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Obama has disappeared Again


Several years ago, a neighbor phoned asking of a rake my dad had was for sale. Wanting to be civil, I invested several minutes explaining the situation that it was not for sale.

At the end of the explanation, he then asked, "Well is it for sale?"

I have found in life, that the majority of people if I am nice to them, do not listen and actually think it is weakness.
I have found I can post volumes of material in a post, and for all that work, the speed reader, who knows everything, because they glean it here, turns around, spouts off about it at work as their idea, posts all over the net or quotes it on other media as their work, or simply gets it flat assed wrong.

What in the hell is so difficult to comprehend about a Jinn TAKING THE PLACE OF OBAMA? Obama is not possessed by a Jinn. Obama is replaced by a demonic entity which can take on a physical appearance.

You can watch all sorts of witch and magic movies like Harry Potter and get that through your heads about familiars and things, but you have no familiarity with a demon doing the same thing in taking someone's presence.

Try this Biblical reality in Acts 12:14, 15

And when she knew Peter's voice, she opened not the gate for gladness, but ran in, and told how Peter stood before the gate.

And they said unto her, Thou art mad. But she constantly affirmed that it was even so. Then said they, It is his angel.

Now slow down, and read that, in the Faithful thought with Peter in prison, that it was his angel or an angel who looked like him that the maid saw standing at the door, when it was Peter.

There is an absolute fact of a Spiritual being known to Christians to be able to take on the identity of the Apostle in their care if needed.

So with Birther laid out dead in a morgue under 1600 Penn, because they can not get that corpse out without being noticed, and where the hell do you stick something that big without someone blundering onto it. Not like one can just toss it in the ocean like Gram Maddy, as what happens if that Jinn gets dislodged....would be a bit difficult for Muchelle, Val and Joe trying to explain to Secret Service where Birther disappeared to, as he never left the building.

Obama was possessed, but demons do not possess cadavers. There was an evil incarnate at 1600 Penn Avenue conjured for Obama in a "spirit of the anti messiah", but that ghastly thing is gone, because the Jinn is for the moment prince of the patch.

As you have not had this pointed out, so for another exclusive of the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter, the Jinn who took the place of Birther, has disappeared again for a day. I have mentioned this Jinn is superior to humans and being demonic hates humans. It has will and I wondered how it would be controlled, as it is driven by having place in the demonic dimension as a prince. It appreciated adoration from the wormy humans, but it does not want to be making speeches or getting photos taken.
It put up with meeting the human leaders in a reception of adoration of place, but for what will be over a day, Barry Jinn has literally disappeared after stating he was in full support of gut eaters in Syria.



Putin dashes G8 hopes for Syria breakthrough...

Yes Vladamir Putin exposed that, that Obama in Syria has been backing terrorists who eat the guts of the people they murder.......apparently the possessed and Jinns appreciate the same gut eaters.

The person known as Barack Hussein Obama never disappeared from the camera. It is what he existed for, and now since June 13th, when this blog alone reported that the Birther went morgue occupation, three times the illusion of Obama has vanished.
It vanished for almost 7 hours on June 13th. It vanished then until appearing in Northern Ireland to be adored by the people, where it was shunned by Putin, and then the Jinn vanished for another day.

Those are the facts and those signs of different handshakes, the Obama women looking morbid and the Jinn disappearing are all mounting evidence in hard reality that something has changed here.

This Jinn is not happy in the skin it is in by what is taking place. Jarrett and the web can not control this thing and it is already doing what it wills as it desires place with princely demons and not with wormy people it detests.
Given the correct prayers, this Jinn will not require much to agitate it to exposing itself.

You must slow down though my children as you do not know what you are speaking of, and you do not know what to do in any of this as God sets His hand to this. You have made the mistake from the start of this in thinking this was a physical battle when it was always in the matrix.

....and once again, after a series of photos posted here exposing the Jinn compared to Obama, the Jinn disappeared and no new photos are posting on Google the following day.....just verbiage by Obama about getting into bed with more gut eaters in the Taliban.

I repeat, slow down as your normal human brain is shortcutting and the influences on that brain by the radar waves and chemical poisons has you missing the reality.

It will of course be not enough said, as this will need guidance and as has been previously shown, given a few days you will be jumping into the abyss again following talking points.

As final teaser, this Jinn does not like being Birther. It is frustrated. Apparently in some not so private setting with Muchelle, with the Secret Service away, this thing "crawled the walls" in frustration. British Intelligence witnessed it, and they reported it as they did not know what to bloody make of it.

nuff said

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