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The Carousel Pony


As this is composed Wednesday evening, I do not have the time to do this, and so there will not be any figurative discourse as I am not in the mood. What is another matter anti matter exclusive though in the Lame Cherry, concerns Christine O'Donnell and I inquired on this as everyone is getting this flat ass wrong again...........big surprise.

Christine O was the target of the IRS and democrats to destroy her Senate bid in Delaware. Of course, Mark Levin notes the GOP is not pushing for an IRS investigation of this and allowing Obama to go around and say it is a non event, because IT IS WHAT WAS EXCLUSIVELY REVEALED HERE in the GOP was behind this.

Karl Rove has been in bed with democrats to destroy Conservatives for years. Norm Coleman having his victory stolen in Minnesota by Al Franken was a Rove operation.

GET THAT POINT, Karl Rove has been a part of the democrat smear machine in he feeds it information on Conservatives.

What happened with Christine O'Donnell is simple. Rove wanted to run the Tea Party, but they told him to take a hike. His informants and his bugging of the White House (You forgot that exclusive only from here that Obama tore up the White House debugging the place in a renovation, because Rove bugged the entire place.), that Obama was using the IRS to kill the Tea Party.
Rove in seeing the operation in motion, decided to utilize it against Tea Party Conservative Christine O'Donnell. An understanding was engaged in with the IRS from the Obama regime, that Rove in getting information would not be noticed.
Obama was aware of all of this and the IRS was pleased to do it, as it was assisting Obama.

The overseer in this was Joe Biden, and his Delaware Syndicate, and that included Beau Biden to give the bona fides to the Rove information.

It was perfect deniability in the Obama regime with Obama got what it wanted in Karl Rove did the dirty work. Joe Biden oversaw it all with Beau, and affirmed the Rove fed information through conduits was legitimate, so the democrats in Delaware, along with the GOP Rhinoids went in locked hoof step over O'Donnell to destroy her.
O'Donnell got it nether and anus from front and back from the insiders of Delaware in the GOP and democrats.

That is what took place in Delaware with Christine O'Donnell, and what no one is pointing out, that it is the GOP establishment which is just as guilty as the Obama regime in this IRS scandal, and it was all pointed out here months ago, and this is just another affirmation in what is taking place in the O'Donnell cover up.

With no time, no money, that adds up to a figurative discourse that does not exist, and just the real story of what took place and is taking place.

I would deduce since Mark Levin is such a Reagan insider as he brags, that he has to know to the scandal what is behind all of this, like all these Mockingbirds and none of them are breathing a word, just like they kept silent about hero George Zimmerman saving lives.
Yes the perfect skewer of the Obama regime and none of them touched on it, nor did they feature it which would have protected Zimmerman immensely.

Yeah the sticky sheets in this whorehouse have a smell that you can not tell if the smell is Muchelle, Elton Blonde, Obama or Rove. It all has that feces penis scent wiped on the Walmart genuine made in China Egyptian cotton cloth.

Enough of this as am in no mood.

Records of snooping into Christine O'Donnell tax records disappear ...

15 hours ago - Delaware state officials have told Congress that they likely ... when and how often they accessed Christine O'Donnell's personal tax records ...

You could care less if it is a carousel pony or a real one as all you are here for is the ride.

Lame Cherry

nuff said

agtG 227Y

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