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The Hillary Emails to Birther Obama


Something must be explained here as in the Benghazi ANALGATE disaster, things are being muddled and mismatched, that Birther Obama actually received an email from Hillary Clinton that day at 10 o'clock, and through coordination they then decided to blame the Christian videographer.

As a Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive this is the reality.............

The Hillary email was a CYA memo. As has been explained here, the CIA was having it's operations run out of State in the weapons to terrorist arming. This type of cute has been going on in the regime under Holder at Justice, having an "office" at NSA where his cell has been running a Murder Incorporated both domestic and foreign.

Congress in these frauds of Boehner have been using this cover to give carte blanche to Obama. They haul up people for questioning on their departments in oversight, but of course all is deniable, as Holder is not asked about NSA, and if someone ever did ask any of these fruits about Hillary running a CIA weapons operation, she would tell the truth and say, State does not run CIA operations, and no CIA operations are run out of State. All "defining is" and all is kept cloaked, as CIA oversees what Obama desires, and Chris Stevens out of State as Holder type mole, is running an intelligence operation arming terrorists, but none of it has any oversight, and the GOP or nor Democrats, even if they have wind of any of this, ask any questions as Blackmail Inc. runs DC now.

Obama never saw the Hillary email. Think about it, in the USA has the worst terror event ever taking place, and everyone knows about it at DOD and CIA, and her response is............."Oh I will email Barack and find out what to do".

Yes an Iranian nuclear missile off a tanker is coming into New York, and we will just send Birther an email and when he checks it in the morning, then we will know how to respond to a missile that lands 12 hours earlier.

That is the hole in this, in Hillary was CYA on this. She had on her plate all these damned Muslim Brohood terrorists she was supposed to be managing for Islamocommunism. Into that Stevens was running an intelligence operation for Syria in arming terrorists, and was in a circumstance of trying to CYA his own arse on regime orders from Hillary.

OK for an exclusive in this, just as Jerome Corsi's reporting led to the murder of the SEALS in a cover up over bin Laden's corpse being shot by them, as they shot a stand in, in Pakistan, it was reporting of this blog exposing those thousands of missing missiles in Libya that Obama handed over to terrorists, and were being used to target Sarah Palin and GOP Conservatives to pave the way for strawman Romney to fall in another Obama election theft, is what set into motion the cover up that got those 4 Americans murdered by Obama terrorists in Benghazi.

When this blog exposed those missiles were going to be used to shoot American political candidates out of the sky for 2012, that is when this operation by OCREEP, the Obama Committee to Re Elect the Prez was engaged, directly out of the White House.

It blossomed into the kidnapping of Stevens for a hostage rescue that would undo the ghosts of Jimmy Carter, and that is why that Ben Afleck propaganda was riding high as this was all part of a Mockingbird funded operation to make Obama so popular he would not have to steal another election.

CIA was running terrorists in Benghazi. The major players there were aware and standing down, as this was a theater operation for a kidnapping, and this political officers of intelligence and military were going to be made to look wonderful as Obama. If you can handle it, Benghazi was 9 11 in compartmentalizing things that went wrong when a larger player purchased the contracts and turned it all on it's head.

The Boston bombing was not as large, but it was a like political staged event that mushroomed out of control, and interestingly, the two FBI leads were "killed" in a training mishap, exactly like the SEALS were killed after bin Laden and exactly like the immediate corp in Benghazi ended up dead immediately, some by terrorists and some by the mop up crew sent in to silence those involved.

Obama never saw the Clinton memo. Val_erie Jarrett and Muchelle Obama did, as they were in bed together that night, and they are the ones who responded in OCREEP protocols and told Hillary to stay the course.

Hillary Clinton thought it was a video that caused this, as she was a fed the talking points. She did know that she was lying afterwards in blaming Christians, but then it was a matter of CYA, and for her political future and present cover, she then stepped up like Janet Reno and said it was her responsibility.

Thre was nothing magnanimous in this from Clinton as she was told she would do this, or she would be left to hang out and dry. Like in 2008 when the cartel ordered her to bend over and take it from Obama stealing that election, she obeyed.

If you want to deal with a crisis, you do not send an email to 1600 Penn Avenue. You get on a secure phone and call the chain of command, which drives this to the top in person to person to respond.

Hillary wanted a delay for CYA as she was already talking in not traceable conversations what was taking place in Benghazi. The inner loop knew Obama was AWOL, doped and incoherent, and the inner circle knew he was dancing with little boys and passed out. The minder mums are who responded, and they responded with political orders for Hillary Clinton as this was OCREEP in operation.

They could not rescue Stevens as the operation was kidnapping for the 2012 election theft by Birther Hussein. It was all stand down orders, and none of the tops did not suspect what was taking place in this staged event as that a nice hostage rescue would make them all look like heroes.

Emails are what one sends when one desires a lapse of time. They prove that the kidnapping was a go from the Obama White House and that Mrs. Clinton's focus was trying to cover up that original missile operation, which this blog noted from the start of the Khadaffi murder, was overseen directly by the Obama White House. Those were Americans and their direct assets carrying out that grizzly drama, which was intended directly to speak to dictator Assad of Syria, so he would just give up and run.

Assad though did not cut and run, and now more Obama machinations are blowing up there, as the Jewish state has become the conduit..............yeah you want the exclusive there too so you can look bright my children, well the deal is Prime Minister Netanyahu is the President of the US 51st state, and if he takes over the Syrian operation, then in the quid pro quo, the Israeli state, GETS THE GOLAN in either the Assad saving grace or the Obama terrorists who take over.

Analgate has now progressed to the Jews being promised the Golan if they finish what Obama blew up. This is being signed off on in dealing with all those squatter Palestinians in Jordan, Israel and Lebanon, who are going to be shown their right of return involves Syria, where they can be maintained.

Jordan is still the intelligence hub in this, operating for the Saudi's for the cartel, and that is why all is peace and tranquil there in no democracy camel dung operating there. They signed on to save themselves.

If you are still on first base, not having put together the exclusives here that OCREEP backed that Christian video for the 2012 elections and why it was all dovetailed into Benghazi in smearing Romney voters, then the realities of emails and these other third base positions for what is coming has you not in the game.

The regimes are still destined to change. That North Korean fiasco which took place in the Boston bombings that is being covered up, still has Kim dead, but now my children the very people who conducted the bombings sponsored by the Holder cell, are the ones blackmailing the regime and will be in charge when Kim's poison activates.

Every place Obama has blown something up in political intrique, has been a disaster and now every one of those people he is dealing with is blackmailing America.

Yeah this is the finishing touches in craftsmanship, while the rest are still telling you made in China is quality goods, but I don't do Peking, what not eh.


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