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The Beastmasters


Dear Misters, John Boehner, Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, Charles Schumer, John Roberts, David Breyer and Misses Elena Kagan, Nancy Pelosi and Sonja Sotomeyer.

I make no mistake in posting this in thinking you are ignorant of what this world is in blackmail and murder, as all of you are aware enough how the regime which operates America engages in, in protecting the minions it utilizes such as yourselves to accomplish the destruction of America, while each of you protect your families, positions and money by continuing this end to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

What is most bothersome to me is how each of you lie. No I do not expect the Truth from any of you as if you spoke the things you have heard and know, you would find a Rod Blagojevich or Andrew Breitbart greeting for you and your family, as the Chandra Levy's and Chris Stevens are the icons to what happens to the little fish in the big pond you swim, and that of course is a reality which keeps all of you in lock step.

I wonder though, how it is you are never bothered about things. That at night you never wake up and look in the mirror and just think, because if you said it out loud the surveillance you are under would record your rebellion and mark you, what it is like for people like TL and myself in the constant harassment which we daily are put through.
Look I have no complaints about spying, because professionals do that. What is my complaint are the dirty tricks in psychological operations which are a literal program unleashed on people who believe in God, George Washington, Ronald Reagan, America and obeying the laws.

Today, TL's cell phone unveiled another miracle in the ring tone I'm on, was changed. Of course TL did not change it, no more than I ever change my monitor settings which go from English to German and ghetto green to black when I post on such things, but it is the reality that the very system you are protecting and being protected by as you are empowered and enriched as the big house slaves of the master, are filled with so many of the most pathetic and troubled souls in this world.

What kind of people gravitate toward you and what kind of people are you, who can not have any revulsion over any of this. I always inform TL that I'm too stupid to be aware of what goes on or be scared of these things, because what could I do about them any way, except trust in God and turn things over to His Judgment.
There are the touches though like a linked post subject on a random site bringing up "cherry tomatoes on a back patio" after TL placed that very plant there.

Of course that is psyops, and it is just clever enough to cause people to doubt who would hear of it, but it forms patterns and it is part of the psychological terror pattern which the people you serve and those you protect initiate daily.
For TL and myself it is just the stage theater of the day in the things the drones you protect pull daily.

I honestly in logic weighed that placing in this blog the reality that Birther had left the building and was replaced literally by a Jinn impersonating him, would have quelled a great deal of the daily happenings, but instead a higher order has been employed and the more passive spying has drifted away again, as this overt presence has once again started to perform on this stage.

None of these things happen to you, as the methods employed against you are more direct considering your power. You know all of this, yet not one of you has an ounce of Patrick Henry in you to be an American for one moment.

Perhaps it is the flaw of most people, but most people would not be able to handle this in being associated with what you command in how it murders innocent people who know too much and how it ruins people's lives who have done absolutely nothing.

During the Clinton years, Rush Limbaugh made the statement about the Clintons being amoral and soulless. It requires a sociopathic nature to view your kind as to be protected while other people are not as human and can be administered such things as the Ashkenaz financiers selling ghetto Jews to slave labor camps to the National Socialists. In observing all of this, Elton Blonde was simply speaking of himself, as much as each of you are the same soulless creatures the Clinton's were accused of.

Who as a human, could sleep at night, knowing a policy was enacted in 2008 to drive up gas prices, which would rob Americans of all they have, just to make them not able to be political competitors and wards of the state?
This is all as Mark Twain quipped in Joan of Arc, how the feudalists were puzzled over, "what would the peasant do with such things as music, leisure and knowledge, as they were like the sheep for the table, in there to grow wheat and vegetables and to tend the herds for the aristocracy.
The peasant was but one more animal to be managed.

You though have taken this a step further, as the royals of Europe, never pondered the idea of the fun in torturing the masses who dared to live their lives. Of course the tax man robbed them, but they were already peasants, you have gone beyond that in taking a productive people who were non revolutionary, and turned them into a slave class, and done so in not just pillage, but your operative went out and toyed with people's minds, destroyed their families and made them into animals.

What Adolf Hitler was accused of doing to a few million Jews, you have done to billions of people from Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Asia and added to 250 million at least in America.
Hitler at least put his people to work, but you have worked to put entire nations to death.

Nothing repulses you. Lara Logan is set up to be mass assaulted to shut her up, and you watch the footage of it and it troubles you not.
You have seen the footage of Chris Stevens brutalized, and it triggers no human response in you.

In the Mahabharata, the question is asked in the gambling game, "Can a man lose himself", if he wagers himself, for a person is still the person. The reality is, you are not people, you are the swine in George Orwell's Animal Farm. Oh you dress as humans, like your illusionary feudal lords, but the human part of you is no more.

A normal human in witnessing all you have would self destruct like a Teddy Kennedy, and there is the rub in this, in Teddy Kennedy is more human than any of you from politics, talk radio, industry, finance etal. He went insane in acting out, but none of you have one iota of anything which twinges of human or you would have reacted.

I would I could shame one blush of human concern from any of you, but that will never happen. This world is a savage mire of beasts and beastmasters, and the poodles of the kennel have more humanity than those they own.

I consider at this moment a story my Mom told me in how my Grandmother would buy dresses from the store for my cousins in California, but for us, Grandmother would buy dress patterns for which my Mom would have to sow my sister's clothes.
My sisters would look with fairytale awe at those pretty dresses meant for Californians and would have given all they had to have had a present like that just once.

My Grandmother gave me three things in life. One was  Christmas bulb she got off a Joy detergent bottle she did not want. When I was 9, she got me a sweater, and left the tag on, that it had been marked down three times, and, her California daughter came home, and threw away all her every day utensils and burned them.

I found them in the trash and was playing with them, having been left to be babysat by Gram, as I suppose it was the time my oldest sister was killed in a car accident.....to which she did get a new dress for the casket as Dad and Mom bought her that......and on that cold day, I was finally getting something to to enjoyable in playing in digging in the dirt with the finds I made, to which Gram made me go dig in the trash and bring all of that back to her, ruining another day.

When Grampa and Gram died, what did Mom get in the draw for things, but those blackened utensils. The irony in that is something of life.

So I do not get bothered by psychological operations of terrorism performed by the agents you protect. satan is far more adept at ripping the hopes out of little children than anything your pathetic wards could dream up. I do though have pity on the people who do such worthless things with their lives to make them existences, and they are like you in never once troubled by any of it, as none of you are human any more, and it is why you are, where you are, and why you are tools of this leviathan conducting all of this.

That does amaze me, as thank God I could never be any of you.

I keep thinking Adolf Hitler is deemed the worst that humanity ever produced, and yet he made with his own hands flower cards for a little girl he befriended who was Jewish and his favorite German little girl.  None of you have that flaw of humanity which Hitler had lurking somewhere in his soul.

I can honestly see why Jesus says many are called and few are chosen, and how it would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to go to Heaven.

From experience, I have my one commandment to add to God's, and it is simple:

For someone with resources to see a need to do good, and not do it, that is the worst of sin.

Lame Cherry.

We now return you all to your illusion of being human and humane, in a bestial world you manage in turning people into animals, not for your pleasure, but reserved for torture.

What do you want to do when you grow up?

Why I want to torture people and turn them into beasts.

That is not an occupation, but a psychotic malady.

I know, but it is what I want to do when I grow up.

Nuff said


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