreign powers in Iran, Pakistan and North Korea to construct for them atomic bombs.
al Qaeda does have an arsenal of 22 such bombs of the Hiroshima heavy class along with two artillery rounds which the Soviets sold Iran and Iran repackaged.
As was exclusively covered here, you will remember the threats about "arming narco terrorists" in South America with weapon's grade uranium being sold by Iran during the Bush years, and the Bush41 went ballistic immediately in knocking off all the leaders in FARC? That is the basis in all of this in al Qaeda contracted for bombs to be made, and they were in 10 from Iran, 6 from Pakistan and 4 from North Korea in repackaged Soviet era material, so none of this would trace back to the contractors.
There are 90 plus radioactive dirty bombs in the al Qaeda arsenal also.
10 devices were brought into New York under Iranian diplomatic travel. These were 10 atomic bombs in the pipeline and it was that threat which was issued to the Obama regime that they would be detonated in an October 2012 surprise if certain conditions were not met.
The main conditions were the payment of the Obama regime installing al Qaeda at the head of numerous Nationalist Muslim nations. Mubarak and Col, Khadaffi were both destroyed all in response to the threat from al Qaeda using WMD's and exposing the reality of the bin Laden corpse murder.
Additional conditions were the deaths of the Navy SEALS, and that information was provided in a staged operation which involved their mass murder.
The reality that Afghani operatives were switched out at the last moment all reveals that this was played close to the vest, and it was an inside operation where it was deemed better to have SEALS murdered than 10 metro military areas on America vaporized and atomically polluted with a revelation that it all took place when chest thumper Barry Chin had an actor shot in Pakistan by the SEALS.
Joe Biden in this, in outing the SEALS was his typical self in providing intelligence to the enemy, and it is not like al Qaeda does not have a pipeline of sympathizers working in the Obama regime. It is not information which would not have been provided the Obama terrorists and Joe simply helped move things along a bit faster.
All of the Birther reality is what is behind all of this. Those 10 nuclear bombs are still in America and only require activation. They are the "walk softly" as al Qaeda uses a big stick at Benghazi and in poison food dumps to make Fang Jinn now react to save it's position.
This blog warned of this from the start in Day One, that this regime was in bed with terrorists, using quid pro quo and that all of this was going to turn out bad.
I have been making these exclusives public for some time, and every time I am mocked, in the time which follows the facts start coming out in a year, that this blog was correct again by God's Grace. The SEAL families have now absolute proof a hanging ball was thrown to al Qaeda to murder their family members in retaliation for the murder of bin Laden's corpse. What they and the public do not know is why Col. Khadaffi, Andrew Breitbart and Chris Stevens were all murdered for the same reason as this blackmail of the Obama regime grew over the Birther issue.
Yes al Qaeda has 10 nuclear atomic bombs in America, by major US military metro areas. Yes the regime knows and no they do not know their locations. There were two of these atomic bombs in America during 9 11 which were neutralized by Bush43. These 10 are still operational and have a dozen other fat men to replace them with.
Barack Hussein Obama though has left the building and the Jinn which feeds off of mass death has no reason to stop their use. In an amusing reality, the Jinn as stated here has problems connecting with humans, has now watched the Obama approval ratings tank since June 13, as the Jinn can not make the connection with voters who do not even realize they are sensing a change in something is wrong.
As stated, I am not pleased with the reality of the confirmation in the murder of the SEAL's, but confirmed or not this blog was right a year ahead of the game. It is the point though that Congress, Justice, the media to the Mark Levin's who kept all of this around and were salivating over the bin Laden farce and did nothing when Andrew Breitbart was murdered, only have themselves to blame and those nuclear devices are all sitting in their high population military regions.
SEAL Team Six would be alive if they had not been so Obama gung ho and instead when Lt. Col. Terry Lakin needed help, rescued him over the Birther railroading he was destroyed by.
As my Beloved Uncle used to say, "You know the Marines take allot of credit for doing things when the Army was already there".
I make no secret of my affinity and devotion to the Combat Infantry and the Combat Engineers. They do not need titles like Rangers, SEALS or Delta Force to do the same job on land, sea and air.
What happened to SEAL Team Six is what happens when the military starts answering to political minders and going into operations for political reasons, as you then become politically expendable.
The reality is no one in this world can ever hurt Birther Hussein ever again. Jinn's just take on new forms. Sheik bin Laden has left the building. The SEALS cut their own throats, and that reality is, Americans are left with this entire mess to die from yet, as America is nothing but a terror vacation camp for the Obama regime's terror allies.
Once again enough of this or more poor people will be donating to keep the blog running to save rich people's asses. Hot coals eh? Maybe nuclear fires, but I never did inquire about that......yet.
So you Limbaugh types just keep hanging onto those donations, as I'm sure all that electronic money will keep you safe from the day boom and doom starts falling down.
nuff said
PS: I really was going to post to Terry about some cool Filipino recipe that TL's Mom fixes. Will do the draft thing for the future, but God bless both of you to make the people pay their bills.
It used to be a matter of honor and pride that Americans paid for things.
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