This blog is upset in the racism concerning Barack Hussein Obama. It is absolutely reprehensible that this Asian by blood is a Designer Negro as America has more black votes and white guilt votes to steal elections, than Asian votes.
It is pure anti Mongolism in this denying the Asian status of Barack Hussein Obama as the progenitor of the twenty first century for the twentieth century Asians of the order.
Barry Chin, hidden as Barack Obama can not be denied his place in Asian history, for the things that Tojo of Japan and Mao of China tried to do in bringing down America, B. Hussein has accomplished as a true Asian leader.
This Peking boy, Obama, being of a Chinese Japanese comfort woman status from the Philippines was born in Lederer's Bar in Hawaii as the anchor wife for Barack Hussein Obama Sr. in his coming to America, in being groomed for dictator of Kenya, to which Barack jr. was supposed to be groomed for in dynasty.
Problems arose as Mr. Obama sr. had more interest in sexing white girls and impregnating one black girl, perhaps the only child he was able to father as none of his children, like B. Hussein jr's children look like either of them.
So the little bastard, Barry, was shipped back to his nativity in Indonesia where he was groomed to become the replacement for Soharto
Jr. though had problems in being an effeminate, retarded, runs like a duck boy who enjoyed having rocks thrown at him, that would not do his homework.
Intelligence getting a look at this kid shipped him back to Hawaii as they knew no intelligent people would ever be led by this idiot.
Yet though, through intelligence operations, and brain conditions, Mr. Obama Chin was risen to 1600 Penn Avenue, and has as man who is, 25% Chinese, 25% Japanese, 20% Ashkenaz, 10% Arab, 10% Italian and 10% Negroid, deserves noteworthy acclaim that this 80% Asian is a true member of that clan which includes such notables as Pol Pot who employed Bill Gates "god's work" in population reductions without vaccines.
Yes Mr. Obama Chin deserves mention with Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines who was a stallwart American ally, but was the first person reduced in the new Obama Asian Order when Obama was still having sex with Pakistani boys and cooking with the women.
Ho Chi Minh, another Asian crusader joins the Obama Asian club of successful despots.
Kim Ill sung could only fight Harry Truman to stand off in Korea, but Barack Hussein Chin won the war.
This is pure anti Asian in all these blacks and whites attempting to transform son of liberation Obama as "their own" toy, in pure bigotry and hatred in keeping the yellow man down.
Yes the same crimes of nigger knocking by liberal whites and not being black enough by blacks has been unleashed against Barack Hussein Obama Chin in making him deny he is product of Asia.
First it was the Chinese coolies prostitutionalized and murdered. Then it was the Japanese internment camps. Then it was Barry Chin being denied his being an Asian, all to take from these Asian leaders their place as powerful despots.
One always hears of Hitler, but never the Hitlers of Asia. Barack Obama deserves his place as Hitler of Asia and should not be denied this because of his yellow skin.
You can just see by Obama's photo that he is Asian. He is yellow. His lips are those of an Asian and his entire inability to dance salsa points to his Asian maleness in he can use chopsticks with skill, but he has trouble moving is feet to songs.
Being a homosexual does not even help Barry Chin nor his 10% blackness.
So therefore this blog once again stands against racism and bigotry, while those on the left condone it in making Mr. Obama out to be black, so they can herald their hatred of the Asian man in denying Chin in who he is.
When America has a black President from Kenya, then celebrate that, but do not give the Negroid an Asian as their poster boy and expect the black man to be that stupid in falling for it. No it is bad enough that fine looking Michelle Robinson Obama was wedded off to her Asian dream, depriving another fine built black breeder to the Afroid hosts, let blacks not be saddled with the stigma of having to call and Asian a black man just because Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Colin Powell, Eric Holder, all fell short of the Oval Office.
All of this must stop. Blacks can make if they try. Asian despots in Obama should not be denied their place in despotry just because they are not an olive skinned Hitler Ashkenaz Asian.
Yes even Hitler was denied his Asian status as despot of all time in racism.
The yellow man can not be kept down. There are just too many successful yellow men throughout history to not eventually take their places. Then they will have their due and Mr. Obama Chin will take courage and say not in whispers to the Filipino President at the Oval Office, that Filipino Americans are the most important people in the world, as Mr. Obama is of that bloodlines, but Mr. Obama Chin will pick up his chopsticks, eat his Kobe beef, sip his rice wine and say proudly, "Free at last, Free at last, I'm an Asian despot and freedom has past".
Let us all look to that day when America can say, "Yes we thought we helped a black man steal the elections, but it was actually a superior Asian who outsmarted us, and now we proudly proclaim communist foreign agent Obama as our first Mongoloid despot at 1600 Penn Avenue".
Oh for that day when Mao will smile in his glass case, that a Peking son has finally been given his place with the Asian despot.
Do not keep the yellow man down.