I was contemplating Prince Philip, the Greek inbred who Queen Liz would not allow anywhere near the throne to be King Phil, in Phil is now having exploratory surgery.
Phil is the fellow who wanted to die in greener days and come back as a virus and blot out most of humanity. Odd thing now that he is geezer status and no longer stud bull in the pen doing the lewd joke comment, that when he gets sick, he goes for the treatment instead of the bone pile.
Look Phil is........well Look here Phil, olde chap, you did your duty in riding Liz a few times. You plugged out Chuck who plugged out the Loaf Head and the Perv, and Kate has now done her duty in producing an heir, so you really are just wasted space, a space taker, a a space that could be occupied by someone worthy.......in the old days Chuck would have fed you some hemlock or at least Loaf Head would have accidentally shot you on a stag hunt in regicide, as you would have been looking to clear the deck for when Liz went crown horizontal, and then you could have took up with some nubile Page 3 Girl and produced as King Phil, your own new line.........that would have been worthy of exploratory surgery.
Now though, you did your sperm count, have not macho to off the other royals to be King, so why not just save the medical treatments for someone who has something to offer the world and see if you can reincarnate as some plague and murder billions of innocent people, who never had a Queen to ride and stables with rooms for the pony.
I find it telling that every wealthy person hangs onto life like gorilla velcro. They just will not give up the ghost. They will cut organs out of their own children if it would keep them alive, all the while trying to exterminate the masses like sheep for the slaughter.
Funny thing actually about cowardice in one always can talk ballsy when one is in the pink, but when one turns morgue grey, then out comes the doctors and million dollar treatments and a thousand can die for the one treatment which will prolong the rich persons place at the hog trough.
Animal Farm never had anything like that for the pigs. Just the pigs shoving the old plough horse off the quarry cliff or something like that........hope I did not spoil the story in that, but Orwell was just too bright as he wrote a story within a story, and I was not much interested as a child in reading it, so I missed allot of things in how stupid it all was.
Where was I?
Oh yeah the pigs in suits at the table never had vet care, but you know they did sell eggs from the chickens, and maybe it is time to just have Phil pay back a little to the Greeks for all of his sucking on the entire sow udder there for three hundred years.
How about this.........
Auction Phil's organs off.....the ones he does not really need.......like part of a liver, one lung, some bone marrow, a kidney and about a yard of skin for some penis enhancement surgery.
Would not that help the Greek national debt eh? Who would not want to be the guy who has a yard of Prince Phil's skin grafted onto your dick, and what woman would not want to be having that skin as her trophy........hell she could pull it out at parties and brag about she has royal skin on the dick her man puts the wood to her with.
I figure some Justin Bieber type would bid on that on Ebay to like 200 million dollars. Some rich person would just about sell their soul to have Phil's kidney making piss in their bladder bag.
Everytime you took a pee you would say, "My urine is royal so all you other dicks take a bow". Make great conversation starter in gay bars really in the pisser room.
Who would not want a princely lung to cough cooties out of? How about taking some long Obama drags off a weed and filling that lung with some of the magic smoke? Yes breathing common air and exhaling a royal puff would be really something some rich person would be proud of.
I see great things in this, if Prince Phil would just go tits up at least for the body part harvest. If he was really interested in things plague, he could donate his heart and live on life support........and be like injected with something Obama's Dr. Germ cooked up and not wait until reincarnation as a pandemic, and enjoy the show of billions of people dead.....before of course he just clicked off the electric and shut the mechanical heart down for good.
Is not that the way it should be? Just give Phil what he was bragging about. Europe already had it's Black Plague, so maybe Phil should visit Africa and cull them folks out first......he could be the rat spreading the bubonic about the place with his critters. He won't have fleas, but how about a nice case of new bubonic lice......Dr. Germ created a new Obama West Nile Virus in daylight mosquitos, so why not do something really special for Prince Phil in his own brand of bubonic lice.
Maybe Phil would be more agreeable to not taking up health care for those who need it, if he had company in the billions of dead he would have exterminated. Might not be so lonely with a pile of corpses around and ..............the point is, this is a person who so much wanted to die a few years ago and become a plague, but now he is all sissy in making doctors figure out what is wrong with him so he can stay around.
Makes no sense really and it all just looks fag really as I doubt Queen Liz is going to be hanging on for dear life.......I expect she will buck up and probably when she gets the news, have the royal hound keeper take her out and put her down with a round to her after a nice walk about the pond.
Be all civil and serene, and probably could bury her there by the other favorite royal hounds who no longer get to hunt fox, tally ho.
That is the way a royal would do it and that is what makes Phil just........well not like the stuttering father in law, as he went tits up nice and quick as Liz was on safari in Africa. Liz was a great favorite among the professionals....all boobs and homely pretty.....well behaved and pop dead in the bed, and her becoming Queen for two centuries.
I don't know if Liz can put down her husband like Putin divorced his ball and chain, but one would think perhaps she could. Just put the leash on Phil, have the dog handler take him out for a stroll and maybe Charles could put a round into him and save all this health care cost, as it would be giving Phil the very thing he was boasting about not that long ago.
The British used to do manly things like that. Bloody Mary got her name not from being a drunk. Hell that one gimp was off offing little boys he put in the tower to be King as Richard III. You kind of expect that from someone named Dick, but you know the royals used to really enjoy that predator stuff after a bout in the tower.
Yes when the rich have served their purpose they like the sheep they feed off of in the masses, should be put down. In this modern age, a good auction for body parts would be a way to assist the bankrupt looting of nations they had a part of in paying things back.
I do not have much hope for Phil though in reincarnation as it does not exist.....and he just does not have a great deal of having accomplished anything. Yes he rides a good horse, and yes he produced a few healthy sperm, but other than that, his resume is a bit thing. In that kind of job description, I figure Phil might come back as some mold that just eats dog poop or something or he gets weaponized in the lab, and to every person's shock, as they are dying, the cure would be drinking water like in the Obama Plague and Phil would just disappear into oblivion as his time came and went with a bottle of water.
Some cultures like the Eskimo just put the geezers on an ice berg and the polar bears ate them........taught polar bears to eat the Inuit then too, but not saying a great deal about that intelligent design, but it seems more proper than Obama turning up the bug juice on Gram Maddy to shut her up.
I still think that the BBC should just put on an hour long programme with one of those very English news readers they have with commentary by Eric Idle maybe as the dog handler takes Phil out for a nice romp, not telling Phil, and at the end of the hour, out steps Prince Charles with Camilla, and they pop the old man putting him out of his misery.
Cam could put a nice rose on Phil. The Queen could wave good bye and the tennants could dump him in a hole they have dug, and in a nice sunset close of credits running they could shovel dirt on what was Phi with a little lime to help things along.
Like Jocelyn Elders said, "They are going to die anyway", and in Obamacare it is all rationed death, so run credits that this Terri Schiavo moment for Prince Phil is brought to you by Obamacare.
Yes let us all then say, "Prince Phil is tits up. Long may Prince Charles tits be Horizontal".
I think Rule Britania would be a nice anthem to sing at that point as singing makes everyone feel chipper, right oh.