Thank God for Gov. Dan Malloy, disarming Connecticut Citizens. Thank God for the disarming of American in New York, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Maryland and whatever postage stamp pieces of land that are called states or Districts that have taken guns away from Americans, because the people of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida now can rest assured when a Russian Chinese Latino invasion comes to America, that it will be the northeast liberal Obama zone which will be bombed, raped, robbed, murdered and conquerred as if you were an invader, would you want crazy Red State Rednecks who masturbate a gun action instead of genitals facing you with burning powder or those Obama gay states burning Karl Rove passions who will just bend over and surrender unarmed?
Of course the Lame Cherry is right about this, and fully supports California, Oregon and Washington disarming too as why should Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota face some invading Chicoms when those Obama states in left coast can enjoy all the rape, robbery and murder by invasion and occupation.
Sure Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, New Mexico and Arizona will be left alone too as they are dripping with guns, so all of this thankfully works out as why not have Obama voting states produce the fodder for penis and bayonette and bullet insertion to these liberals.
It is comforting to know that when the time for bombs go off from Obama's flexible invaders, that they will be used on high concentrations of Obama's ilk in these cities.
Then after softening up, these Obama erogenous zones will be inserted into all sorts of Eurasian and Latino types of foreplay involving copius amounts of blood from rectums, vaginas, bullet and bayonette holes.
Think of it in Chris Cristy and Cuomo jr. all sitting down to hugs with Generals of Russia and China....well as the Generals sit down and the boys are on their knees sucking dick as their women and children are all filled to capacity in Obama type familiar sex of legalize rape and pedophilia Kenyan and EQUALITY SIGN STYLE.
Ann Coulter might actually get a date. Muchelle Obama might get a date......well after the dogs, sheep, cattle and young boys whose parents vote for Obama are used up. All is such a happy ending in this, in the shemales will finally get some action and the Obamites will get the fruits of the policy their gay rape of the Constitution has brought about.
You really do not conceive this do you in all these foreign powers look for places where their spies, agents, provacateurs and military people will not be shot.
They are not about to perform a landing in Texas where every blessed bush has a dozen guns poking out of it. Hell in Texas and Louisiana they would BBQ the invaders and enjoy the free meat.
So thank you to the liberals and Mr. Obama Chin for creating these invasion corridors in America. Who should be fitting for such rapine than the very folks who pissed on America and tore up the Constitution as ass wipe Birther Hussein Obama took a dump on it all.
I only ask one other thing in Cuomo and these other Obamatards please make some landing zones, put up Chinese and Russian signs showing the best concentrations to rape and loot in, as no one in West Virginia wants some invader showing up to be shot as why waste could ammo on Chicoms when a deer could feed the family and these Obamites are asking for a good gang rape.
So thank you to all the anti American Obama democrat governors, voters and to Obama hisself in making all of these landing zones available for invaders and leaving the American Reagan Blue State areas free to clean their guns and to sleep unmolested at night.
nuff said and first said here exclusively in Lame Cherry reality of matter anti matter.