It seems that this world can not escape the enclave of the elite no matter from the depths of each neighborhood to each state to each nation. On national scales one knows of the premier snob locations of Martha's Vinyard or Manhattan, but there are areas everywhere of these absolute asses which just perplex normal people.
I was speaking with an automobile technician from ex democrat Kevin Yoder's district, but current skinny dipping pervert in the Holy Land under the GOP label, employing the little fag boys club of Karl Rove to make all hostess fresh, and it was a most interesting lesson in humanity.
I truly enjoy learning and experiencing real craftsmen at their jobs. It delights me to see the talents of those who make lubrication to those who replace windscreens on cars. There is such intricate design in those jobs and without them, without all these people so gifted by God in craftsmanship, none of this world would ever work.
He was telling me the Ford truck plant in his region had screwed up royal in the 2013 production of 1000 run trucks, but instead of shutting down the line, they had instead turned out the flawed trucks and then hired another company to fix the windows, as it costs Ford 11,000 dollars per minute to shut the line down.
It was cheaper and more efficient to turn out a flawed product and fix it later. I wondered how one could have a factor new vehicle sold to them, when the windscreen had been pulled off and fixed later. That would seem factory second to me and should be priced as such.
I used to be a Ford person, but after a Topaz had a bad computer, an F 150 had a bad clutch and a Ranger suddenly had bad fuel pumps cost 600 dollars after the dealer said they had fixed one previously for 150 dollars, I do not do Ford's and as often as the name comes up, I mention how crooked Ford is, as they screwed me over as did their dealer, and instead of making me happy, they now have posts about how crooked Ford Motor Company is.
I suppose if I would receive a cash employment, a new F 150, free gas, then I would advertise their label here, but for now it is, the reality that Ford made worthless products which screwed numbers of Americans over in the 90's and I will not forget their criminal rapine of America.
I really enjoyed the windscreen replacement though. I had never witnessed it done and it involved removing the wipers, the plastic panel under the hood, and then a cutting wire was inserted on a pully mounted to the inside of the glass, and it cut the glue holding the glass onto the car.
I had hoped I could do this on my own sometime, but after witnessing the various tools, it would be cheaper I suppose to just hire it done, but to watch this craftsman at work was a joy to me in learning. From the cutting out of the old glue rubber, the cleaning. the preparation of the base, the glueing and then the art of moving it into place, with the finishing touches all delighted me.
We did though begin discussing the rich people of this world. He has to drive the freeway to work and to chauffer his child to school. He began with Johnson County people are just different. Then continued about their children driving their new cars like a video game, weaving in and out of traffic, laughing and drinking energy drinks and school not starting for an hour.
He then related how his company received a bad review from a customer who decided they could not wait 30 minutes to get a rock chip out of a glass, and complained as to why they did not receive a loaner.
He said he could not get the paperwork on most things done in 30 minutes, so he just would like these rich people to chill.
I suspect the Beamer complainer was a reality of, "Why I can get my glass fixed, and then have the company pay for my gas and run the tires off their vehicle as I save my Beamer for looking good".
All sorts of welfare we all are paying for and the rich get the cream of it, because rich people are the tightest people on the planet when it comes to deals they make others pay for.
I watch a steady stream of rich people at my thrift store. It amazes me in people who drip money, are right beside that Mexican slave trash invading America, and what always amazes me, is that store IS FOR POOR AMERICANS, but the poor in America have to compete with the rich and the Mexican slave.
The reason I bring all of this up is Johnson County Kansas is the epidemic of what is wrong with America. It is Bob Dole nattering at Obama voter Chris Wallace about how Nixon and Reagan could not win today, when the reality is the Bob Dole, John McCain and Mitt Romney losers are the problem, as Americans hate these RHINO GOP types who are less overt than Birther Obama.
These are the elite of America in the GOP, from San Diego to Dallas, and they give a bad name to the GOP as they are obnoxious feudalists.
Granted Johnson County is surrounded by Wyandotte County and Arkansas, so it is like the primate who knows how to peal a banana, looking down their peal at the monkeys who have problems differentiating dates from turd balls, but all the same, this Johnson County snob group is so naked, they make Kevin Yoder look clothed.
Mention Kansas to some snob on the coast, and they will wonder at the leeches they use to bleed the patients at a KU hospital to pondering if the zoo there has problems telling a Johnson county Beamer driver from an ape escaped from the zoo.
Oh yes, having been in that area, I have sat waiting as bottle blonde, too starved trophy wives, turn at corners making you wait as they just are too important to turn on a signal. These people are all in a bad mood for all the money they have, and their entire focus is on hating some other group of redneck retards who like decorating their lawns with weeds and old cars.
Granted the worst drivers and parking is carried on by those with Obama and union stickers all over their bumpers, but the reality is, a sloven obnoxious Kansan is a mirror image of a red bull obnoxous Kansan. When one has obnoxious, it is still obnoxious no matter the voting bracket.
The entitled believe that whether in welfare or stock scams, that people who put in windscreens or perform other artistic creations, are there to serve them, because why put back shopping carts as someone is paid to do that,and it allows the entitled to delude themselves into a fiction that they are not the trash they know they are, by making others feel like garbage.
The surest way to know what a primate one is, is to see other primates reacting to you. All the little primates driving muscle cars as they are scared and weak, being blonde because........well that says something to their monkey brains, and then there is the decal on the person from university, car dealer or that endless cell phone chime, to all say, "Oh what an important monkey am I", is the law of this jungle, while others think upon what things are better than the combined sum in their zoo.
I view things in a Christia manner, but then that is looked down upon by the other primates as morals do not matter in this zoo. That makes me one of "those" Reagan Blue State Conservatives to be exterminated, as the fang and claw of the jackass and rhino wills to do away with the American.
It is all what is wrong with America and in invasion or revolution will be cleansed, as the rich stay too long holding onto their wealth and the poor have no wealth with which to escape.
In Christ's Judgment there is not a union to represent you and you do not roll up in a Beamer to rectify you of your sins.
Yes everyone is so much better than me. Yes all good little Republicans and Democrats know, that when they grow up, they will be a Harry Reid democrat and a John McCain Republican, as we all know the top of the caste is the Nevada and Arizona political elite, because they think that every day.
nuff said