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The Product of Anal Sex


My children, ask yourself why in this Obama Super Depression, that there is such a concerted effort to convince the masses that all is .....Obama being the Pele of Anal, in all coming up roses A Hole Feces Penis Scented.

In Saul Alinsky's writings before he was offed by the offers, he knew the protocols of social change were constant social unrest, in getting the mob roiled up to change, but not so much a cauldron that it went 1800 France in being a cancer eating the ivory tower elite controlling the revolution for their own plunder....like Mother Russia under Lenin eating her own.

That is what is behind all these terror watch lists making American criminals. The protocols have the forensic pathology and they all point to these groups should arise, but they have not. What is taking place under Obama in the puppy press now is this absolute charade of comedy in a horrid unemployment is just wonderful news, along with super inflation, high energy prices, people losing homes....because all the news is about markets going up, prices of homes going up, a few more people employed and things are not as bad as they could be.
It is all about telling the masses who are hurting inside and simmering, that things are not felt by hundreds of millions of others....so they are the lone wolf and there is no pack to march on Washington DC and overthrow the despots.

This is an amazing thing to observe in Americans are now so conditioned to not trust their own selves, that they literally when in misery, will hide that misery when told no one else is being upheld as an example of being miserable.
Even the fraud of the Wall Street Occupiers had absolutely no appeal to the discontented in America, as they wanted no part in any of that fraud.

The reality is as TL's dad mentioned to me several months back, and that is there should be a million man or 3 million Citizen armed Citizen march on Washington. Yes where is the NRA on this, but what do you think would take place if that armed Citizenry showed up in DC?

Historically in the years after World War I, the Veterans did show up and occupy DC, to which the military was called out on them and they were roughed up and thrown out of DC.

That is what was behind the GI Bill of World War II. The elite knew they had millions of trained Soldiers coming home, and something had better be done to not have them repeat World War I occupancy of DC, so Soldiers were bought off with National Socialist Industrial Military complex jobs, which meant Beaver Cleaver homes and cars for the masses.

Currently Obama and Geithner are bribing the poor in America with welfare and the rich in America with welfare. The poor get food stamps and phones, and the rich get Wall Street money dumps and Mexican slave labor. That is what this blog has exclusively reported and it is the reality.

America is broke and is in the process of being gleaned one Citizen at a time. It is methodical and the millionaire mic heads from Limbaugh and Levin are telling you things to not revolt. The same on the left are protecting their assets and they would lose all if the mob rose up and started taking back what was stolen in natural market forces.

Natural Market Forces?

Natural Market Forces are when millions of gun owners would march on DC, and on Wall Street, joined by a passive military and state police force who do not want to be engaged in this put down in slaughtering Americans, as in passively doing so they would work a better deal from the mob in gaining more power and authority

That mob taking political power and taking back their finances, would then by nuclear design threaten the central European banking system to hand over the trillions looted from America to balance the books, and suddenly one has a market force which has naturally rectified itself.
It is an amazing thing when the elite faced with the mob what they will do in returning what all has been plundered.

This is what is behind the crumbs that have been handed out to further economically rape the masses, and it is what is behind all these fraud economic stories to convince Americans that the sky has not fallen into the Obama Abyss.
The elite are concerned at this juncture that some unforeseen event will erupt all of this in a revolution, and the state police and military are going to contemplate just like with Boris Yeltsin to throw out Mike Gorbachev, and bide their time, until Vladamir Putin would arise to take the prize of Russia.
It is the second revolution that gains the power, and is the one always backed by the forces that be.

The power elite are concerned that if the complete uninamous chorus is not chimed in on in these fraud stories of economic wonder by the FOX media and Levin in warning  to keep things peaceful that the lid of this pressure cooker would explode off.

I remember Guns and Roses playing a concert in one of the Latin American countries, and how they simply said, things were so tightly wound there that if they had just said, "REVOLUTION" that an entire nation would have exploded in sweeping away the regime.

That chaos is what the 1960's counter culture revolution was about. It was sex, drugs and rock n roll, meant to bring about a leftist revolution in America from the right wing Constitutional America, while making and infanticide war on American women which has now slaughtered over 50 million children.

All of this Second America Revolution is so very close, and yet the Citizen has no idea how close it is, but their gulag masters are fully aware and that is what terrifies all of them.

That is what is so fascinating about all of this, in the rats in the maze, if they would just figure out that a march with guns on DC and Wall Street, with assurances from the military and security structure that it would not get out of hand, and they would be afforded leadership or control behind the scenes, along with simply threatening the European banking elite, that Americans would have their lives back and their nation back, as quickly as Egypt, Libya or whatever has been overthrown.

As simple as that, and yet it is so far now out the grasp of thought, that Americans can not even come to that thought, as their thoughts are non stop Limbaugh and Obama generated.

Look at it though in Obama tried his Wall Street and Nig revolution, and the occupier lefists and Nigs refused to revolt. There was not the backing.

On the right, it is evident the fury is there at the grass roots, and by the way Sarah Palin and the Tea Party were evicerated, the cartel does not want this uncorking there, but yet this silent majority just sits there cowed to simply rise up before it is too late and they are mini droned to death.

Freedom and Liberty so close to the masses, and the door is open, and yet the mob is like some female kidnapped by a serial murderer and left in a car at a gas station, and she was too afraid to even run.

All credit has to be given to Tavistock and Stanford in taking the revolutionary mind of Americans, and making them into these tortured souls who just take more abuse in silence. America has become a battered wife syndrome.

You do realize my children that the LAST TIME a mob went to Washington was in the late 1970's and those were American Farmers. They disarmed the state police who threatened them, and that is the last effort any Americans have ever made to change America.
They failed and went home to have their lands stolen, but that was coming almost 50 years ago.
It is not that Tea  Party or Million Man March garbage which does nothing, but that was the last time America breathed before she expired.

Americans do not want to destroy America as she is being destroyed, but only desire to have their nation back and to remove the Marxist cancer overthrowing her, but they have no voice to speak to that reality, and therefore have no direction in how to go about a revolution in just taking back what is their property and rights legally by the armed march just balancing accounts.

Mockingbird has thousands of high paid talking heads now to keep the mob from thinking revolution, as it is in the interest of the "press" to protect their million dollar jobs.
The revolution which has overthrown America is complete. It was one of using the political and criminal system against America, while conditioning their thought to slavery was an acceptable thing.

America revolted from the British over ONE TAX on tea. Obamacare produced the most massive tax and enslavement gulag in history of rationed death, and Americans accepted it time and again, from John Roberts being blackmailed to justify it and from Nancy Pelosi in despotry passing it.

That is the reality of what kind of people inhabit America now, in they are a dulled mind incapable of reason.

Just look at the minds though that control you.

This is this typical faggot looking lot that one finds inhabiting now generationally in highway patrols, to your local government to ever facet controlling your lives. You can just look at these freaktards and see that something is just brain functionally wrong with them, as they are the conduits who implement all of this gulag slavery, and do it without question.
This is the race of humans bred for this job to make the world a feudal regime and every last one of them looks like the product of incest and anal sex.

Normal Americans would not let these weirdos anywhere near their families or homes, and yet they allow them to be elected and allow them to tell them they are criminals for thinking like Americans.

The politician is despot. The financier robber. The police no longer protect and serve, but terrorize as the military stands guard over all as the journalist is propagandist in this anti Christ feudal world where the Citizen is judged criminal for thinking.

Lame Cherry


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